Immunology. Richard Coico

Immunology - Richard Coico

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factors Opsonization, lysis, and clumping of target cells Chemotaxis Mannan‐binding lectin Mannan‐binding lectin pathway of complement activation Fibrinogen (α β globulin), prothrombin, factor VIII, von Willebrand factor Coagulation factors Trapping invading microbes in blood clots Some cause chemotaxis Plasminogen Degradation of blood clots α2‐Macroglobulin Inhibitor of coagulation by inhibiting thrombin Inhibitor of fibrinolysis by inhibiting plasmin Ferritin Binding iron, inhibiting microbe iron uptake Hepcidin Stimulates the internalization of ferroportin, preventing release of iron bound by ferritin within intestinal enterocytes and macrophages Ceruloplasmin Oxidizes iron, facilitating for ferritin, inhibiting microbe iron uptake Haptoglobin Binds hemoglobin, inhibiting microbe iron uptake Orosomucoid (α1‐acid glycoprotein) Steroid carrier α 1‐Antitrypsin, α(α) 1‐antichymotrypsin Serpin, downregulates inflammation


      Although fever is one of the most common manifestations of infection and inflammation, there is still limited information about the significance of fever in the course of infection in mammals. In addition to the effects of acute phase proteins on the hypothalamus during inflammatory responses, fever is caused by many bacterial products, most notably the endotoxins (lipopolysaccharide [LPS]) of Gram‐negative bacteria. Exposure of innate immune cells (monocytes and macrophages) to LPS causes the release of cytokines called endogenous pyrogens. Examples of cytokines with endogenous pyrogenic properties include IL‐1 and certain interferons (see Chapter 11). Cells in other tissues can also produce these cytokines. For example, the keratinocytes present in skin contain IL‐1. Interestingly, when the skin is overexposed to the ultraviolet rays of the sun (sunburn), keratinocytes are physically damaged, causing them to release their contents, including IL‐1. Within a few hours, IL‐1 induces the hypothalamus to raise body temperature (fever)—a phenomenon many have experienced after a summer day at the beach, with accompanying chills and malaise. Fortunately, the ultraviolet rays can be blocked by a variety of topical products to prevent skin damage. Many tissues also synthesize substances that are harmful to microorganisms. Examples include degradative enzymes, toxic free radicals, and, as noted above, acute phase proteins

Schematic illustration of adhesion molecules involved in leukocyte tethering, rolling, and adhesion to endothelium leading to transendothelial migration from blood to tissue


      1 There are two forms of immunity: innate and adaptive.

      2 Innate immunity is broad and immune responses are rapid (minutes to hours).

      3 Unlike adaptive immunity, innate immunity does not exhibit memory to antigenic exposure.

      4 Many elements participate in innate immunity, including various physical barriers (e.g., skin), chemical barriers (e.g., low pH in stomach), cellular components (e.g., phagocytes, neutrophils, NKT cells), germline‐encoded pattern recognition receptors (e.g., TLRs, NLRs), and complement.

      5 Alterations in expression of chemokine receptors and adhesion molecules facilitate the recruitment of immune cells to sites of injury.

      6 Macrophages and neutrophils of the innate immune system facilitate destruction of invading organisms by upregulating phagolysosome activity and cytokine secretion.

      7 When innate immune defense mechanisms fail to completely eliminate invading pathogens, defense mechanisms mediated by adaptive immune cells (B and T lymphocytes) are called into play and this process is facilitated by innate immune cells which play major roles in antigen presentation and cytokine activation of these cells.

      8 Complement refers to a set of >50 serum proteins that cooperate with both innate and adaptive immune systems to eliminate pathogens. Its major roles include opsonization of microbes, recruitment of phagocytes to sites of infection, and, in some cases, direct killing of microbes as a result of the terminal stages of complement activation that can form the lysis‐promoting membrane attack complex.

      9 The three major pathways of complement activation are: (a) the classic pathway initiated when C1q binds to antigen–antibody complexes; (b) the lectin pathway in which complement’s mannose‐binding lectin binds to conserved carbohydrates on pathogens; and (c) the alternate pathway involves direct binding of C3 to certain microbial surfaces such as LPS. C3 also undergoes constitutive spontaneous hydrolysis in solution at a low level and binds to host cell surfaces. The presence of inhibitory regulatory molecules in mammalian cells prevents damage to such cells. Because microbes lack these regulatory proteins, the binding of C3 to their surface initiates the cascade of complement activation that results in lysis of the microbe.

      1 Aderem A, Underhill DM. (1999) Mechanisms of phagocytosis in macrophages. Annu Rev Immunol 17: 593.

      2 Akira S, Takeda K, Kaiso T. (2001) Toll‐like receptors: critical proteins linking innate and acquired immunity. Nature Immunol 2: 675.

      3 Bernink J, Mjӧsberg J, Spits H. (2013) TH1‐ and TH2‐like subsets of innate lymphoid cells. Immunol Rev 252: 133.

      4 Beutler B, Jiang Z, George P, Crozat P, Croker B, Rutschmann S, Du X, Hoebe K. (2007) Genetic analysis of host resistance: Toll‐like receptor signaling and immunity at large. Annu Rev Immunol 24: 353.

      5 Evavold CL, Kagan JC (2018) How inflammasomes inform adaptive immunity. J Mol Biol 430:;217.

      6 Furster R, Sozzani S. (2013) Emerging aspects of leukocyte migration. Eur J Immunol 43(6): 1404.

      7 Juelke K, Romagnani C. (2016) Differentiation of human innate lymphoid cells (ILCs). Curr Opinion Immunol 38:75.

      8 Lanier LL. (1998) NK cell receptors. Annu Rev Immunol 16: 359.

      9 Mills KH, Dungan LS, Jones SA, Harris J. (2013) The role of inflammasome‐derived IL‐1 in

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