Comrade Kerensky. Boris Kolonitskii
Revoliutsiia 1917 goda v Rossii: Novye podkhody i vzgliady: Sbornik nauchnykh statei, ed. Andrei Nikolaev (St Petersburg: Tsentral’nyi gosudarstvennyi istoricheskii arkhiv Sankt-Peterburga [TsGIA SPb, the Central State Archive of History, St Petersburg], 2015), pp. 76–82; Gavroeva, ‘Pis’ma vo vlast’: Soldaty i M. V. Rodzianko (Mart 1917 g.)’, Peterburgskie voennoistoricheskie chteniia: Sbornik statei, ed. Andrei Nikolaev (St Petersburg: RGPU im Gertsena, 2015), pp. 112–17.
198 198. RGIA, fond 1278, opis’ 5, delo 1324, list 87.
199 199. Gavroeva, ‘Pis’ma vo vlast’: Soldaty’, p. 117.
200 200. GARF, fond 1807, opis’ 1, delo 354, listy 19–22.
201 201. Russkii invalid, 8 March 1917; GARF, fond 1807, opis’ 1, delo 359, list 7.
202 202. Delo naroda, 7 July 1917.
203 203. Nadezhda Krupskaia, ‘Stranichka iz istorii Rossiiskoi sotsialdemokraticheskoi partii’, Soldatskaia pravda, 13 May 1917. Quoted from Krupskaia, Izbrannye proizvedeniia (Moscow: Izdatel’stvo politicheskoi literatury, 1988), pp. 44–8; Sotsial-demokrat [Moscow], 26 May, 9 June 1917.
204 204. Saratovskii Sovet rabochikh deputatov (1917–1918): Sbornik dokumentov (Moscow and Leningrad: Gosudarstvennoe sotsial’no-ekonomicheskoe izdatel’stvo, 1931), p. 162.
205 205. RGIA, fond 1405, opis’ 538, delo 177, list 52. The text was sent no later than 22 March.
206 206. GARF, fond 1779, opis’ 1, delo 293, list 293; Russkoe slovo, 21 May 1917.
207 207. GARF, fond 1778, opis’ 1, delo 362, list 221.
208 208. RGIA, fond 1412, opis’ 16, delo 537, list 2.
209 209. Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace Archives, B. I. Nicolaevsky Collection, box 149, file 3, F. [Navotnyi], [Propaganda], p. 88.
210 210. GARF, fond 1807, opis’ 1, delo 354, listy 95–6.
211 211. ‘Vserossiiskii s”ezd uchitelei’, Delo naroda, 9 April 1917.
212 212. For further detail, see Kolonitskii, Simvoly vlasti i bor’ba za vlast’: K izucheniiu politicheskoi kul’tury Rossiiskoi revoliutsii 1917 goda (St Petersburg: Dmitrii Bulanin, 2001; 2nd edn, St Petersburg: Liki Rossii, 2012).
213 213. Velikaia russkaia revoliutsiia v ocherkakh i kartinakh (Moscow: N. V. Vasil’ev, 1917), vyp. 4: ‘80-e gody. Bortsy za svobodu. Letopis’ revoliutsii’; Bortsy za svobodu (Biografii revoliutsionerov, kaznivshikh Aleksandra II) (Moscow: D. M. Kumanov, 1917); Bortsy za svobodu: [Sbornik] (Petrograd: Severnoe izdatel’stvo, 1917); Mikhail Gernet, Bortsy za svobodu v Shlissel’burgskoi kreposti (Moscow: Nachalo, 1917).
214 214. Bertliev, Borets za svobodu i chest’ naroda: Pamiati Egora Sazonova (Moscow: [Zemlia i volia?], 1917); Viacheslav Pirogov, Smert’ Egora Sazonova (Petrograd: Partiia sotsialistov-revoliutsionerov, 1917).
215 215. Kirik Levin, Pervyi borets za svobodu russkogo naroda: Zhizn’ i deiatel’nost’ A. N. Radishcheva (Moscow: Knigoizdatel’stvo E. D. Miagkogo ‘Kolokol’, 1906); Evgenii Shveder, Pervyi russkii borets za svobodu Aleksandr Nikolaevich Radishchev: Biograficheskii ocherk (Moscow: Pechatnik, 1917).
216 216. A pamphlet in the series ‘Pervye bortsy za svobodu’ was Dekabrist Mikhail Sergeevich Lunin: Ocherk ego biografii, ego zaveshchanie, pis’ma iz ssylki i politicheskie stat’i (Petrograd: Khudozhestvennaia pechatnia, 1917).
217 217. Sine-fono, nos. 11–12 (1917), pp. 26–7, 35, 97; Priboi [Helsingfors], 6 August 1917; Velikii Kinemo: Katalog sokhranivshikhsia igrovykh fil’mov Rossii, 1908–1919, ed. Veronika Ivanova et al. (Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2002), pp. 364, 370.
218 218. Even the delegates of the All-Russia Congress of Cossacks paid respect to the memory of Lieutenant Schmidt by standing and singing the funeral anthem Memory Eternal. See ‘Kazachii s”ezd’, Novoe vremia, 8 June 1917. Among the delegates were some who would later be active in the White cause. On the politics of memory in Sevastopol, see Kolonitskii, ‘Pamiat’ o Pervoi rossiiskoi revoliutsii v 1917 godu (Sluchai Sevastopolia i Gel’singforsa)’, Cahiers du Monde Russe, no. 3 (48) (2007), pp. 519–37.
219 219. S”ezdy i konferentsii Konstitutsionno-demokraticheskoi partii: 1905–1920 gg., 3 vols (Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2000), vol. 3, kn. 1, ‘1915–1917 gg.’, pp. 362, 365.
220 220. Abraham, Alexander Kerensky, p. 50.
221 221. Tan, ‘A. F. Kerenskii’, p. 3.
222 222. Kolonitskii, Simvoly vlasti, pp. 222–3.
223 223. Krasnyi arkhiv, vol. 5 (24) (1927), p. 209.
224 224. Aleksandr Kerenskii, ‘O pamiatnike zhertvam revoliutsii (pis’mo v redaktsiiu “Dela naroda”)’, Delo naroda, 8 April 1917. His contemporaries took great note of this initiative, and the letter was included in publications of his speeches. See, for example, Kerenskii, Rechi A. F. Kerenskogo o revoliutsii, pp. 59–60.
225 225. Dmitrii Merezhkovskii, ‘Perventsy svobody’, Niva, no. 16 (1917), pp. 230–3; no. 17, pp. 245–9; Merezhkovskii, Perventsy svobody: Istoriia vosstaniia 14-go dekabria 1825 g. (Petrograd: Narodnaia vlast’, 1917). On the meeting, see Zinaida Gippius, Siniaia kniga: Peterburgskii dnevnik, 1914–1918 (Belgrade: Radenkovich, 1929), p. 118. For evidence of Gippius’s authorship, see an early version of her ‘diary’: Gippius, Sovremennaia zapis’, OR RNB, fond 481, opis’ 1, delo 3, list 148.
226 226. ‘Zapisnye knizhki polkovnika G. A. Ivanishina’, publication by A. D. Margolis, N. K. Gerasimova and N. S. Tikhonova, Minuvshee: Istoricheskii al’manakh, (Moscow and St Petersburg), vol. 17 (1994), p. 540; Izvestiia Revel’skogo soveta rabochikh i voinskikh deputatov, 15 April 1917.
227 227. Russkii invalid, 9 May 1917.
228 228. Russkii invalid, 10 May 1917. The congress organizers themselves paid obeisance to the revolutionary tradition. The delegates visited the Field of Mars and knelt at the graves of the champions of freedom.
229 229. Krymskii vestnik [Sevastopol’], 18 May 1917; Russkii invalid, 19 May 1917; Prikazy i rechi pervogo russkogo Voennogo i Morskogo Ministra-Sotsialista A. F. Kerenskogo ([No location]: Shtab osoboi armii, 1917), pp. 32–3; A. F. Kerenskii, Ob armii i voine (Petrograd: Narodnaia volia, 1917), p. 12. There is also an Odessa publication of this title with different pagination.
230 230. Kir’iakov, Dedushka i babushka russkoi revoliutsii, p. 3.
231 231. See Babushka i vnuki (Petrograd: Narodnaia vlast’, 1917).
232 232. Partiia sotsialistov-revoliutsionerov: Dokumenty i materialy, pp. 238–9.
233 233. Volia naroda, 6 May 1917.
234 234. ‘Pomoshch’ politicheskim’, Novoe vremia, 25 March 1917.
235 235. E. Breshko-Breshkovskaia, Babushka russkoi revoliutsii, pp. 17, 42, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace Archives, B. I. Nicolaevsky Collection, box 87, folder 1.
236 236. E. Breshkovskaia, ‘1917-i god’, Novyi zhurnal [New York], vol. 38 (1954), p. 197; Abraham, Alexander Kerensky, p. 244.
237 237. Revel’skoe slovo, 15 April 1917.
238 238. Katerina Breshkovskaia, Hidden Springs of the Russian Revolution (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1931), p. 347. A photograph of Breshko-Breshkovskaia has survived in Vladimir Zenzinov’s archive, with an inscription which gives us a clear impression of the attitude of the grandmother of the Russian Revolution towards her political grandson. ‘To Alexander Kerensky. You see, I have kept you, whom I fervently love. So that my eye can see how my dear grandson is getting along in life and invariably doing good work. How often I hear him sigh, both because his work is so hard and when he thinks of the suffering his people must bear. May my dear one sense that I share his thinking and gaze far ahead into the future. And that to you, my friend, I bequeath my last sigh, a sigh of the hope and love which always inspired me. Your Gran, Kate Breshkovskaia.’ The inscription is dated 21 February 1921, and has a note added at the end: ‘Always with you, always on your side.’ See Columbia University Library, Bakhmetieff