A Night In Annwn. Owen Jones

A Night In Annwn - Owen Jones

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like that, yes.

      “Anyway, Becky stayed with your body and went to the hospital with it – in fact, she is still there. The poor girl has hardly stopped praying and crying, and John has buried Kiddy’s body in our back garden. There was nothing anyone could do for her; she was already gone, but not to worry, eh? She’s happy enough, aren’t you girl?” she said leaning forward to stroke the dog. It doesn’t take animals long to recover, because they haven’t got any preconceived notions preventing them from seeing the Truth”

      “Yes, she’s a great girl. She has been such a comfort to me since you passed away, er, on, or is it over?”

      “Replaced by a dog, eh? How fickle men are! Only joking! I’m glad she was there. As for dying, you describe it in any way that you think best illustrates the reality”.

      “When are we going out, I can’t wait to explore this underground world of yours”. He swung his legs out from under the sheet and then looked under the sheet. “I haven’t got any clothes on”.

      “Your clothes are in a locker in the hospital, but if you are referring to yourself here and now, the fact is that you have not only got no clothes on, but you haven’t got anything on”.

      “Yes, I have. I’ve got this sheet”.

      “Not from where I am sitting”.

      “Well, what is this then?” he asked holding a corner of the sheet up.

      “That and the bed you probably think you’re lying on are figments of your imagination, but not of mine. Therefore, you see them, but I do not”.

      “Say that again, please, Sarah?”

      “When you woke up, you were expecting to be in a hospital, so you saw the people around you as doctors and nurses. Furthermore, patients in hospital lie in beds covered by a sheet, so that is what you saw. However, we know that you are not in a hospital for physical bodies and that you are not in a bed covered with a sheet, so we don’t see them. You see what you expect to see”.

      “So, all those people saw me, er, starkers?”

      “I don’t know how they saw you. It depends on their level of advancement and what they wanted to see”.

      “So, you are naked too then?”

      “What do you see, Willy?”

      “It’s strange… When I first noticed you, you were in a white nurse’s uniform, but when I realised who you were, you were wearing what you have on now – a long white dress and a garland of white flowers in your hair like a crown. The strange thing is, I didn’t notice you change…”

      “That’s because I didn’t, your perception of me did, so it was instantaneous, but only in your head. The fact of the matter is, I can let you dress me as you want, and I can dress myself how I want as well and so we can look different to different people at the same time. You haven’t had any practice at this yet, but you will soon get the hang of it when you live here.

      “I like the long white dress and the garland though, I think I’ll keep that for now. As for yourself, Willy, just imagine yourself wearing anything you like and you will be, at least as far as you are concerned. When you become more adept, you will be able to suggest the clothes you are wearing to whoever is looking at you and they will normally accept your suggestion.

      “How do you feel, my love? Are you fit enough to go outside?”

      “Yes, I feel fantastic. I could eat a horse too. Do you like the clothes?”

      “You are funny, Willy!” she said smiling lovingly at him. “I can’t see any clothes, I just told you that. I just see my darling Willy”.

      “Mmm, I’ll try not to read too much into that, or I’ll never pluck up the courage to go outside. Shall we eat first?”

      “Where, in the room or outside?”

      “Outside, I think”.

      “Are you hungry?”

      “I’m famished”, he said rubbing his stomach.

      “Are you sure?”

      “No, I’m not”, he replied slowly. “Thinking about it, I’m not hungry at all. Leastwise, my body is not hungry, but my brain is saying that it ought to be. I suppose I don’t have a body to feel hungry for, do I?”

      “Yes, you do, but the doctors in the hospital are feeding it with a drip. However, you are still connected to it, so you can probably feel your stomach shrinking. Let me assure you though, you are not hungry. Not that that stops us eating if we want to. We just get out of the habit. I’ll get you something to eat, if you like, though, just say the word”.

      “OK, let’s leave it for now. We’ll play it by ear. Lead the way, my dear”, he said opening the door for her.

      (back to top)

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