Introducing Second Language Acquisition. Kirsten M. Hummel

Introducing Second Language Acquisition - Kirsten M. Hummel

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7.2 common processes and influences 7.3 L2 development across linguistic subfields 7.4 investigating learner language: language corpora 7.5 summing up key concepts self‐assessment questions discussion questions exercises / project ideas references further reading and viewing

      15  8 The Age Factor 8.1 chapter overview 8.2 the critical period hypothesis 8.3 abnormal instances: children raised in isolation 8.4 empirical studies 8.5 exceptional cases 8.6 summing up key concepts self‐assessment questions discussion questions exercises / project ideas references further reading and viewing

      16  9 Individual Differences 9.1 chapter overview 9.2 intelligence 9.3 language learning aptitude 9.4 attitudes and motivation 9.5 personality 9.6 learning style and cognitive style 9.7 learning strategies 9.8 summing up key concepts self‐assessment questions discussion questions exercises / project ideas references further reading and viewing

      17  10 Bilingualism and Multilingualism 10.1 chapter overview 10.2 bilingual development 10.3 bilingual lexical representation and lexical access 10.4 bilingual cognition 10.5 multilingualism 10.6 summing up key concepts self‐assessment questions discussion questions exercises / project ideas references further reading and viewing

      18  11 Concluding Words 11.1 conclusion 11.2 epilogue

      19  Glossary

      20  Index

      21  End User License Agreement

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 2Table 2.1 Development of babbling.Table 2.2 Order of acquisition of English morphemes.

      2 Chapter 3Table 3.1 Descriptions of predominant language teaching/learning contexts.

      3 Chapter 4Table 4.1 Error analysis procedures.

      4 Chapter 7Table 7.1 Unmarked‐marked examples.Table 7.2 Order of English L2 morpheme acquisition.Table 7.3 German L2 word‐order emergence stages.Table 7.4 Adverb placement in French and English.Table 7.5 ESL question development.Table 7.6 Five stages in buying stamps.

      5 Chapter 8Table 8.1 Summary of some key critical/sensitive period studies.

      6 Chapter 9Table 9.1 Distinctions among types of motivation.Table 9.2 Learning strategies classification.

      7 Chapter 10Table 10.1 Types of bilingual.

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1Cartoon 1.1 2/15/2000,

      2 Chapter 2Cartoon 2.1 Mike Baldwin/ 2.1 English L1 and Hindi L1 infant perception of Hindi consonant cont...Figure 2.2 Development of MLU in three children (Brown, 1973) and children i...Figure 2.3 Berko's (1958) Wug test.Figure 2.4 U‐shaped curve representing the learning of irregular grammatical...Скачать книгу