Life in Mexico. Madame Calderón de la Barca

Life in Mexico - Madame Calderón de la Barca

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of the Encarnación

      —Attempt at a Hymn—Invitation—Morning Visit—The Nun and her Mother—

       Banquet—Taking Leave—Ceremony of the Veil-taking—A Beautiful Victim—

       The Last Look—Presentation to the Bishop—Reflections—Verses


      San Agustin—The Gambling Fête—The Beauties of the Village—The Road from

       Mexico—Entry to San Agustin—The Gambling Houses—San Antonio—The

       Pedregal—Last Day of the Fête—The Cockpit—The Boxes—The Cock-fight—

       Decorum—Comparisons—Dinner—Ball at Calvario—House of General Moran—

       View of the Gambling Tables—The Advocate—Ball at the Plaza de Gallos—

       Return to Mexico—Reflections—Conversation between two Ministers


      Countess C—a—Gutierrez Estrada—Dinner at General Moran's—Dowager

       Marquesa—Fête at San Antonio—Approach of the Rainy Season—Diamonds and

       Plate—Great Ball—Night Traveling—Severe Storm—Chapter of Accidents—

       Corpus Christ!—Poblana Dress—Book Club—Ball—Humming Bird—Franciscan

       Friar—Missions to Old and New California—Zeal and Endurance of the

       Missionaries—Present Condition—Convent Gardener


      The President—Yturbide—Visit from the Archbishop—Señor Canedo—General

       Almonte—Señor Cuevas—Situation of an Archbishop in Mexico—Of Señor

       Posada—His Life—Mexican Charity—Wax Figures—Anecdote—Valuable

       Present—Education—Comparison—Schools—Opportunities—Natural Talent—

       Annual—Compliments to the Mexican Ladies by the Editor—Families of the

       Old School—Morals—Indulgence—Manners—Love of Country—Colleges


      Revolution in Mexico—Gomez Farias and General Urrea—The Federalists—The

       President Imprisoned—Firing—Cannon—First News—Escape—Proclamation of

       the Government—Cannonading—Count C—a—Houses Deserted—Countess del

       V—e—Proclamation of the Federalists—Circular of the Federalists—

       Scarcity of Provisions—Bursting of a Shell—Refugees—Dr. Plan—Young

       Lady Shot—Gomez Farias—Rumours—Address of Gomez Farias—Balls and

       Bullets—Visit from the—— Minister—Arrival of Monsieur de———

       Expected Attack—Skirmish—Appearance of the Street—San Cosme—General—

       The Count de B———More Rumours—Suspense—Cannonading—Government

       Bulletin—Plan of the Rebels Defeated—Proclamation of the President—Of

       General Valencia—Maternal Affection—Fresh Reports—Families leaving the

       City—Letter from Santa Anna—Bustamante's Letter when imprisoned—

       Propositions—Refusal—Taoubaya—Archbishop—Fresh Proposals—Refusal—

       Second Letter from Santa Anna—Government Bulletin—Proclamations—An

       awkward Mistake—The Archbishop visits the President—Conclusion of the

       Revolution—Government Newspapers—Circulars


      Plan of the Federalists—Letter from Farias—Signing of Articles—Dispersion of the "Pronunciados"—Conditions—Orders of General Valencia—Of the Governor—Address of General Valencia—Departure of our Guests—The Cosmopolita—State of the Palace and Streets—Bulletin of the Firing—Interior of Houses—Escape of Families—Conduct of the Troops—Countess del V—e—Santa Anna—Congress—Anecdote—Discussion in Congress—Leprosy


      Visitors—Virgin de los Remedies—Encarnación—Fears of the Nuns—Santa Teresa—Rainy Season—Amusing Scene—"Está a la disposición de V."— Mexican Sincerity—Texian Vessels—Fine Hair—Schoolmistress—Climate—Its Effects—Nerves—Tours de Force—Anniversary—Speech—Paseo—San Angel— Tacubaya—Army of "The Three Guarantees"—Plan of Yguala—A Murder—Indian Politeness—Drunkenness—Señor Canedo—Revolutions in Mexico—The Penon— The Baths—General————Situation and View—Indian Family—Of the Boiling Springs—Capabilities—Solitude—Chapultepec—The Desagravios— Penitence at San Francisco—Discipline of the Men—Discourse of the Monk— Darkness and Horrors—Salmagundi


      Fête-day—Friendly Hint—Precautions—General Tranquillity—President in

       San Agustin—Revisit Museum—Ancient Manuscripts—Sculpture—Bronze Bust,

       etc.—Freshness after Rain—Ball at the French Minister's—Pamphlet—

       Gutierrez Estrada—His Character—Concealment—Mexicalsingo—Minister of the Treasury—Archbishop's Permission—Paintings—Mexican Painters—Santa Teresa—Description of the Interior—The Penitences—Tortures— Disciplines, etc.—Supper—Profane Ballads—Monasteries—San Francisco— Padre Prior—Soldiers and Friars


      día de Muertos—Leave Mexico—Herraderos—San Cristobal—Tunas—Plaza de Toros—Throwing the Laso—Accidents—Rustic Breakfast—Country Fare—Baked Meat—Indian Market—Buried Bull—Mountain—Solitary HaciendaReyes—Mules marked—Return—Queen of Spain's Birthday—Diplomatic Dinner


      Virgin of Cavadonga—Santo Domingo—Decorations and Music— Daguerreotype—Weekly Soirées—An Arrival—An Earthquake—Honourable Mr. ———Broken Furniture—Dios—Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe—Party to the DesiertoItzcuintepotzotli—Inn of Guajimalco—Ruined Convent— Its Origin—Dejeune a la Fourchette—Splendid Scenery—Vow to the Virgin—Musical Mass—Tacuba—Ride with the Prior


      Christmas-day—Kalends and Mass—Amateur Performances—Solo—Posadas— Wandering of the Holy Family—Nacimiento—Crowded Party—French Cooks— Mexican Cook—State of Household—New Year's Day—Mass—Dirtiness of the Churches, etc.—Comparisons—Private Chapels—English Club—Preparations for Journey


      Leave Mexico—Cuernavaca—Tierra CalienteAtlacamulco—Orange Groves —Sugar-cane—Annual Produce—Will of Cortes—Description—Coffee Plantation—Scorpions—List

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