Arc Flash Hazard Analysis and Mitigation. J. C. Das

Arc Flash Hazard Analysis and Mitigation - J. C. Das

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15Figure 15.1. Short-circuit profile of various DC sources: (a) rectifier with a...Figure 15.2. Standard approximation of short-circuit function. Source: Referen...Figure 15.3. A DC distribution system for calculation of short-circuit current...Figure 15.4. Equivalent circuit of short circuit of a battery through external...Figure 15.5. Time to peak tpk and rise time constant τ1B for the short-circuit...Figure 15.6. Layout of a battery system for calculation of short-circuit curre...Figure 15.7. Calculated short-circuit time–current profiles: (a) battery, (b) ...Figure 15.8. Factors κ1M and κ2M for determining the time to peak tpM and the ...Figure 15.9. Short-circuit current profile of a rectifier.Figure 15.10. Equivalent circuit for the short-circuit current calculation of ...Figure 15.11. Total short-circuit current profile of four partial short-circui...Figure 15.12. (a) Minimum arc voltage for vertical arcs; (b) minimum arc volta...Figure 15.13. A simplified model of arcing in a DC system.Figure 15.14. Arcing current profile superimposed on the short-circuit current...Figure 15.15. Time–current characteristics of a class L, 1000-A fuse.Figure 15.16. Calculated short-circuit and arcing current profiles (see Exampl...Figure 15.17. Short-circuit current of a converter with grid (gate) control. S...

      16 Chapter 16Figure 16.1. Power station substation automation (SA) functional diagram.Figure 16.2. IEC 61850 communication profiles.Figure 16.3. Hierarchy of IEC 61850 data model.Figure 16.4. Circuit breaker Model-XCBR information tree.Figure 16.5. Anatomy of IEC 61850 object nomenclature.Figure 16.6. GOOSE messaging.Figure 16.7. (a) Fiber optic multimode cable cross-section and light transmi...Figure 16.8. (a) Redundant star architecture using redundant ports on IEDs; ...Figure 16.9. A schematic picture of substation layouts and connections in a ...

      17 Appendix AFigure A.1. Illustration of (a) positive and (b) negative skewness. (c) Illu...Figure A.2. Gaussian or normal distribution graph of the density function.Figure A.3. Criteria of fitting a least square line in a scatter plot.


      1  Cover Page

      2  Series Page

      3  Title Page

      4  Copyright Page

      5  Foreword



      8  Acknowledgement

      9  About the Author

      10  Table of Contents

      11  Begin Reading

      12  Appendix A: Statistics and Probability Applied to Electrical Engineering

      13  Appendix B: Tables for Quick Estimation of Incident Energy and PPE in Electrical Systems

      14  Index

      15  IEEE Press Series on Power Engineering



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