The Social Life of the Blackfoot Indians. Clark Wissler

The Social Life of the Blackfoot Indians - Clark Wissler

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it is not nearly so accurate as that of the Saulteurs, and the second or third generation back seems often lost in oblivion.”[4] On the west, the Nez Perce seem innocent of anything like clans or gentes.[5] The Northern Shoshone seem not to have the formal bands of the Blackfoot and other tribes but to have recognized simple family groups.[6] The clan-like organizations of the Ojibway, Winnebago and some other Siouan groups and also the Caddoan groups on the eastern and southern borders of our area serve to sharpen the differentiation.

      The names of Blackfoot bands are not animal terms but characterizations in no wise different from tribal names. Those of the Assiniboine, Gros Ventre, Arapaho, Cheyenne, and Teton-Dakota are, so far as reported, essentially of the same class. It seems then that the name system for these bands is the same among these neighboring tribes of the area and that it is an integral part of the whole system of nomenclature for groups of individuals. This may be of no particular significance, yet it is difficult to see in it the ear marks of a broken-down clan organization; it looks for all the world like an economic or physical grouping of a growing population.

      December, 1910.

[1]Lowie, (a), 34.
[2]Kroeber, (a), 147.
[3]Kroeber, (b), 8.
[4]Henry, 511.
[5]Spinden, 241.
[6]Lowie, (b), 206.
[7]See Mooney, 402; Swanton, 663; and Goldenweiser, 53.
[8]Kroeber, (b), 8.

       Table of Contents

      Blackfoot. Pass the thumb and extended fingers down the side of the leg and supplement by pointing to black.

      Blood. Crook the closed fingers and draw across the mouth, the teeth showing. The idea is that of picking clotted blood from the mouth.

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