Optical Engineering Science. Stephen Rolt
Since KPetz is not changed by any manipulation of component or stop positions, Eq. (4.45) implies that any change in the sagittal curvature is accompanied by a change three times as large in the tangential curvature. This is an important conclusion.
For small shifts in the position of the stop, the eccentricity parameter is proportional to that shift. Based on this and examining Eqs. (4.44a)–(4.44e), one can come to some general conclusions. For a system with pre-existing spherical aberration, additional coma will be produced in linear proportion to the stop shift. Similarly, the same spherical aberration will produce astigmatism and field curvature proportional to the square of the stop shift. The amount of distortion produced by pre-existing spherical aberration is proportional to the cube of the displacement. Naturally, for pre-existing coma, the additional astigmatism and field curvature produced is in proportion to the shift in the stop position. Additional distortion is produced according to the square of the stop shift. Finally, with pre-existing astigmatism and field curvature, only additional distortion may be produced in direct proportion to the stop shift.
As an example, a simple scenario is illustrated in Figure 4.16. This shows a symmetric system with a biconvex lens used to image an object in the 2f – 2f configuration. That is to say, the conjugate parameter is zero. In this situation, the coma may be expected, by virtue of symmetry, to be zero. For a simple lens, the distortion is also zero. The spherical aberration is, of course, non-zero, as are both the astigmatism and field curvature.
Using basic modelling software, it is possible to analyse the impact of small stop shifts on system aberration. The results are shown in Figure 4.17.
Clearly, according to Figure 4.17, the spherical aberration remains unchanged as predicted by Eq. (4.44a). For small shifts, the amount of coma produced is in proportion to the shift. Since there is no coma initially, the only aberration that can influence the astigmatism and field curvature is the pre-existing spherical aberration. As indicated in Eqs. (4.44c) and (4.44d), there should be a quadratic dependence of the astigmatism and field curvature on stop position. This is indeed borne out by the analysis in Figure 4.17. Similarly, the distortion shows a linear trend with stop position, mainly influenced by the initial astigmatism and field curvature that is present.
Although, in practice, these stop shift equations may not find direct use currently in optimising real designs, the underlying principles embodied are, nonetheless, important. Manipulation of the stop position is a key part in the optimisation of complex optical systems and, in particular, multi-element camera lenses. In these complex systems, the pupil is often situated between groups of lenses. In this case, the designer needs to be aware also of the potential for vignetting, should individual lens elements be incorrectly sized.
Figure 4.16 Simple symmetric lens system with stop shift.
Figure 4.17 Impact of stop shift for simple symmetric lens system.
The stop shift equations provide a general insight into the impact of stop position on aberration. Most significant is the hierarchy of aberrations. For example, no fundamental manipulation of spherical aberration may be accomplished by the manipulation of stop position. Otherwise, there some special circumstances it would be useful for the reader to be aware of. For example, in the case of a spherical mirror, with the object or image lying at the infinite conjugate, the placement of the stop at the mirror's centre of curvature altogether removes its contribution to coma and astigmatism; the reader may care to verify this.
4.6 Abbe Sine Condition
Long before the advent of powerful computer ray tracing models, there was a powerful incentive to develop simple rules of thumb to guide the optical design process. This was particularly true for the complex task of ameliorating system aberrations. Working in the nineteenth century, Ernst Abbe set out the Abbe sine condition, which directly relates the object and image space numerical apertures for a ‘perfect’, unaberrated system. Essentially, the Abbe sine condition articulates a specific requirement for a system to be free of spherical aberration and coma, i.e. aplanatic. The Abbe sine condition is expressed for an infinitesimal object and image height and its justification is illustrated in Figure 4.18.
In the representation in Figure 4.18 we trace a ray from the object to a point, P, located on a reference sphere whose centre lies on axis at the axial position of the object and whose vertex lies at the entrance pupil. At the same time, we also trace a marginal ray from the object location to the entrance pupil. The conjugate point to P, designated, P′, is located nominally at the exit pupil and on a sphere whose centre lies at the paraxial image location. For there to be perfect imaging, then the OPD associated with the passage of the marginal ray must be zero. Furthermore, the OPD of the ray from object to image must also be zero. It is also further assumed that the relative OPD of the object to image ray when compared to the marginal ray is zero on passage from points P to P′. This assumption is justified for an infinitesimal object height. Therefore, it is possible to compute the total object to image OPD by simply summing the path differences relative to the marginal ray between the object and point P and between the image and point P′. For there to be perfect imaging this difference must, of course be zero.
Figure 4.18 Abbe sine condition.
n is the refractive index in object space and n′ is the refractive index in image space.
Equation 4.46 is one formulation of the Abbe sine condition which, nominally, applies for all values of θ and θ′, including paraxial angles. If we represent the relevant paraxial angles in object and image space as θp and θp' then the Abbe sine condition may be rewritten as:
One specific scenario occurs where the object or image lies at the infinite conjugate. For example, one might imagine an object located