Internal Combustion Engines. Allan T. Kirkpatrick
map of bmep and bsfc versus mean piston speed for an automotive spark-ignition engine."/>
Figure 1.10 Performance map of bmep and bsfc versus mean piston speed for an automotive spark‐ignition engine.
The specific fuel consumption and engine efficiency are inversely related, so that the lower the specific fuel consumption, the greater the engine efficiency. Engineers use bsfc rather than thermal efficiency primarily because a more or less universally accepted definition of thermal efficiency does not exist. We will explore the reasons why in Chapter 04. Note for now only that there is an issue with assigning a value to the energy content of the fuel. Let us call that energy the heat of combustion
Inspection of Equation (1.24) shows that bsfc is a valid measure of efficiency provided
Air–Fuel and Equivalence Ratios
Since internal combustion engines require both a fuel and an oxidizer for the combustion process, another engine parameter is the air–fuel ratio, AF, expressed on a mass or a mass flow‐rate basis.
The reciprocal of the air–fuel ratio is the fuel–air ratio, FA:
A dimensionless measure of the fuel–air ratio is the equivalence ratio,
The equivalence ratio is used to characterize the fuel–air mixture composition. If
Example 1.2 Engine Performance Parameters
A six‐cylinder, four‐stroke automobile engine is being designed to produce 75 kW at 2000 rpm with a bsfc of 260 g/kWh and a bmep of 9.2 bar (920 kPa). The engine is to have equal bore and stroke, and will be fueled with a stoichiometric mixture of gasoline and air with an air–fuel ratio (AF) of 15.27. Gasoline has a heat of combustion
1 The displacement volume isMost automobile engines have a 90–100 mm bore and stroke.
2 The mean piston speed is
3 The cycle average fuel consumption rate per cylinder isso the mass of fuel injected per cylinder per cycle isand the cycle average airflowrate is
4 The brake work per cycle per cylinder is
5 The brake thermal efficiency is
Engine Kinematics
Assuming a flat piston top, the instantaneous cylinder volume,
By reference to Figure 1.6
If the instantaneous volume
We define a nondimensional parameter,
The range of
Therefore, the nondimensional piston displacement
and the nondimensional cylinder volume