Optical Engineering Science. Stephen Rolt

Optical Engineering Science - Stephen Rolt

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located at the infinite conjugate imaged by a lens: situation for perfect imaging and impact of aberration."/>

      Third order aberration theory forms the basis of the classical treatment of monochromatic aberrations. Unless specific steps are taken to correct third order aberrations in optical systems, then third order behaviour dominates. That is to say, error terms in the ray height or angle (compared to the paraxial) have a cubic dependence upon the angle or height. As a simple illustration of this, Figure 3.1b shows rays originating from a single object (at the infinite conjugate). For perfect image formation, the height of all rays at the paraxial focus should be zero, as in Figure 3.1a. However, the consequence of third order aberration is that the ray height at the paraxial focus is proportional to the third power of the original ray height (at the lens).

      In dealing with third order aberrations, the location of the entrance pupil is important. Let us assume, in the example set out in Figure 3.1b, that the pupil is at the lens. If the radius of the entrance pupil is r0 and the height a specific ray at this point is h, then we may define a new parameter, the normalised pupil co-ordinate, p, in the following way:


Geometrical illustration of transverse aberration and longitudinal aberration.

      In fact, if the radius of the pupil aperture is r0 and the lens focal length is f, then the longitudinal and transverse aberration are related in the following way:

      NA is the numerical aperture of the lens.

      Most generally, the transverse aberration where third order aberration is combined with defocus can be represented as:


      TA0 is the nominal third order aberration and α represents the defocus

Graphical illustration of fan for ray fan pure third order aberration and ray fan with third order aberration and defocus.

      Since the geometry is assumed to be circular, to calculate the rms (root mean square) aberration, one must introduce a weighting factor that is proportional to the pupil function, p. The mean squared transverse aberration is thus:


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