Time and love. The novel in verse. George Pospelow

Time and love. The novel in verse - George Pospelow

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Pospelow for two things: the beauty of love made in verses and the fact of having her/him converted through «200 poems of love» in a tireless stationary traveler, now more sensitive than before to time and affection. What more can you ask from a book?

Gabriela OlivaresGeneral Editor of Information, newspaper “Zeta,” Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico

      Part I

      Indian spring


      A minute before the flight

      The talk with you

      on close terms

      is about time and love —

      the two mighty

      of our elderly world,

      gorgeous and so sick.

      We’ll fly along, across,

      around it, discover much:

      hundreds of exotic scenes —

      drama and comedy sparks.

      Time to take off. Enjoy!

      The essence of life

      The gross

      is the rapid



      The net





      The beginning of love

      Sweet secrets,




      ecstasies of meeting,

      pains of parting,

      the talk of hearts,

      the junction of views,

      the initiation into love.

      Still far away from

      the twine of destinies.

      A yearlong span on the world parallel

      A swing is flying and flying,

      weaving November and April

      in whether a minute or a year.

      The two are working for a flight,

      flittering aimlessly at random,

      merry at the height.

      Below is a roundabout,

      the banks – now here, now there,

      people – now thin, now stout.

      In the air-bed – up and down —

      the attractive eyes are creating

      love – up and down.

      The palms are in force.

      The wedded legs enjoy

      being not privy to the Earth.

      Floating on one of the world

      parallels, the two have said

      everything without words.

      An evening by the sea

      A breeze – blues – buzz

      came flying,

      made me dizzy,

      evoked the reminiscence

      of my lover.

      How does it know


      The ending of infinity

      With you,

      the sky is higher,

      the sea is immense,

      this field

      is beyond all measure.

      Extending the boundaries

      of reality,

      you started whistling

      and distorted a popular song.

      Highly likely —

      no good ear.


      you better warm me —

      it got cold

      in a boundless space.


      it would be well again.

      A morning at the seaside café

      Interrupted by kind laughter,

      your pliant timbre voice —

      as blue as your eyes and the sea —

      is mixing with our coffee aroma

      to the tune of an Italian mandolin,

      and penetrating straight into my blood.

      An anxious breeze smelling

      like weed has sprung up.

      Out of jealousy, it tries

      to overpower your voice,

      to lead it away.

      We must talk loudly.

      Since we’re alone, we’re

      all right, but drops of iodine

      in coffee cups are there.

      The draw is fifty-fifty.

      I enjoy your discourse —

      dear and loved one —

      it drives me to distraction.

      However, I lose the subject,

      and you as if hurt

      clench your fists playfully.

      I love you.

      A sonnet about time and love

      A nudist beach in one-time

      “Portuguese” Goa. A café by the ocean.

      We order lobsters, glasses of fenny1

      for inspiration. What a thing to happen!

      Shrink-wrapped amenities exit

      into memory for drying. Museums, statues,

      cathedrals, cannons, buildings – no need

      to travel to Lisbon. We are talking love.

      Fresh air is saturated with bliss.

      Naked Robert Browning and Elizabeth2

      his disabled obsession – take seats.

      Exact copies! A poetical zigzag!

      She, affectionate, inspires a sonnet.

      It binds time and world-wide love.

      A passage of the declaration of love

      No spreading

      like a jellyfish,


      about love.

      The clothes


      the mind

      isn’t half.

      No hanging

      of the

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Fenni – vodka made in Goa from apple juice and cashew nuts


Robert Browning – the English poet (1812—1889). His wife, Elizabeth Browning (1806 – 1861) dedicated to him “Sonnets from Portuguese,” which became world-famous