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in Civil War.
Germans in the Confederate Army.
Germantown Settlement.
Why Germany Strengthened Her Army, Told by Asquith.
Hagner, Peter.
Hartford Convention, The.
New York Herald Urges Hanging of German Americans.
Hereshoffs and Cramps.
Herkimer, General Nicholas.
The Hessians.
Hillegas, Michael.
House, Col. E. M.
The Humanity of War.
Indians, Tories and the German Settlements.
English View of Paul Jones.
Jefferson on English Hyphenates and English Perfidy.
Jefferson’s Tribute to German Immigration.
Kultur” in Brief Statistical Form.
Knobel, Caspar.
Know Nothing or American Party.
Koerner, Gustav.
Kudlich, Dr. Hans, the Peasant Emancipator.
Langlotz, Prof. C. A.
Lehman, Philip Theodore.
Lehmann, Frederick William.
Leisler, Jacob.
Lieber, Francis.
Light Horse Harry Lee.
Lincoln of German Descent.
Leutze, Eugene Henry Cozzens.
Long, Francis L.
Ludwig, Christian.
Liberty Loan Subscriptions.
Ideals of Liberty.
Marix, Adolph.
Massachusetts Bay Colony Contained Germans.
Massow, Baron Von.
McNeill, Walter S.
Memminger, Christoph Gustav.
Mergenthaler, Ottmar.
Military Establishments of Warring Nations.
Minuit, or Minnewit, Peter.
Morgan, J. Pierpont.
Missouri, How Kept in the Union.
Muhlenberg, Frederick August.
Muhlenberg, Heinrich Melchior.
Muhlenberg, Johann Gabriel Peter.
Nagel, Charles.
Nast, Thomas.
National Security League.
Neutrality—“The Best Practices of Nations.”
New Ulm Massacre.
Lord Northcliffe Controls American Papers.
Osterhaus, Peter Joseph.
Palatine Declaration of Independence.
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