Dictionary of Quotations from Ancient and Modern, English and Foreign Sources. Rev. James Wood

Dictionary of Quotations from Ancient and Modern, English and Foreign Sources - Rev. James Wood

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das Schöne muss sterben—Even what is beautiful must die. Schiller.

      Auch der Löwe muss sich vor der Mücke wehren—Even the lion has to defend itself against flies. Ger. Pr.

      Auch die Gerechtigkeit trägt eine Binde, / Und schliesst die Augen jedem Blendwerk zu—Even Justice wears a bandage, and shuts her eyes on everything deceptive. Goethe.

      Auch die Kultur, die alle Welt beleckt, / Hat auf den Teufel sich erstreckt—Culture, which has licked all the world into shape, has reached even the devil. Goethe.

      Auch die Kunst ist Himmelsgabe, / Borgt sie 30 gleich von ird'scher Glut—Art is a gift of Heaven, yet does it borrow its fire from earthly passion. Schiller.

      Auch ein Haar hat seinen Schatten—Even a hair casts its shadow. Ger. Pr.

      Auch für die rauhe Brust giebt's Augenblicke / Wo dunkle Mächte Melodien wecken—Even the rude breast has moments in which dark powers awaken melodies. Körner.

      Auch ich war ein Jüngling mit lockigem Haar, / An Mut und an Hoffnungen reich—I too was once a youth with curly locks, rich in courage and in hopes. Lortzing.

      Auch ich war in Arkadien geboren, / Und ward daraus entführt vom neidischen Glücke. / Ist hier der Rückweg? fragt' ich jede Brücke, / Der Eingang hier? fragt' ich an allen Thoren—I too was born in Arcadia, and was lured away by envious Fortune. "Is this the way back?" asked I at every bridge-way; "This the entrance?" asked I at every portal. Rückert.

      Auch in der That ist Raum für Ueberlegung—Even 35 in the moment of action there is room for consideration. Goethe.

      Auch was Geschriebenes forderst du, Pedant? / Hast du noch keinen Mann, nicht Mannes-Wort gekannt?—Dost thou, O pedant, require something written too? Hast thou never yet known a man, not word of man? Faust.

      Au courant—Perfectly acquainted with. Fr.

      Auctor pretiosa facit—The giver makes the gift valuable. M.

      Aucto splendore resurgo—I rise again with access of splendour. M.

      Aucun chemin de fleurs ne conduit à la gloire—No 40 path of flowers conducts to glory. La Font.

      Audacia pro muro habetur—Daring is regarded as a wall. Sallust.

      Audacter calumniare, semper aliquid hæret—Calumniate boldly, always some of it sticks. Bacon.

      Audacter et sincere—Boldly and heartily. M.

      Audax ad omnia fœmina, quæ vel amat vel odit—A woman, when she either loves or hates, will dare anything. Pr.

      Audax omnia perpeti / Gens humana ruit per 45 vetitum et nefas—Daring to face all hardships, the human race dashes through every human and divine restraint. Hor.

      Aude aliquid brevibus Gyaris et carcere dignum, / Si vis esse aliquis—Dare to do something worthy of transportation and imprisonment, if you wish to be somebody. Juv.

      Audendo magnus tegitur timor—Great fear is concealed under daring. Lucan.

      Audentes Fortuna juvat—Fortune favours the brave. Virg.

      Au dernier les os—For the last the bones. Fr. Pr.

      Aude sapere—Dare to be wise. 50

      Au désespoir—In despair. Fr.

      Audi alteram partem—Hear the other party; hear both sides. L. Max.

      Audiatur et altera pars—Let the other side also have a hearing. Sen.

      Audio sed taceo—I hear, but say nothing. M.

      Audita querela—The complaint having been investigated. L.

      Auditque vocatus Apollo—And Apollo hears 5 when invoked. Virg.

      Audi, vide, tace, si vis vivere in pace—Use your ears and eyes, but hold your tongue, if you would live in peace.

      Au fait—Expert; skilful. Fr.

      Auf dem Grund des Glaubenmeeres / Liegt die Perle der Erkenntniss; Heil dem Taucher, der sie findet—At the bottom of the faith-sea lies the pearl of knowledge; happy the diver that finds it. Bodenstedt.

      Auf den Bergen ist Freiheit—On the mountains is freedom. Schiller.

      Auf die warnenden Symptome sieht kein 10 Mensch, auf die Schmeichelnden und Versprechenden allein ist die Aufmerksamkeit gerichtet—To the warning word no man has respect, only to the flattering and promising is his attention directed. Goethe.

      Auf Dinge, die nicht mehr zu ändern sind, / Muss auch kein Blick zurück mehr fallen! Was / Gethan ist, ist gethan und bleiht's—On things which are no more to be changed a backward glance must be no longer cast! What is done is done, and so remains. Schiller.

      Auf ebnem Boden straucheln ist ein Scherz, / Ein Fehltritt stürzt vom Gipfel dich herab—To stumble on a level surface is matter of jest; by a false step on a height you are hurled to the ground. Goethe.

      Auferimur cultu: gemmis auroque teguntur / Omnia; pars minima est ipsa puella sui—Dress deceives us: jewels and gold hide everything: the girl herself is the least part of herself. Ovid.

      Aufgeschoben ist nicht aufgehoben—Postponed is not abandoned. Ger. Pr.

      Aufklärung—Illuminism. Ger. 15

      Au fond—To the bottom. Fr.

      Aufrichtig zu sein kann ich versprechen; unparteiisch zu sein aber nicht—I can promise to be candid, but not to be impartial. Goethe.

      Auf Teufel reimt der Zweifel nur; / Da bin ich recht am Platze—Only Zweifel (doubt) rhymes to Teufel (devil); here am I quite at home. The Sceptic in "Faust."

      Auf Wind und Meer gebautes Glück ist schwankend—The fortune is insecure that is at the mercy of wind and wave. Gutzkow.

      Augiæ cloacas purgare—To cleanse the Augean 20 stables, i.e., achieve an arduous and disagreeable work. Sen.

      Augusto felicior, Trajano melior—A more fortunate man than Augustus, and a more excellent than Trajan. Eutrop.

      Aujourd'hui marié, demain marri—To-day married, to-morrow marred. Fr. Pr.

      Aula regis—The court of the king.

      Auld folk are twice bairns. Sc. Pr.

      Auld Nature swears the lovely dears, / Her 25 noblest work she classes, O; / Her 'prentice han' she tried on man, / An' then she made the lasses, O. Burns.

      Au nouveau tout est beau—Everything is fine that is new. Fr. Pr.

      Au pis aller—At the worst. Fr.

      Au plaisir fort de Dieu—By the all-powerful will of God. M.

      Aura popularis—Popular

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