Control of Mechatronic Systems. Patrick O. J. Kaltjob

Control of Mechatronic Systems - Patrick O. J. Kaltjob

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technology is used for image processing-based feedback to achieve highest precision cutting, update the hybrid control block diagram along with an operator panel (list all I/O variables involved).

      7 1.7 In order to design the control system for an electrically-driven dialysis blood processing system, as illustrated in Figure 1.15, a temperature and pressure are monitored from the control panel such that abnormal dialysate pressure outside the −410–+330 mmHg range (avoid exceeding the pressure in the blood compartment) with an accuracy of ±7% triggers an alarm and flashing lights. This is also the case for membrane rupture, which could cause blood contamination. The transmembrane pressure regulates ultrafiltration (i.e. removing toxic fluid).Identify all components of the mechatronics process.List key I/O (logic and continuous) dialysis blood system variables involved.Sketch the corresponding hybrid control block diagram taking into account volumetric and flow sensor controls.Draw a control panel, considering variables associated with the interlocks fulfilling the safety requirements listed here.Figure 1.15 Dialysis blood processing system.Source: Based on Kaltjob P.

      8 1.8 A Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver-based autoguided missile has a precision-strike mechatronic system which is used to track a predetermined flight trajectory by regulating the angle between its axis of motion and its velocity vector. The adjustment of the missile angle φ is achieved through the thrust angle ß, which is the angle between the thrust direction and the axis of the missile, as illustrated in Figure 1.16.Identify the flight control processing functions for the guided missile as well as corresponding I/O variables (including GPS position, velocity, attitude, and orientation) and a gyroscope-based stability function using line-of-sight measurement.Draw a block diagram for the intelligent control of the auto positioning system for the missile angle using a gyroscope to measure its angle and a motor to adjust the thrust angle.In the case of a heat-seeking missile, a guidance control strategy is used. How would the control block diagram be modified for this?Figure 1.16 Guided missile trajectory.Source: Based on Kaltjob P.

      9 1.9 A crude oil distillation process using a boiler-based temperature control is illustrated in Figure 1.17. The distillation process is used to separate gasoline from asphalt, controlling the reflux rate by regulating the flow of distillate composition at its top and by varying the rate of steam to the reboiler at the bottom. Among the key process variables are temperature (continuous) and flame (binary) in the combustion chamber (boiler).Identify the control and monitoring objectives of this distillation process.Identify all devices involved in the distillation column temperature and flow process control and their corresponding I/O variables.Sketch the block diagram for continuous pressure control, feed control, boiler temperature control, and reflux control of this distillation process.List key possible I/O (logic and continuous) variables involved. Draw the corresponding hybrid control block diagrams. Due to the multifunctional controllers required, it is desirable to have a DCS architecture with SCADA network.Sketch the DCS schematic linking all required type of field control devices, data acquisition unit, and a local control unit up to the central command and control unit.Sketch the schematic of the control panel and visualization system for this distillation system plant containing the execution unit of the management information system functions along all logic control connections.Figure 1.17 Schematic of a crude oil distillation process with its boiler temperature control system.Source: Based on Kaltjob P.

      10 1.10 Consider a control project upgrading a distributed control (no single point of failure) for an express parcel handling and dispatching center. Among the control design requirements are: (i) a parcel dimension check point; and (ii) parcel priority levels. All parcels pass through an integrated security system consisting of a series of security scanners while being directed automatically by barcode scanning points along long-distance conveyor system and a robot handling system at each end to their final transit destination via a temporary storage room.Identify the control objectives for this parcel handling and dispatching center.List key I/O variables (logic and continuous) for the handling and dispatching center.Sketch the block diagram of this system as well as an operator panel including all I/O system and control variables.

      11 1.11 Similar to blood glucose level or blood pressure regulation, the regulation of human body blood temperature is performed through the evaporation of water from the skin over the capillary network.Identify the continuous and logic control objectives for blood temperature regulation in the human body.Sketch a hybrid control block diagram for the human body blood temperature continuous control problem.Integrate this system block diagram with one for human blood pressure regulation and one for human blood glucose level control.From the preceding block diagram, identify devices that could be used in the measuring and detecting unit and in the actuating unit of this multi-level automated human blood regulation process.

      12 1.12 From the cake conveyor oven depicted in Figure 1.18, it is necessary to control temperature and air moisture within the oven chamber as well as the conveyor speed in order to ensure a suitable cake baking process. An image processing camera is used for thermal sensing configuration of the chamber and an operator panel is used to define configuration settings and display operating conditions.List key I/O (binary and continuous) control and system variables involved.Draw the hybrid control block diagram and operator panel with I/O controls and process variables.Figure 1.18 Cake conveyor oven.Source: Based on Kaltjob P.

      13 1.13 Among vehicle-based mechatronic systems, there are:the antilock brake system (ABS) to allow vehicle wheels to smoothly stop their rotation when a mechanical brake is activated;the traction control system (TCS);the vehicle dynamics control (VDC):the electric spark ignition for fuel-air combustion;the engine management and transmission control;the airbag activation;the air conditioning system;seat belt control;mirror control;climate and vehicle front light activation control;the parking distance control system;parallel self-parking;the averaging fuel tank level;the alcohol test and engine activation;the window lift system.Based on either operating objectives such as comfort, safety, and emission reduction, or autonomous and intelligent cruise control objectives, classify the mechatronic systems listed here.For five mechatronic systems out of this list, define the possible I/O variables involved (hint: each variable is associated with a field control device).

      14 1.14 Consider the horizontal motion of a helicopter hovering as depicted in Figure 1.19. The motion equipment includes an engine-driven rotor with a speed control while the pitch angle is given by the drivetrain. The wind speed can be considered a disturbance and its power is related to altitude height, also called the shear coefficient. Then, the helicopter's motion can be defined by the rotor and drivetrain. Sketch a block diagram for the speed and direction control from variations associated with the pitch rate, the pitch angle of the fuselage, and the rotor tilt angle.Figure 1.19 Helicopter schematic.Source: Based on Kaltjob P.

      15 1.15 Consider a gold-mining extraction operation, as depicted in Figure 1.20. It is necessary to monitor and remotely control the primary and secondary crushing motors, raw material conveyor motors, ball milling (grinding), operations related to pressurized watering, underground soil feeding in transportation trailers during extraction operations, and operations related to leading and tailings stacking.List key I/O variables involved in the monitoring and control of a gold-mining extraction process.Sketch the corresponding control system block diagram including the monitoring and control system instruments as well as I/O variables involved.Figure 1.20 Electric-driven car moving up the hill.

      16 1.16 Consider robot harvesting machines that

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