Geochemistry. William M. White

Geochemistry - William M. White

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      The implication of this equation is that if equilibrium is approached at prescribed S and V, the energy of the system is minimized. For the specific situation of a reversible reaction

      where dS = dQ/T, this becomes

      This expresses energy in terms of its natural or characteristic variables, S and V. The characteristic variables of a function are those that give the simplest form of the exact differential. Since neither T nor P may have negative values, we can see from this equation that energy will always increase with increasing entropy (at constant volume) and that energy will decrease with increasing volume (at constant entropy). This equation also relates all the primary state variables of thermodynamics, U, S, T, P, and V. For this reason, it is sometimes called the fundamental equation of thermodynamics. We will introduce several other state variables derived from these five, but these will be simply a convenience.

      By definition, an adiabatic system is one where dQ = 0. Since dQrev/T = dSrev (eqn. 2.52), it follows that for a reversible process, an adiabatic change is one carried out at constant entropy, or in other words, an isoentropic change. For adiabatic expansion or compression, therefore, dU = –PdV.

      Air conditioners work by allowing coolant contained in a closed system of pipes to evaporate in the presence of the air to be cooled, then recondensing the coolant (by compressing it) on the warm or exhaust side of the system. Let us define our “system” as only the coolant in the pipes. The system is closed since it can exchange heat and do work but not exchange mass. Suppose our system is contained in an air conditioner maintaining a room at 20°C or 293 K and exhausting to outside air at 303 K. Let's assume the heat of evaporation of the coolant (the energy required to transform it from liquid to gas) is 1000 joules. During evaporation, the heat absorbed by the coolant, dQ, will be 1000 J. During condensation, –1000 J will be given up by the system. For each cycle, the minimum entropy change during these transformations is easy to calculate from eqn. 2.51:

equation equation

      The minimum net entropy change in this cycle is the sum of the two, or 3.413 – 3.300 = 0.113 J/K. This is a “real” process and irreversible, so the entropy change will be greater than this.

      If we performed the evaporation and condensation isothermally at the equilibrium condensation temperature (i.e., reversibly), then this result gives the exact entropy change in each case. In this imaginary reversible reaction, where equilibrium is always maintained, there would be no net entropy change over the cycle. But of course no cooling would be achieved either, so it would be pointless from a practical viewpoint. It is nevertheless useful to assume this sort of reversible reaction for the purposes of thermodynamic calculations, because exact solutions are obtained.


      As is the case for most thermodynamic functions, it is enthalpy changes rather than absolute enthalpy that are most often of interest. For a system going from state 1 to state 2, the enthalpy change is:


      The first law states:




      If pressure is constant, then:

      (we use the subscript P in ΔQP to remind us that pressure is constant). If the change takes place at constant pressure and P–V work is the only work done by the system, then the last two terms cancel and enthalpy is simply equal to the heat gained or lost by the system:


      or in differential form:


      H is a state function because it is defined in terms of state functions U, P, and V. Because enthalpy is a state function, dQ must also be a state function under the conditions of constant pressure and the only work done being PV work.

      More generally, the enthalpy change of a system may be expressed as:


      or at constant pressure as:

      In terms of its characteristic variables, it may also be expressed as:


      From this it can be shown that H will be at a minimum at equilibrium when S and P are prescribed:

      The primary value of enthalpy is measuring the energy consumed or released in changes of state of a system. For example, how much energy is given off by the reaction:

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