Environmental Political Theory. Steve Vanderheiden

Environmental Political Theory - Steve  Vanderheiden

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scarcity led him to accept a public wager with the Promethean economist Julian Simon, pitting Ehrlich’s Malthusianism against Simon’s contrarian view that such resources would remain abundant into the indefinite future.8 When those resource prices declined, owing to quirks of the particular ten-year period over which the bet was made rather than longer-term trends, Ehrlich’s credibility was again called into question, sowing further doubt about limits. The seeds of public doubt about human causes of the environmental crisis were planted well before those industries most responsible for intensifying global resource scarcity and ecological degradation had grown savvy to the threat to corporate profits from an emerging environmental concern among the public (which would later lead them to finance what Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway call “merchants of doubt” to shape public opinion through industry-sponsored science denial campaigns9), but have in the decades since been magnified by campaigns of misinformation.

      Delegates from the global South approached the issue of limits with skepticism – not about their scientific validity, but from a concern about limits on development being imposed on poor countries that might impede development opportunities that had been afforded to affluent countries. Since the developed North had benefitted from over a century of unconstrained exploitation of territorial resources, as well as those within the oceanic and atmospheric commons, representatives from the poor South objected to sustainability constraints that would curtail growth, and called for equitable burden-sharing in protecting the global environment (in what would later emerge as the “common but differentiated responsibilities” principle). Later, this tension would give rise to claims to a right to development: the idea that ecological limits should not prevent the least developed countries (or LDCs) from developing, and, in so doing, addressing their poverty, hunger, and economic insecurity. The idea of sustainable development would later come to name this attempt to balance sustainability and development imperatives in a manner consistent with their early expression in the Stockholm Declaration. As defined by the Brundtland Report, “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” requires sustainability in order to protect those future interests.

      Other critics have observed a similar dynamic. Thomas Pogge identifies the “resource privilege”11 (the right to control, and thereby profit from, territorial resource extraction, leading to stunted development for some resource-rich LDCs in what has come to be known as the “resource curse”12) as serving the interests of multinational corporations and the governments of the LDCs, with the former getting cheap access to valuable mineral resources and the latter getting revenue from their sale (funds which, as research on the resource curse suggests, are often used to arm states against the people, feed corruption, and thereby hinder development). In the interest of development, designed to benefit the peoples of poor countries, the privilege was in some cases hindering that development, while, in most, hindering its sustainable potential by polluting and rapidly depleting local LDC environments. The cruel irony was that at least a putative concern for global equity in development, along with ecological limits, would result in additional pressures to export pollution and resource depletion from the North to the South, doing little to promote a sustainable transition while worsening environmental inequality.

      By the 1980s, changes within the US Republican Party led to an abandonment of Nixon’s environmental leadership and its replacement with the deregulatory and obstructionist politics of the Reagan administration, with the widening of partisan polarization on environmental issues in Congress beginning with its shift to the right in the early 1990s. As Dunlap, McCright, and Yarosh show, this widening partisan gap is reflected in widely disparate attitudes and beliefs about climate change, with those identifying as Republicans, in the electorate as well as government, increasingly embracing a particular version of one of the three possible responses to ecological limits to be considered next: supporting business as usual (i.e. enacting no new environmental protections as well as rolling back existing ones) on the basis of climate science denial, which shows similar patterns of partisan polarization.13

      The environmental movement, by contrast, increasingly (if haltingly and inconsistently) moved away from what I shall, below, call the “eco-fortress” response (characterized by a desire to maintain exclusive control over scarce resources at the expense of the disadvantaged) that was characteristic of the early conservation movement, and toward what I call the “just transition” response, which aims to protect ecological goods and services for all.

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