Value. Frederick Harry Pitts

Value - Frederick Harry Pitts

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for explaining the ‘determining social matrix’ behind this state of affairs, Smith’s approach was ‘confused’ and ‘tautological’, and ultimately unsuccessful in its attempt to ‘overcome the problematic’ of value.24 It was left to Marx to confront capitalist society as the ‘immense collection of commodities’ Smith describes, and to uncover the secret of labour power concealed within.25


      What Ricardo highlights is the analytical potential of the cost-of-production approach once its circularity is broken. The cost-of-production approach posits no metaphysical abstract order behind value; its virtue is that it takes at face value the price of inputs and relates them to the value of their output. By leaving open the huge logical blindspot of how the inputs acquire their value to begin with, this perspective leaves the field free for inquiries into the constitution of the value of inputs through historical, social, political and ethical processes and modes of contestation, including hierarchies, tastes, laws and customs. The value of the cost-of-production approach, therefore, lies in its circumvention of abstract inquiry in order to root value in a ‘skeptical empiricism that looks no farther than those social relationships of power, morality, and perhaps even reason as the basis on which social continuity is grounded and persists’.28


      Searching deeper into the foundations of embodied labour theories of value, institutionalist Thorstein Veblen associated the flawed ‘conservation principles’ that informed substantialism with the role of scientific developments in the intellectual life of contemporary society. Veblen sees substance as akin to a kind of ‘economic energy’ that underpins the ascription of ‘equivalence’ and ‘equilibrium’ to the ratio between the expenditure of force in production and the return achieved in the market. This rests on the inappropriate assumptions that ‘the orderliness of natural sequence’ bestowed by energy conservation in the natural sciences can be applied seamlessly to the social world, and that the scientific principles in themselves capture the reality of the natural world – when they themselves were in fact surpassed by a relational ‘field’ understanding of energy.34

      This is not to diminish the considerable impact of substantialist approaches to the labour ‘embodied’ in commodities. The ‘calculation’ of exchange ratios and rates of profit using input–output figures owes its conceptual foundations to some notion of a substance of value embodied in things themselves. Such a mathematics of value relies upon the judgement that ‘the value of a commodity [is] determined by the physical data relating to methods of production rather than vice versa’, focusing on ‘the determination of value rather than the determination by value’. But, ultimately, this fundamentally misinterprets the directionality of the relationship between labour and value, insofar as ‘it is only through the exchange of products that individual labours are commensurated’ and the labour-times socially necessary for their production established. The substantialist embodied-labour perspective, when channelled through the formulas of input–output, ‘understand[s] values as mere derivatives of physical quantities required for production’. However, as we will go on to see, ‘the social quantification

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