Systems and Network Infrastructure Integration. Saida Helali

Systems and Network Infrastructure Integration - Saida Helali

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They offer more flexibility and control in project management and better fulfill client expectations. Client needs are the cornerstone of agile methods. The client is involved throughout the entire project, which is executed according to an iterative, incremental process. Scrum, the agile method most often used, introduces the concept of sprints, which represent the different stages of the project. Throughout the project, existing functionalities will be continuously improved. It is also possible to add new functionalities if needed. Scrum is based on three roles:

      – the product owner, who sets the technical requirements for the product,

      – the development team, which develops the project according to the needs specified by the product owner and the scrum master,

      – the scrum master, who oversees the realization of these objectives and is responsible for management within the project team. Successful communication with the product owner and the development team lies within the remit of the scrum master.

      c. Adaptive methods: these methods adjust themselves to fit variations in projects, especially those that are complex and difficult to manage with a classic approach.

      d. Critical path method: this method corresponds to the full set of tasks that must be accomplished in order to complete the project by a predetermined date. These critical tasks must not be subjected to any delay, otherwise the project will fall behind schedule.

      e. The PERT method: this method is used to manage sequencing in a project. It involves representing the project in the form of a graph, a network of tasks whose sequencing will enable the achievement of preset objectives.

      All of the tasks necessary for the execution of the project are listed and put in a specific order, with their dependence on one another established.

      In this method, the stages of a project are represented graphically in a PERT diagram, which establishes the critical path that determines the minimum duration of the project.

      f. The PRINCE2 (PRojects IN Controlled Environments, version 2) method: this method is a structured, pragmatic and adaptable project management methodology that can be used for any type of project. It guarantees that projects will be delivered on time, within budget and ensuring risk, advantage and quality management.

      g. The Lean Management method: this method is used to provide high-quality work with minimal money, resources and time.

      A wide range of tools is available for the management of a project. These are used to increase productivity and efficiency. Thus, it is necessary to know which ones to choose depending on our needs.

      Table 1.1 recaps the main tools available for each phase of a project.

      Table 1.1 Main tools for project management

Initiation (pre-project) Design Execution Closure
Examples of tools Objective treeRACI matrixSpecifications ParetoWBSGantt diagramCommunication planRisk management Collaborative work toolsBrainstormingProblem-solving toolsControl panel Project review

      1.3.1. Gantt diagram

      This is an effective and practical tool for project management created by Henry Gantt in 1917, which remains the most widely used representation tool. It consists of a graphic diagram useful for project planning and gives information and time frames for a project's phases, activities, tasks and resources.

      Tasks are put in rows and durations (days, weeks or months) in columns. They are represented by bars whose length is proportional to the estimated duration. These can take place sequentially or partially or entirely simultaneously.

      1.3.2. RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed) matrix

      The success of a project relies on the clear and precise definition of the roles and responsibilities of each actor involved. To do this, a RACI matrix is used. In this matrix, activities are laid out in rows and roles in columns. In each cell of the table, the role's responsibility for the activity is indicated, using the letters R, A, C or I.

      Table 1.2. Example of a RACI matrix

Role 1 Role 2 ... Role m
Activity 1 R A I C
Activity 2 I R I A
... A R C I
Activity n C R C I

      It can be used to set out responsibilities in a project or within a company or business.

      1.3.3. The concept of specifications

      This is a contractual document describing what is expected from the project manager by the contracting authority. It is generally developed by the client and contains the following main sections: context, objectives, vocabulary or terminology, scope, schedule, etc.

      The contracting authority is the party responsible for the expression of needs; they are the entity that places the order. The project manager is responsible for making these needs a reality.

      The specifications must set out needs in a functional manner, independent of any technical solution with the exception of specifying the technical environment into which the solution requested must be inserted.

      According to norm NF X 50-150 developed by the AFNOR, a functional specification document (FSD) is the document by means of which the requesting party expresses its needs in terms of service features and limitations. For each function and limitation, assessment criteria and their levels are defined.

      NOTE.– The FSD is concerned with the service features of a product and their corresponding limitations, and does not contain any technical ideas or impose any solutions. Its objective is to propose the product best suited to provide the service(s) requested under the conditions specified and at minimal cost.


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