A Week's Tramp in Dickens-Land. William R. Hughes

A Week's Tramp in Dickens-Land - William R. Hughes

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rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_48364b0c-0eb2-5d74-90ed-f892ac7b0348">84 The Castle from Rochester Bridge F. G. Kitton 99 The Keep of Rochester Castle Herbert Railton 101 Interior of Rochester Castle F. G. Kitton 105 Rochester Castle and the Medway " " 109 Rochester Cathedral " " 112 Rochester Cathedral, Interior " " 115 The Crypt, Rochester Cathedral Phiz 118 Minor Canon Row, Rochester F. G. Kitton 123 College Gate (or "Chertsey's" Gate), Rochester F. G. Kitton 125 Prior's Gate, Rochester " " 126 Deanery Gate, Rochester " " 128 The Vines and Restoration House, Rochester " " 131 Restoration House, as it appeared in Dickens's time (Engraved from a Drawing by an Amateur) 133 St. Nicholas' Burying-ground F. G. Kitton 136 Memorial Brass in Rochester Cathedral 138 The "Six Poor Travellers" F. G. Kitton 143 Richard Watts's Almshouses, Rochester " " 149 Fac-similes of Signatures of Charles Dickens and Mark Lemon 151 The "Six Poor Travellers" from the Rear F. G. Kitton 153 A Dormitory in the "Six Poor Travellers": Gallery leading to the Dormitories F. G. Kitton 154 Satis House (From a Photograph) 156 Watts's Monument in Rochester Cathedral R. Langton 157 Rochester from Strood Hill C. Marshall 162 The "Sir John Falstaff" Inn, Gad's Hill F. G. Kitton 164 Gad's Hill Place " " 166 "The Empty Chair." Gad's Hill, Ninth of June, 1870 F. G. Kitton (from the Drawing by S. L. Fildes, R.A.) 170 Counterfeit Book-backs on Study Door R. Langton 172 Gad's Hill Place from the Rear J. Liddell 177 "The Grave of Dick, the best of Birds" F. G. Kitton 178 The Well at Gad's Hill Place " " 181 The Porch, Gad's Hill Place J. Liddell 183 The Cedars, Gad's Hill E. Hull 185 View from the Roof of Dickens's House, Gad's Hill F. G. Kitton 189 Fac-similes of Gad's Hill Gazette and Final Notice 199-203 Temple Farm, Strood F. G. Kitton 213 At Temple Farm, Strood " " 214 Crypt, Temple Farm " " 215 The "Crispin and Crispianus," Strood " " 218 Old Quarry House, Strood " " 236 Frindsbury Church " "
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