A Bride for the Island Prince / The Last Goodbye. Rebecca Winters

A Bride for the Island Prince / The Last Goodbye - Rebecca Winters

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      “That’s very kind of you, Your Highness, but I have other things to do this afternoon, including a lot of paperwork to send in to the Institute. In case you don’t get back from sailing by dinnertime, I’ll see you and Zoe in the morning for her lesson.”

      He lowered his daughter to the floor. “I insist.”

      She took a steadying breath. “Did you just give me a command?”

      “If I did, would you obey it?”

      There was nothing playful about this conversation. The last thing she wanted to do was offend him, but she refused to be anything but Zoe’s speech therapist. With his looks and charismatic personality, he could ensnare any woman he wanted. That’s what royal playboys did.

      Alex might be a widower with a daughter, but as far as she was concerned, he was at the peak of his manhood now and a hundred times more dangerous. She was reminded of that fact when he’d eyed her T-shirt. A little shiver went through her because he was still eyeing her that way and she was too aware of him.

      Dottie needed to turn this around and make it right so he wouldn’t misunderstand why she was refusing the invitation. Using a different tactic she said, “I gave you that pack of flash cards. You should take your daughter on your sailboat this afternoon and work with her while the lesson is fresh in her mind.”

      In a lowered voice she added, “I might be her speech therapist, but outside this classroom I can only be a distraction and cause her more confusion over the mommy issue. She wants your undivided attention and will cooperate when you do the cards with her because she’d do anything for you. There’s a saying in English. I’m sure you’ve heard of it. ‘Strike while the iron’s hot.'“

      “There’s another saying by the great teacher Plato,” he fired back. “'We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.'“ He turned to his daughter. “Come with me, Zoe.”

      Dottie trembled as she watched them leave. Alex had her figured out without knowing anything about her. She was afraid. Once upon a time her world had been filled with blinding, glorious light. After it had been taken away, she never wanted to feel it or be in it again. One tragedy in life had been too much.

      Alex put his daughter to bed, but he had to face facts. After the outing on the sailboat and all the swimming and fun coaching moments with the flash cards, it still wasn’t enough for his little girl. She didn’t want Sofia tending to her.

      He’d read the good-night book to her six times, but the tears gushed anyway. She was waiting for her favorite person. “Have you forgotten that Dottie had a lot of work to do tonight? You’ll see her in the morning. Here’s Betty. She’s ready to go to sleep with you.” He tucked the baby in her arm, but she pushed it away and sat up.

      “Tell Dot to come.”

      Alex groaned because these tears were different. His daughter had found an outlet for her frustration in Dottie who understood her and had become her ally. What child wouldn’t want her to be her mommy and stay with her all the time? Alex got it. She made every moment so memorable, no one else could possibly measure up. Dottie was like a force of nature. Her vivacious personality had brought life into the palace.

      Earlier, when he’d asked Hector about Dottie’s activities, he’d learned she’d refused a car and had left the grounds on foot. Security said that after she’d jogged ten miles in the heat, she’d hiked to the top of Mount Pelos and sat for an hour. After visiting the church, she’d returned to town and jogged back to the palace.

      “Zoe? If you’ll stay in your bed, I’ll go get her.”

      The tears slowed down. She reached for her baby.

      “Hurry, Daddy.”

      Outside the bedroom he called Dottie on his cell phone, something he’d sworn he wouldn’t do in order to keep his distance, but this was an emergency. When she picked up, he asked her to come to Zoe’s bedroom. He sensed the hesitation before she said, “I’ll be right there.”

      It pleased him when a minute later he heard footsteps and watched Dottie hurrying towards the suite with another book in her hand.

      “Alex—” she cried in surprise as he stepped away from the paneled wall.

      He liked it that she’d said his name of her own volition. “I wondered when you would finally break down.”

      Dottie smoothed the hair away from her flushed cheek. Her eyes searched his. Ignoring his comment she said, “Did Zoe have another nightmare?”

      He moved closer. “No. But she’s growing more and more upset when you’re not with us. Why didn’t you come today? I want the truth.”

      “I told you I had work.”

      “Then how come it was reported that you went jogging and climbed Mount Pelos, instead of staying in your room? Were you able to see the sail of my boat from the top?”

      A hint of pink crept into her cheeks. She had been watching for him. “I saw a lot of sailboats.”

      “The security staff is agog about the way you spent your day. Not one visit to a designer shop. No shopping frenzy. You undoubtedly wore them to a frazzle with your jogging, but it was good for them.”

      A small laugh escaped her throat. He liked it that she didn’t take herself seriously.

      “I’ll ask the question again. Why didn’t you come with us this afternoon?”

      “Surely you know why. Because I’m worried over her growing attachment to me.”

      “So am I, but that’s not the only reason you kept your distance from me today. Are you afraid of being on a boat? Don’t you know how to swim?”

      “Don’t be silly,” she whispered.

      “How else am I to get some honesty out of you? It’s apparent you have a problem with me, pure and simple. My earlier reputation in life as Prince Alexius may have prejudiced you against me, but that was a long time ago. I’m a man now and a father the world knows nothing about. Which of those roles alarms you most?”

      She folded her arms. “Neither of them,” she said in a quiet voice.

      His brows met in a frown. “Then what terrible thing do you imagine would have happened to you today if you’d come with us?”

      “I’d rather not talk about it, even if you are a prince.” She’d said that “even if you are a prince” thing before. After retaining his gaze for a moment, she looked away. “How did your afternoon go with Zoe?”

      “Good, but it would have been better if you’d been along. She won’t go to sleep until you say good-night. Tonight she fired Sofia.”


      “It’s true. She doesn’t want a nanny unless it’s you. To save poor Hector the trouble of having to summon you every night, why don’t you plan to pop in on her at bedtime. In the end it will save my sanity, too.”

      She slowly nodded. “Since I won’t be here much longer, I can do that.”

      “Let’s not talk about your leaving, not when you barely got here.”

      “I—I’ll go in now.” Her voice faltered.

      “Thank you.” For several reasons, he wasn’t through with her yet, but it could wait until she’d said good-night to his daughter. Alex followed her into the bedroom. Zoe was sitting up in her bed holding her baby. She glowed after she saw Dottie.

      “Hi, Zoe. If I read you a story, will you go to sleep?”

      “Yes. Will you sit on the bed?”

      “I can read better on this chair.” Dottie drew it close to the bed and sat down. Once again Alex was hooked by Dottie’s charm as she read the tale about a

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