The Book of Common Prayer and The Scottish Liturgy. Episcopal Church in Scotland

The Book of Common Prayer and The Scottish Liturgy - Episcopal Church in Scotland

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persons, which peradventure will be offended, for that some of the old Ceremonies are retained still: If they consider that without some Ceremonies it is not possible to keep any Order, or quiet Discipline in the Church, they shall easily perceive just cause to reform their judgements. And if they think much, that any of the old do remain, and would rather have all devised anew: then such men granting some Ceremonies convenient to be had, surely where the old may be well used, there they cannot reasonably reprove the old only for their age, without bewraying of their own folly. For in such a case they ought rather to have reverence unto them for their antiquity, if they will declare themselves to be more studious of unity and concord, than of innovations and new-fangleness, which (as much as may be with the true setting forth of Christ's Religion) is always to be eschewed. Furthermore, such shall have no just cause with the Ceremonies reserved to be offended. For as those be taken away which were most abused, and did burden men's consciences without any cause; so the other that remain, are retained for a discipline and order, which (upon just causes) may be altered and changed, and therefore are not to be esteemed equal with God's Law. And moreover, they be neither dark nor dumb Ceremonies, but are so set forth, that every man may understand what they do mean, and to what use they do serve. So that it is not like that they in time to come should be abused as other have been. And in these our doings we condemn no other Nations, nor prescribe any thing but to our own people only: For we think it convenient that every Country should use such Ceremonies as they shall think best to the setting forth of God's honour and glory, and to the reducing of the people to a most perfect and godly living, without error or superstition; and that they should put away other things, which from time to time they perceive to be most abused, as in men's ordinances it often chanceth diversely in divers countries.

       Table of Contents

      TO BE READ

      The Psalter shall be read through once every Month, as it is there appointed, both for Morning and Evening Prayer. But in February it shall be read only to the twenty-eighth, or twenty-ninth day of the Month.

      And, whereas January, March, May, July, August, October, and December have One-and-thirty days apiece; It is ordered, that the same Psalms shall be read the last day of the said months, which were read the day before: So that the Psalter may begin again the first day of the next month ensuing.

      And, whereas the 119th Psalm is divided into twenty-two portions, and is over-long to be read at one time; It is so ordered, that at one time shall not be read above four or five of the said portions.

      And at the end of every Psalm, and of every such part of the 119th Psalm, shall be repeated this Hymn,

       Glory be to the Father, and to the Son: and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be: world without end. Amen.

      Note, that the Psalter followeth the Division of the Hebrews, and the Translation of the great English Bible, set forth and used in the time of King Henry the Eighth, and Edward the Sixth.

       Table of Contents


      The Old Testament is appointed for the First Lessons at Morning and Evening Prayer, so as the most part thereof will be read every year once, as in the Kalendar is appointed.

      The New Testament is appointed for the Second Lessons at Morning and Evening Prayer, and shall be read over orderly every year twice, once in the morning and once in the evening, besides the Epistles and Gospels, except the Apocalypse, out of which there are only certain Lessons appointed at the end of the year, and certain Proper Lessons appointed upon divers feasts.

      And to know what Lessons shall be read every day, look for the day of the Month in the Kalendar following, and there ye shall find the chapters and portions of chapters that shall be read for the Lessons, both at Morning and Evening Prayer, except only the moveable feasts, which are not in the Kalendar, and the immoveable, where there is a blank left in the column of Lessons, the Proper Lessons for all which days are to be found in the Table of Proper Lessons.

      If Evening Prayer is said at two different times in the same place of worship on any Sunday (except a Sunday for which alternative Second Lessons are specially appointed in the Table,) the Second Lesson at the second time may, at the discretion of the minister, be any chapter from the four Gospels, or any Lesson appointed in the Table of Lessons from the four Gospels.

      Upon occasions, to be approved by the Ordinary, other Lessons may, with his consent, be substituted for those which are appointed in the Kalendar.

      And note, That whensoever Proper Psalms or Lessons are appointed, then the Psalms and Lessons of ordinary course appointed in the Psalter and Kalendar (if they be different) shall be omitted for that time.

      Note also, That upon occasions to be appointed by the Ordinary, other Psalms may, with his consent, be substituted for those appointed in the Psalter.

      If any of the Holy-days for which Proper Lessons are appointed in the Table fall upon a Sunday which is the first Sunday in Advent, Easter-day, Whitsunday, or Trinity Sunday, the Lessons appointed for such Sunday shall be read, but if it fall upon any other Sunday, the Lessons appointed either for the Sunday or for the Holy-day may be read at the discretion of the minister.

      Note also, That the Collect, Epistle, and Gospel appointed for the Sunday shall serve all the week after, where it is not in this Book otherwise ordered.

       Table of Contents





      ——————————————————————————————————————————— |MATTINS |EVENSONG——————————————————————————————————————————— Sundays of Advent | | The First |Isaiah 1 |Isaiah 2 or Isaiah 4, v. 2 Second |—5 |—11, to v. 11 "—24 Third |—25 |26 "—28, v. 5 to v. 19 Fourth |—30, to v. 27 |—32 "—33, v. 2 to v. 23 | | Sundays after | | Christmas | | The First |—35 |—38 "—40 Second |—42 |—43 "—44 | | Sundays after the | | Epiphany | | The First |—51 |—52, v. 13 & 53 "—54 Second |—55 |—57 "—61 Third |—62 |—65 "—66 Fourth |Job 27 |Job 28 " Job 29 Fifth |Prov. 1 |Prov. 3 " Prov. 8 Sixth |—9 |—11 "—15 | | Septuagesima |Gen. 1 & 2, to v. 4 |Gen 2., v. 4 " Job 38 2nd Lesson |Rev. 21, to v. 9 |Rev. 21, v. 9 to | | 22, v. 6 Sexagesima |Gen. 3 |Gen. 6 " Gen. 8 | | Quinquagesima |—9, to v. 20 |—12 "—13 | | Sundays in Lent | | The First |—19, v. 12 to v. 30 |—22, to v. 20 "—23 Second |—27, to v. 41 |—28 "—32 Third |—37 |—39 "—40 Fourth |—42 |—43

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