AE in the Irish Theosophist. George William Russell

AE in the Irish Theosophist - George William Russell

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what dusky creatures flit,

       That through the long leagues of the island night above

       Come wandering by me, whispering and beseeching love—

       As in the twilight children gather close and press

       Nigh and more nigh with shadowy tenderness,

       Feeling they know not what, with noiseless footsteps glide

       Seeking familiar lips or hearts to dream beside.

       Oh, voices, I would go with you, with you, away,

       Facing once more the radiant gateways of the day;

       With you, with you, what memories arise, and nigh

       Trampling the crowded figures of the dawn go by;

       Dread deities, the giant powers that warred on men

       Grow tender brothers and gay children once again;

       Fades every hate away before the Mother's breast

       Where all the exiles of the heart return to rest.

      —July 15, 1895

      In the Womb

      Still rests the heavy share on the dark soil:

       Upon the dull black mould the dew-damp lies:

       The horse waits patient: from his lonely toil

       The ploughboy to the morning lifts his eyes.

      The unbudding hedgerows, dark against day's fires,

       Glitter with gold-lit crystals: on the rim

       Over the unregarding city's spires

       The lonely beauty shines alone for him.

      And day by day the dawn or dark enfolds,

       And feeds with beauty eyes that cannot see

       How in her womb the Mighty Mother moulds

       The infant spirit for Eternity.

      —January 15, 1895

      In the Garden of God

      Within the iron cities

       One walked unknown for years,

       In his heart the pity of pities

       That grew for human tears

      When love and grief were ended

       The flower of pity grew;

       By unseen hands 'twas tended

       And fed with holy dew.

      Though in his heart were barred in

       The blooms of beauty blown;

       Yet he who grew the garden

       Could call no flower his own.

      For by the hands that watered,

       The blooms that opened fair

       Through frost and pain were scattered

       To sweeten the dull air.

      —February 15, 1895

      The Breath of Light

      From the cool and dark-lipped furrows

       breathes a dim delight

       Aureoles of joy encircle

       every blade of grass

       Where the dew-fed creatures silent

       and enraptured pass:

       And the restless ploughman pauses,

       turns, and wondering

       Deep beneath his rustic habit

       finds himself a king;

       For a fiery moment looking

       with the eyes of God

       Over fields a slave at morning

       bowed him to the sod.

       Blind and dense with revelation

       every moment flies,

       And unto the Mighty Mother

       gay, eternal, rise

       All the hopes we hold, the gladness,

       dreams of things to be.

       One of all they generations,

       Mother, hails to thee!

       Hail! and hail! and hail for ever:

       though I turn again

       For they joy unto the human

       vestures of pain.

       I, thy child, who went forth radiant

       in the golden prime

       Find thee still the mother-hearted

       through my night in time;

       Find in thee the old enchantment,

       there behind the veil

       Where the Gods my brothers linger,

       Hail! for ever, Hail!

      —May 15, 1895

      The Free

      They bathed in the fire-flooded fountains;

       Life girdled them round and about;

       They slept in the clefts of the mountains:

       The stars called them forth with a shout.

      They prayed, but their worship was only

       The wonder at nights and at days,

       As still as the lips of the lonely

       Though burning with dumbness of praise.

      No sadness of earth ever captured

       Their spirits who bowed at the shrine;

       They fled to the Lonely enraptured

       And hid in the Darkness Divine.

      At twilight as children may gather

       They met at the doorway of death,

       The smile of the dark hidden Father

       The Mother with magical breath.

      Untold of in song or in story,

       In days long forgotten of men,

       Their eyes were yet blind with a glory

       Time will not remember again.

      —November 15, 1895

      Songs of Olden Magic—IV

      The Magi

      "The mountain was filled with the hosts of the Tuatha de Dannan."

      —Old Celtic Poem

      See where the auras from the olden fountain

       Starward aspire;

       The sacred sign upon the holy mountain

       Shines in white fire:

       Waving and flaming yonder o'er the snows

       The diamond light

       Melts into silver or to sapphire glows

       Night beyond night;

       And from the heaven of heavens descends on earth

       A dew divine.

       Come, let us mingle in the starry mirth

       Around the shrine!

       Enchantress, mighty mother, to our home

       In thee we press,

       Thrilled by the fiery breath and wrapt in some

       Vast tenderness

       The homeward birds uncertain o'er their nest

       Wheel in the dome,

       Fraught with dim dreams of more enraptured rest,

       Wheel in the dome,


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