Poems Every Child Should Know. Various

Poems Every Child Should Know - Various

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Birthday 164 Katherine Miller

      13 A Modest Wit 165 Selleck Osborne

      14 The Legend of Bishop Hatto 166 Robert Southey

      15 Columbus 160 Joaquin Miller

      16 The Shepherd of King Admetus 171 James Russell Lowell

      17 How They Brought the Good News from Ghent to Aix 173 Robert Browning

      18 The Burial of Sir John Moore at Corunna 176 C. Wolfe

      19 The Eve of Waterloo 177 Lord Byron

      20 Ivry 179 Thomas B. Macaulay

      21 The Glove and the Lions 184 Leigh Hunt

      22 The Well of St. Keyne 186 Robert Southey

      23 The Nautilus and the Ammonite 188 Anonymous

      24 The Solitude of Alexander Selkirk 190 William Cowper

      25 The Homes of England 192 Felicia Hemans

      26 Horatius at the Bridge 193 Thomas B. Macaulay

      27 The Planting of the Apple-Tree 211 William Cullen Bryant

       Table of Contents

      1 June 217 James Russell Lowell

      2 A Psalm of Life 218 Henry W. Longfellow

      3 Barnacles 219 Sidney Lanier

      4 A Happy Life 220 Sir Henry Wotton

      5 Home, Sweet Home 220 John Howard Payne

      6 From Casa Guidi Windows 222 Elizabeth Barrett Browning

      7 Woodman, Spare That Tree! 222 George Pope Morris

      8 Abide With Me 223 Henry Francis Lyte

      9 Lead, Kindly Light 224 John Henry Newman

      10 The Last Rose of Summer 225 Thomas Moore

      11 Annie Laurie 226 William Douglas

      12 The Ship of State 227 Henry W. Longfellow

      13 America 228 Samuel Francis Smith

      14 The Landing of the Pilgrims 229 Felicia Hemans

      15 The Lotos-Eaters 231 Alfred Tennyson

      16 Moly 233 Edith M. Thomas

      17 Cupid Drowned 234 Leigh Hunt

      18 Cupid Stung 234 Thomas Moore

      19 Cupid and My Campasbe 235 John Lyly

      20 A Ballad for a Boy 236 Anonymous

      21 The Skeleton in Armour 240 Henry W. Longfellow

      22 The Revenge 246 Alfred Tennyson

      23 Sir Galahad 253 Alfred Tennyson

      24 A Name in the Sand 256 Hannah Flagg Gould

       Table of Contents

      1 The Voice of Spring 259 Felicia Hemans

      2 The Forsaken Merman 260 Matthew Arnold

      3 The Banks o' Doon 265 Robert Burns

      4 The Light of Other Days 266 Thomas Moore

      5 My Own Shall Come to Me 267 John Burroughs

      6 Ode to a Skylark 268 Percy Bysshe Shelley

      7 The Sands of Dee 271 Charles Kingsley

      8 A Wish 272 Samuel Rogers

      9 Lucy 272 William Wordsworth

      10 Solitude 273 Alexander Pope

      11 John Anderson 274 Robert Burns

      12 The God of Music 275 Edith M. Thomas

      13 A Musical Instrument 275 Elizabeth Barrett Browning

      14 The Brides of Enderby 277 Jean Ingelow

      15 The Lye 283 Sir Walter Raleigh

      16 L'Envoi

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