System Reliability Theory. Marvin Rausand
13.2 Safety‐Instrumented Systems 13.3 Probability of Failure on Demand 13.4 Safety Unavailability 13.5 Common Cause Failures 13.6 CCFs Between Groups and Subsystems 13.7 IEC 61508 13.8 The PDS Method 13.9 Markov Approach 13.10 Problems References
21 14 Reliability Data Analysis 14.1 Introduction 14.2 Some Basic Concepts 14.3 Exploratory Data Analysis 14.4 Parameter Estimation 14.5 The Kaplan–Meier Estimate 14.6 Cumulative Failure Rate Plots 14.7 Total‐Time‐on‐Test Plotting 14.8 Survival Analysis with Covariates 14.9 Problems References
22 15 Bayesian Reliability Analysis 15.1 Introduction 15.2 Bayesian Data Analysis 15.3 Selection of Prior Distribution 15.4 Bayesian Estimation 15.5 Predictive Distribution 15.6 Models with Multiple Parameters 15.7 Bayesian Analysis with R 15.8 Problems References
23 16 Reliability Data: Sources and Quality 16.1 Introduction 16.2 Generic Reliability Databases 16.3 Reliability Prediction 16.4 Common Cause Failure Data 16.5 Data Analysis and Data Quality 16.6 Data Dossier References
24 Appendix A: Appendix AAcronyms
25 Appendix B: Appendix BLaplace Transforms B.1 Important Properties of Laplace Transforms B.2 Laplace Transforms of Some Selected Functions
26 Author Index
28 Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics
List of Tables
1 Chapter 1Table 1.1 Availability and downtime.
2 Chapter 4Table 4.1 Deductive versus inductive methods.Table 4.2 Occurrence rating (example).Table 4.3 Severity rating (example).Table 4.4 Fault tree symbols.Table 4.5 Criticality ranking of minimal cut sets of order 2.Table 4.6 Truth table for a 2oo3 structure.Table 4.7 Truth table for a series structure of two components.Table 4.8 Truth table for a parallel structure of two components.Table 4.9 Truth table for the 2oo3 structure.
3 Chapter 5Table 5.1 Historical dataset.Table 5.2 Relationship between the functions
4 Chapter 6Table 6.1 A brief comparison of the structures (1), (2), and (3).Table 6.2 MTTF of some
5 Chapter 7Table 7.1 Critical path vectors for component 1.
6 Chapter 10Table 10.1 Failure times (operating days) in chronological order.Table 10.2 Data set for Problem 13.
7 Chapter 11Table 11.1 Possible states of a structure of two components.Table 11.2 Possible states of a series structure of two components where fail...Table 11.3 The possible states of a two‐item parallel system with cold standb...
8 Chapter 13Table 13.1 PFD of some
9 Chapter