Electromagnetic Simulation Using the FDTD Method with Python. Dennis M. Sullivan

Electromagnetic Simulation Using the FDTD Method with Python - Dennis M. Sullivan

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Prof. Sullivan teaches some Z transform theory so when he reaches the sections on complicated dispersive materials, the students are ready to apply Z transforms. This has two distinct advantages: (a) Electrical engineering students have another application of Z transforms to strengthen their understanding of signal processing; and (b) physics students and others now know and can use Z transforms, something that had not usually been part of their formal education. Based on his positive experience, Prof. Sullivan would encourage anyone using this book when teaching an FDTD course to consider this approach. However, he has left the option open to simulate dispersive methods with other techniques. The sections on Z transforms are optional and may be skipped. Appendix A on Z transforms is provided.

      The programs in the book are written in Python. Python is a free, open‐source programming language which has broad adoption in both general‐purpose industries and scientific applications. This large community means that we can leverage a large number of well‐documented tools and libraries. The Python libraries are constantly being expanded. Additionally, the plotting and graphical interface libraries allow the entire program to be more interactive and user‐friendly, while being written in a high‐level language. Libraries are also available to speed up simulations to give good performance. Python, and FDTD simulations, can be run on any modern computer.

      All programs in this book were run with Python 3.5.1 and the following library versions:





      This chapter provides a step‐by‐step introduction to the finite‐difference time‐domain (FDTD) method, beginning with the simplest possible problem, the simulation of a pulse propagating in free space in one dimension. This example is used to illustrate the FDTD formulation. Subsequent sections lead to formulations for more complicated media.

      The time‐dependent Maxwell’s curl equations for free space are



      These are the equations of a plane wave traveling in the z direction with the electric field oriented in the x direction and the magnetic field oriented in the y direction.

      Taking the central difference approximations for both the temporal and spatial derivatives gives