Essentials in Church History. Joseph Fielding Smith

Essentials in Church History - Joseph Fielding Smith

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in of the Dispensation of the Fulness of Times. The Lord did not call them to their great work by an opening of the heavens; by visitation of angel, or direct communication, as in times of old; neither did any of them claim that in this manner they had been called. Nevertheless it was the Spirit of the Lord which rested upon them and inspired them to fight against the abominations and practices of their times committed in the name of religion. Such, at least, was the case with most of them. The motive of Henry VIII of England, was a selfish one; yet the Lord brought good out of it in behalf of religious freedom. At first Henry opposed the rebellion of Luther and others most vigorously, even writing in defense of the pope of Rome, for which service he received the benediction of the pope and the title of “Defender of the Faith.” Afterwards, when his own interests where in conflict with the policy of the Catholic Church and in no wise he could prevail, he became rebellious, with the result that he was excommunicated by the pope. In defense he established an independent church, known today as the Church of England, of which he became the head. Parliament and the people were back of him and thus the great state church of England was brought into being.

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      The pity of it all is that these “reformers” when they established their religious freedom, could not agree among themselves. They were constantly in turmoil, contending one with another on points of doctrine, which led to considerable bitterness and the establishing of various and conflicting sects. Moreover, they had not learned the lesson themselves, through all the persecutions they were forced to suffer, that toleration was a fundamental principle of freedom. Because this great lesson had not been learned the persecuted became the persecutors in many cases, and were just as intolerant where they had the power with those who disagreed with them as their enemies had been with them.

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      Nevertheless the seeds of toleration had been sown, but they were of slow growth. Toleration was a matter of education and therefore came by degrees and could not burst forth in full fruition at once. Not until there had been much shedding of blood in Europe, and more particularly in America during the war for independence, were the people fully awakened to this truth. It required a planting in new soil in a choice land above all other lands. Here in America freedom and religious toleration became a fundamental part of our great government. Our land became a land of refuge for the afflicted, the downtrodden, and the oppressed of other nations, who found in the United States a haven of rest; for this land had been dedicated to liberty by the shedding of blood.

      Praise be to the great souls who conducted the Protestant Revolution. They helped to make it possible for the establishment of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the early part of the nineteenth century, preparatory to the second coming of the Son of God. For all the good they did we honor them, and they shall receive their reward which shall be great. They were not restorers, but were sent to prepare the way for one who was yet to come with a mission of restoration and everlasting power.

      Part Two

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      Chapter 4

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      Necessity for a Restoration

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      The work of the Protestant revolution having been accomplished, and the land of America having been prepared by the sowing of the seed of religious freedom, the time for the restoration of the Gospel had arrived. The promise made by the Savior that the Gospel of the kingdom should be preached in all the world for a witness, was about to be fulfilled, and the Church of Jesus Christ was again to be established in the earth. The “marvelous work and a wonder,” which Isaiah predicted should come forth in the latter days, was about to make its appearance, to the confounding of the wisdom of the worldly wise.

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      It is reasonable as well as scriptural, to believe that the Lord, before he shall come in judgment and to commence his reign of a thousand years, will send a messenger to prepare the way before him. In justice the people should be warned and given the privilege of repentance and remission of sins, through the preaching of the Gospel, and have an opportunity for membership in the Church of Christ. “Surely the Lord God will do nothing,” said Amos, “until he revealeth the secret unto his servants the prophets.”1

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      Many of the ancient prophets had spoken of the opening of the heavens and revealing anew to man, the everlasting Gospel, before the second coming of the Lord. The visitation of heavenly messengers, and the pouring out of the Spirit of the Lord, in which the sons and daughters of Israel should prophesy, old men dream dreams, and the young men see visions, were also foretold as events for the latter days.

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      Daniel, in vision, while an exile at the court of Babylon’s great king, saw our day and the work of setting up the kingdom which should be given to the Saints of the Most High, who should possess it “even forever and forever.” The same event he confirmed in the interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of the wonderfully constructed image. It was to be in the last days at a time when the kingdoms represented by the toes of the image should bear rule. In that day the God of heaven will “set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed, or left to other people.”

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      John also saw the time when the Gospel should be declared by an angel flying in the midst of heaven “having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.” This also was to be in the last day, when the people were departed from the teachings of the Lord, and needed a call unto repentance, for this angel was to be followed by another who should say: “Babylon is fallen, is fallen;” and before Babylon should fall, she was to be warned and given a chance of repentance.

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