Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies. John Dickinson

Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies - John Dickinson

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the troubles of America had hitherto appealed but slightly to the average Englishman and the sympathies of the English people had become involved in the long-drawn-out struggles of Wilkes to obtain his constitutional rights. The press published little American news. America was little discussed; conditions there were practically unknown to all but the trading class, whose members had prospered through the monopoly of the constantly increasing commerce with the growing colonies. This class, naturally fearing the loss of the magnificent trade which had been built up, had long bemoaned the constantly increasing friction between the two factions on each side of the water. Englishmen in general had hitherto paid little attention to the debates over the various acts raising revenue from the colonies. From the time the "Farmer's Letters" were published in England the differences between Parliament and colonies were better understood there. Untouched and yet alarmed by the political corruption so prevalent at the time, thinking men saw in these "Letters" a warning that if their Sovereign was successful in his attempt to take away constitutional liberty from their fellow Englishmen across the sea, their own prized liberty at home was in danger. "American" news became more frequent in the newspapers, "Letters to the Printer," the form of editorials of the day, discussed and criticised the measures of Parliament with great freedom. To the masses, John Dickinson's name soon became very familiar through the agency of the press, which under date of June 26–28, 1768, freely noted Isaac Barré's characterization in the House of Commons of Dickinson as "a man who was not only an ornament to his country but an honor to human nature." Almost immediately after the publication of the London edition, the Monthly Review of July, 1768, forcibly called the attention of the literary world to the "Farmer's Letters" in an exhaustive review which is reprinted in the Notes, page liii, for the purpose of showing the view held by the English Whigs regarding the doctrines laid down and arguments used by Dickinson in defence of his position.

      The "London Chronicle," under date of September 1st, 1768, printed the popular Liberty song, written by Mr. Dickinson, and which, set to the inspiring air of "Hearts of Oak," was being sung throughout the colonies. In order to give the accompanying letter of request for the republication of the song, a request which, from its wording demonstrates the enthusiasm which the song aroused, the latter is here reprinted from the issue of the Boston "Evening Post" of August 22, 1768.


      The following Song being now much in Vogue and of late is heard resounding in almost all Companies in Town, and by way of eminence called "The Liberty Song," you are desired to republish in your 'circulating' Paper for the Benefit of the whole Continent of America.

      [To the Tune of Hearts of Oak.]

      Come, join Hand in Hand, brave Americans all,

       And rouse your bold Hearts at fair Liberty's Call, No tyrannous Acts shall suppress your just Claim, Or stain with dishonor America's Name.

      In Freedom we're born, & in Freedom we'll live, Our Purses are ready, Steady, Friends, Steady, Not as Slaves but as Freemen our money we'll give.

      Our worthy Forefathers—let's give them a Cheer—

       To Climates unknown did courageously steer; Thro' Oceans to Deserts for Freedom they came, And dying bequeath'd us their Freedom & Fame.

      In Freedom we're born, &c.

      Their generous Bosoms all Dangers despis'd,

       So highly, so wisely, their Birthrights they priz'd; We'll keep what they gave—we will piously keep, Nor frustrate their Toils on the Land or the Deep.

      In Freedom we're born, &c.

      The Tree their own Hands had to Liberty rear'd, They liv'd to behold growing strong and rever'd; With Transport then cry'd, 'now our Wishes we gain, For our Children shall gather the Fruits of our Pain.'

      In Freedom we're born, &c.

      Swarms of Placemen and Pensioners soon will appear, Like Locusts deforming the Charms of the Year; Suns vainly will rise, Showers vainly descend, If we are to drudge for what others shall spend.

      In Freedom we're born, &c.

      Then join Hand in Hand brave Americans all,

       By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall; In so righteous a Cause let us hope to succeed, For Heaven approves of each generous Deed.

      In Freedom we're born, &c.

      All Ages shall speak with amaze and applause, Of the courage we'll shew in support of our laws; To die we can bear—but to serve we disdain— For Shame is to Freemen more dreadful than Pain.

      In freedom we're born, &c.

      This Bumper I crown for our Sovereign's Health, And this for Britannia's Glory and Wealth; That Wealth and that Glory immortal may be, If She is but just—and if we are but free.

      In Freedom we're born, & in Freedom we'll live, Our Purses are ready, Steady, Friends, Steady, Not as Slaves, but as Freemen our Money we'll give.

      The following extract from the London "Chronicle" of October 4, 1768, demonstrates how completely the arguments and logic of the "Farmer's Letters" gained popular approval; how constantly Dickinson's name was kept before the public, both at home and abroad; how his fame was toasted; how he was recognized as the leader of political thought in the colonies. It shows also the constantly increasing interest in American matters taken by the press of England since the advent of the "Farmer's Letters," for the "American News," published in this and other London papers, was extensively reprinted in the local journals throughout the kingdom.

      Taken from the Boston, in New England, Evening Post of August 22, 1768

      On Monday the fifteenth instant, the anniversary of the ever memorable Fourteenth of August, was celebrated by the Sons of Liberty in this Town, with extraordinary festivity. At this Dawn, the British Flag was displayed on the Tree of Liberty, and a Discharge of Fourteen Cannon, ranged under the venerable Elm, saluted the joyous Day. At eleven o'clock, a very large Company of the principal Gentlemen and respectable Inhabitants of the Town, met at the Hall under the Tree, while the Streets were crowded with a Concourse of People of all Ranks, public Notice having been given of the intended Celebration. The Musick began at high Noon, performed on various Instruments, joined with Voices; and concluding with the universally admired American Song of Liberty,[4] the Grandeur of its Sentiment, and the easy Flow of its Numbers, together with an exquisite Harmony of Sound, afforded sublime Entertainment to a numerous Audience, fraught with a noble Ardour in the cause of Freedom: The Song was clos'd with the Discharge of Cannon and a Shout of Joy; at the same time the Windows of the Neighbouring Houses, were adorned with a brilliant appearance of the fair Daughters of Liberty, who testified their Approbation by Smiles of Satisfaction. The following Toasts succeeded, viz.

      The following toasts may need brief explanation.—R. T. H. H.:

      1. Our rightful Sovereign George the Third.

      2. The Queen, Prince of Wales, and the rest of the Royal Family.

      3. The Sons of Liberty throughout the World.

      4. The glorious Administration of 1766.

      4. The Rockingham Ministry which repealed the Stamp Act.

      5. A perpetual Union of Great Britain and her Colonies, upon the immutable Principles of Justice and Equity.

      6. May the sinister Designs of Oppressors, both in Great Britain and America, be for ever defeated.

      7. May the common Rights of Mankind be established on the Ruin of all their Enemies.

      8. Paschal Paoli and his brave Corsicans. May they never want the Support of the Friends of Liberty.

      8. The struggles of Paoli and

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