Principles of Virology. Jane Flint

Principles of Virology - Jane Flint

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the cytoplasm by pH-independent mechanisms. The icosahedral nucleocapsid of this virus is built from a single viral protein, the C protein, which encloses the (+) strand viral RNA. This structure is surrounded by an envelope containing viral glycoproteins E1 and E2, which are arranged as heterodimers clustered into groups of three, each cluster forming a spike on the virus particle surface.

       Disrupting the Endosomal Membrane

       Forming a Pore in the Endosomal Membrane

      The properties of a virus with substitutions in VP4 indicate that this protein is required for an early stage of cell entry. Virus particles with such amino acid alterations can bind to target cells and convert to A particles but are blocked at a subsequent, unidentified step. During poliovirus assembly, VP4 and VP2 are part of the precursor VP0, which remains uncleaved until the viral RNA has been encapsidated. The cleavage of VP0 during poliovirus assembly therefore primes the capsid for uncoating by separating VP4 from VP2.

      In cells in culture, release of the poliovirus genome occurs from within early endosomes located close (within 100 to 200 nm) to the plasma membrane (Fig. 5.22). Uncoating is dependent on actin and tyrosine kinases, possibly for movement of the capsid via the network of actin filaments. Movement is not dependent on dynamin, clathrin, caveolin, or flotillin (a marker protein for clathrin- and caveolin-independent endocytosis); endosome acidification; or microtubules. The trigger for RNA release from early endosomes is not known but is clearly dependent on prior interaction with CD155. This conclusion derives from the finding that antibody-poliovirus complexes can bind to cells that produce Fc receptors but cannot infect them. As the Fc receptor is known to be endocytosed, these results suggest that interaction of poliovirus with CD155 is required to induce the conformational changes in the particle that are necessary for uncoating.

      A critical regulator of the receptor-induced structural transitions of poliovirus particles appears to be a hydrophobic tunnel located below the surface of each structural unit (Fig. 5.22). The tunnel opens at the base of the canyon and extends toward the 5-fold axis of symmetry. In poliovirus type 1, each tunnel is occupied by a molecule of sphingosine. Similar lipids have been observed in the capsids of other picornaviruses. Because of the symmetry of the capsid, each virus particle may contain up to 60 lipid molecules. These lipids are thought to contribute to the stability of the native virus particle by locking the capsid in a stable conformation. Consequently, removal of the lipid is probably necessary to endow

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