The Roman Festivals of the Period of the Republic. W. Warde Fowler
xii (Ante Caes. x) . Kal. Ian. (Dec. 21) . NP.
x (Ante Caes. VIII) Kal. Ian. (Dec . 23) . NP.
iii Non. Ian.-Non. Ian. (Jan. 3-5) . C.
xviii Kal. Feb. (Jan. 15) . NP.
Feriae Sementivae [1311] . Paganalia.
Id. Feb. Fauno [i]n insul[a]. C. I. L. vi. 2302. NP.
Fornicalia: feriae conceptivae , ending Feb. 17.
XV. Kal. Mart. (Feb. 15) . NP.
xiii Kal. Mart. (Feb. 17) . NP.
iii Kal. Mart. (Feb . 27) . NP.
A. Denarius of P. Licinius Stolo (p. 42) .
The following are the most important abbreviations which occur in the notes:
C. I. L. stands for Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. Where the volume is not indicated the reference is invariably to the second edition of that part of vol. i which contains the Fasti (Berlin, 1893).
Marquardt or Marq. stands for the third volume of Marquardt’s Römische Staatsverwaltung, second edition, edited by Wissowa (Berlin, 1885). It is the sixth volume of the complete Handbuch der Römischen Alterthümer of Mommsen and Marquardt.
Preller, or Preller-Jordan, stands for the third edition of Preller’s Römische Mythologie by H. Jordan (Berlin, 1881).
Myth. Lex. or Lex. stands for the Ausführliches Lexicon der Griechischen und Römischen Mythologie, edited by W. H. Roscher, which as yet has only been completed to the letter N.
Festus, or Paulus, stands for K. O. Müller’s edition of the fragments of Festus, De Significatione Verborum, and the Excerpta ex Festo of Paulus Diaconus; quoted by the page.
I. The Roman Method of Reckoning the Year.[1]
There are three ways in which the course of the year may be calculated. It can be reckoned—
1. By the revolution of the moon round the earth, twelve of which = 354 days, or a ring (annus), sufficiently near to the solar year to be a practicable system with modifications.
2. By the revolution of the earth round the sun i.e. 365–¼ days; a system which needs periodical adjustments, as the odd quarter (or, more strictly, 5 hours 48 minutes 48 seconds) cannot of course be counted in each year. In this purely solar year the months are only artificial divisions of time, and not reckoned according to the revolutions of the moon. This is our modern system.
3. By combining in a single system the solar and lunar years as described above. This has been done in various ways by different peoples, by adopting a cycle of years of varying length, in which the resultants of the two bases of calculation should be brought into harmony as nearly as possible. In other words, though the difference between a single solar year and a single lunar year is more than 11 days, it is possible, by taking a number of years together and reckoning them as lunar years, one or more of them being lengthened by an additional month, to make the whole period very nearly coincide with the same number of solar years. Thus the Athenians adopted for this purpose at different times groups or cycles of 8 and 19 years. In the Octaeteris or 8-year cycle there were 99 lunar months, 3 months of 30 days being added in 3 of the 8 years—a plan which falls short of accuracy by about 36 hours. Later on a cycle of 19 years was substituted for this, in which the discrepancy was greatly reduced. The Roman year in historical times was calculated on a system of this kind, though with such inaccuracy and carelessness as to lose all real relation to the revolutions both of earth and moon.
But there was a tradition that before this historical calendar came into use there had been another system, which the Romans connected with the name of Romulus. This year was supposed to have consisted of 10 months, of which 4—March, May, July, October—had 31 days, and the rest 30; in all 304. But this was neither a solar nor a lunar year; for a lunar year of 10 months = 295 days 7 hours 20 minutes, while a solar year = 365–¼. Nor can it possibly be explained as an attempt to combine the two systems. Mommsen has therefore conjectured that it