A Manual of Philippine Birds. Richard C. McGregor

A Manual of Philippine Birds - Richard C. McGregor

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of white mixed with reddish brown; general color above dark brown, lighter on forehead and fore crown; bird held toward the light, neck and its sides, beautiful, iridescent purple and violet-blue; wing-coverts, back, rump, and tail-coverts, dark glossy green; bird held away from the light, neck and sides of neck blue or deep violet; wings, back, tail, and its coverts washed with purple; below uniform light brown except middle of abdomen and tail-coverts which are dark buff; tail dark brown with a broad, apical, gray band, the middle pair of rectrices do not show this band from above. Iris light brown; bare skin about eyes dark, dirty red; bill black; legs and feet bright carmine; nails horn-colored. Length, about 255. In a male from Bataan Province, Luzon, the wing is 140; tail, 99; culmen, 23; tarsus, 20.5. Salvadori gives the following measurements: Wing, 146; tail, 78; bill, 22; tarsus, 22.

      “A rare bird in the few islands where it is found. Legs dull pink; iris dark brown; feet dark pink; nails brown; bill black. Length, 292; wing, 145; tail, 97; culmen, 25; tarsus, 21; middle toe with claw, 30.” (Bourns and Worcester MS.)

      17. PHAPITRERON CINEREICEPS Bourns and Worcester.


       Phabotreron cinereiceps Bourns and Worcester, Minnesota Acad. Nat. Sci. Occ. Papers (1894), 1, 8; Sharpe, Hand-List (1899), 1, 55.

       Phapitreron cinereiceps McGregor and Worcester, Hand-List (1906), 10.

      Tawi Tawi (Bourns & Worcester).

      “Adult.—Top of head, nape, and sides of neck clear ashy gray, slightly washed with rufous on forehead; hind neck amethystine as in P. amethystina; back, rump, and upper tail-coverts brown with bronze reflections, the tail-coverts slightly more ruddy than back; four outer pairs of tail-feathers dark brown, lighter at base; two central pairs ruddy brown with bronze reflections; all the tail-feathers with ashy tips which form a distinct terminal band 6 mm. in width; shafts of tail-feathers black; wing-coverts and secondaries uniform with back; primaries dark brown, the first five sharply edged with rusty brown on outer web; a narrow black stripe under eye; sides of face, ear-coverts, fore neck, and breast rich ruddy brown, the breast with a slight metallic gloss; chin and throat lighter; abdomen and thighs fulvous brown; flanks darker with slight metallic wash; under tail-coverts clear ashy gray; shafts of tail-feathers with basal half black, apical half white; under surface of tail nearly black, the terminal gray band distinct and wider than on upper surface, measuring 15 mm. on outer pair of feathers; under wing-coverts and axillars like the flanks; under surface of quills uniform dark brown. Bill black; legs and feet dirty purplish; nails black; iris in one specimen bright yellow, in another orange-red. Length, 260; wing, 134; tail, 99; culmen, 20; tarsus, 18. Sexes alike.” (Bourns and Worcester.)

      18. PHAPITRERON BRUNNEICEPS Bourns and Worcester.


       Phabotreron brunneiceps Bourns and Worcester, Minnesota Acad. Nat. Sci. Occ. Papers (1894), 1, 9; Sharpe, Hand-List (1899), 1, 55.

       Phapitreron brunneiceps McGregor and Worcester, Hand-List (1906), 10; McGregor, Phil. Jour. Sci. (1907), 2, sec. A, 281.

      Basilan (Bourns & Worcester, McGregor).

      “Adult.—Above dark brown with greenish reflections; amethystine spot on hind neck less blue than in P. amethystina; top of head brown, forehead slightly lighter and nape slightly darker than crown; sides of face and ear-coverts brown, paler than crown; a narrow, dark brown streak under eye; chin and throat grayish fulvous; breast pearly ash; abdomen, flanks, thighs, and under tail-coverts ochraceous-brown; under surface of tail brownish black with a broad, gray, terminal band; under wing-coverts and axillars fulvous-brown; primaries with sharply defined light edges on upper web; below slightly more ashy; tail-feathers brown above with distinct terminal bands of gray, central pair with slight metallic gloss; shafts of quills black above and below except the terminal 15 mm. which are white. Bill black; feet dark pink; nails brown; iris orange-red. Length, 255; wing, 132; tail, 89; culmen, 24; tarsus, 18. A well-defined species distinguished from P. amethystina by its smaller size and the entirely different color of its under surface.” (Bourns and Worcester.)

      This species is very distinct from P. amethystina being smaller and differently colored. A male measures: Length, 267; wing, 135; tail, 100; culmen from base, 25.

      19. PHAPITRERON FRONTALIS Bourns and Worcester.


       Phabotreron frontalis Bourns and Worcester, Minnesota Acad. Nat. Sci. Occ. Papers (1894), 1, 10; Sharpe, Hand-List (1899), 1, 55.

       Phapitreron frontalis McGregor and Worcester, Hand-List (1906), 10.

      Cebu (Bourns & Worcester).

      The length of culmen given above (2 inches in original description) is undoubtedly an error.

      20. PHAPITRERON MACULIPECTUS Bourns and Worcester.


       Phabotreron maculipectus Bourns and Worcester, Minnesota Acad. Nat. Sci. Occ. Papers (1894), 1, 10; Sharpe, Hand-List (1899), 1, 55; Grant, Ibis (1896), 563.

       Phapitreron maculipectus McGregor and Worcester, Hand-List (1906), 10.

      Negros (Bourns & Worcester, Whitehead).

      “Adult male.—Upper surface exactly as in P. amethystina except that the primaries are slightly darker; dark brown stripe under eye extending from gape through ear-coverts to hind neck; below this a white stripe and a second shorter dark stripe below the latter; cheeks fulvous brown; chin and throat more ruddy brown; breast clear ashy gray, each feather having an edging distinctly lighter than its center, producing a beautiful mottled appearance; feathers on center of fore breast washed with brown and forming a distinct patch; feathers of abdomen lack the dark centers, and their edges washed with light brown; thighs and under tail-coverts cinnamon-brown, much lighter than in P. amethystina; under surface of tail-feathers dark brown, nearly black, with faint metallic gloss and a broad, gray, terminal band; shafts of feathers black changing to white at tips; under surface of wing and axillars uniform fulvous brown. Bill black; feet dark pink; nails dark brown, nearly black. Wing, 145; tail, 115; culmen, 26; tarsus, 20. Length not taken from birds in flesh. This beautiful species was obtained in the Island of Negros on the mountains of the interior, where it is by no means common. It is distinguished from all the other species of the genus by its fine mottled breast.” (Bourns and Worcester.)

      21. PHAPITRERON LEUCOTIS (Temminck).


       Columba leucotis Temminck, Pl. Col. (1823), 189.

       Phabotreron leucotis Salvadori, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus. (1893), 21, 67; Sharpe, Hand-List (1899), 1, 55; Oates, Cat. Birds’ Eggs (1901), 1, 83.

       Phapitreron leucotis McGregor and Worcester, Hand-List

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