Property. Robert Lamb A.

Property - Robert Lamb A.

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not cease belonging to us when we are not immediately using it. The idea of exclusive use signals instead the connection between our rightfully owned property and our purposiveness and intentionality. It captures the fact that property is valuable to us because of the role it plays in our lives, as part of our long-term personal projects. On this construal, property confers a series of benefits on its owner through the exercise of certain liberties. She can, without interference, share, transfer, or derive benefit from, the property in question, as well as enter into various forms of contract concerning it.

      The most influential way of thinking about property in contemporary legal philosophy instead abandons altogether the view of it as a singular concept, and understands it instead to be a ‘bundle’ of discrete and separable legal relations. There have been different ways of conceiving exactly what such a bundle entails, but the basic idea is that we can endeavour to separate the various sticks that comprise it and, in so doing, acquire a better understanding of the nature of the legal and social phenomena at issue. Proponents of the bundle approach claim that it clears away what they regard as a fog of conflation that blinds political and legal discussion of the subject. To appreciate the thinking behind the bundle theory, we need to step back a bit and go over some of the key features of rights themselves. Beyond their expressive, political purposes – which might include the recognition of our dignity or moral standing in a community – rights serve to enable and prohibit our freedoms, making some actions permissible and others impermissible. In the context of property, this function seems straightforward and relates back to our interest in having systematic and permanent protection for specific resources, which become our holdings rather than those of anyone else.

      Not all of the conventional legal relations traditionally associated with the concept of property ownership are, strictly speaking, rights. Philosophers generally follow Wesley Hohfeld’s (1919) understanding of rights as claims, which are characterised by their correlative concept, duties. Rights of this sort imply duties held by others. If the right I have over my teapot is a right in the sense of a claim, then it implies a correlative duty in others to respect – and forbear from interference with – my ownership of it. Put crudely, my property right means that, under most circumstances, you are obliged to keep your hands off my stuff and that the relevant legal authority, if required, can enforce this obligation. Not all rights are claims in this sense. It would be unusual to interpret the right to free speech, for example, as a claim that generates a corresponding duty for others. Such a right does not conventionally imply any corresponding obligation that prevents any person from interfering with its exercise, perhaps by talking over you, or otherwise distracting your audience as you address them. Rights to both engage in and disrupt free speech would seem to co-exist coherently, without duties of non-interference appearing on the scene. It arguably makes more sense to construe free speech as what Hohfeld terms a privilege (or liberty) right, which correlates not to obligations but merely to the privileges held by others. When a person has a privilege to undertake an action, what this means is that they are under no duty to refrain from it: privileges are essentially (negative) freedoms to undertake actions without fear of penalty, but they do not entail protective duties imposed on others to enable those actions.

      In an influential essay on the meaning of property, A. M. Honoré lists eleven ‘standard ingredients of ownership’, and thus identifies some of the conceptual sticks that we might expect to find in our bundle of rights. According to him:

      Ownership comprises the right to possess, the right to use, the right to manage, the right to the income of the thing, the right to the capital, the right to security, the rights or incidents of transmissibility and absence of term, the prohibition of harmful use, liability to execution, and the incident of residuarity. (Honoré 1993: 370)

      An entailment of the bundle thesis – and perhaps one of the motivations driving its advocacy – is that the very notion of property as a singular object of study is a product of mistaken, mystified thought. Reference to an overarching concept of ownership would seem to posit an illusory unity to what is not actually one, but numerous legal relationships. We cannot consider such relationships as constituting any kind of singular entity without incurring important misunderstandings of their natures, justifications, and implications. On the bundle account, it makes no sense to analyse ownership

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