Centennial History of Columbus and Franklin County. William Alexander Taylor

Centennial History of Columbus and Franklin County - William Alexander Taylor

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of dominion seemed never to have been called in question excepting by the Mingoes or Five Nations. The Shawanees were originally powerful and always warlike. Kentucky received its name from them in the course of their migrations between their former place of residence on the Suanee river, adjacent to the southern sea-coast, and the territory of the Yendots in the North. The name (Kentuckee) is compounded from the Shawanees and signifies a "land or place at the head of a river."

      "The chosen residence of the Wyandots was at an early period, as it was later, on the waters of the Saun-dus-tee, or Sandusky. Though greatly reduced in numbers, they have, perhaps, attained a higher degree of civilization than any other tribe in the vicinity of the northwestern lakes. For the following specimen of the Wyandot language and for the greater part of the statements given above we are indebted to the Archaeologia Americana.

       The Wyandot Vocabulary.

      One, Scat.

      Three. Shaight,

      Two, Tin-dee.

      Four, An-daght.

      Six, Wau-shau.

      Seven, Soo-tare.

      Eight, Aultarai.

      Nine, Ain-tru.

      Ten, Augh-sagh.

      Twenty, Ten-deit-a-waugh-sa.

      Thirty, Shaigh-ka-waugh-sa.

      Forty, An-daugh-ka-waugh-sa.

      Fifty, Wee-ish-a-waugh-sa.

      Sixty, Wau-shau-waugh-sa.

      Seventy, Soo-tare-waugh-sa.

      Eighty, Au-tarai-waugh-sa.

      Ninety, Ain-tru-waugh-sa.

      One Hundred, Scute-main-gar-we.

      God, Ta-main-de-sue.

      Devil, Degh-shu-re-noh.

      Heaven, Ya-roh-nia.

      Good, Ye-waugh-ste.

      Bad. Waugh-she.

      Hell, Degh-shunt.

      Sun, Ya-an-des-hra.

      Moon, Waugh-sunt-yu-an-des-ra.

      Stars, Tegh-shu.

      Sky, Cagh-ro-niate.

      Clouds, Oght-se-rah.

      Wind, Izu-quas.

      It rains, Ina-un-du-se.

      Thunder, Heno.

      Lightning, Tim-men-di-quas.

      Earth, Umaitsagh.

      Deer, Ough-scan-oto.

      Bear, Anu-e.

      Raccoon, Ha-in-te-roh.

      Fox, The-na-in-ton-to.

      Beaver, Soo-taie.

      Mink, So-hoh-main-dia.

      Turkey, Daigh-ton-tah.

      Squirrel, Ogh-ta-eh.

      Otter, Ta-wen-deh.

      Dog, Yun-ye-noh.

      Cow, Kni-ton-squa-ront.

      Horse, Ugh-shut-te.

      Goose, Yah-hounk.

      Duck, Yu-in-geh.

      Man, Ain-ga-hon.

      Woman, Uteh-ke.

      Girl, Ya-weet-sen-tho.

      Boy, Oma-int-sent-e-hah.

      Child, Che-ah-hah.

      Old Man, Ha-o-tong.

      Old Woman, Ut-sin-dag-sa.

      My Wife, Uzut-tun-oh-oh.

      Corn, Nay-hah.

      Beans, Yah-re-sah.

      Potatoes, Da-ween-dah.

      Melons, Oh-nugh-sa.

      Grass, E-ru-tn.

      "The foregoing sketch of the history and language of the Wyandots, though certainly not strictly necessary, will, it is hoped, be deemed not altogether inappropriate as an introduction to the following narrative of the circumstances attending the death of a chief of that nation. The particulars have been recently communicated by persons who were eye-witnesses to the execution and may be relied upon as perfectly accurate.

      "In the evening of the first day of June, in the year 1810. there came six Wyandot warriors to the house of Mr. Benjamin Sells on the Scioto river, about twelve miles above the spot where now stands the city of Columbus. They were equipped in the most warlike manner and exhibited during their stay an unusual degree of agitation. Having ascertained that an old Wyandot chief, for whom they had been making diligent inquiry, was then encamped at a distance of about two miles farther up on the bank of the river, they expressed a determination to put him to death and immediately went off, in the direction of the lodge.

      "These facts were communicated early in the ensuing morning, to Mr. John Sells, who now resides in the city of Dublin on the Scioto about two miles from the place where the doomed Wyandot met his fate. Mr. Sells immediately proceeded up the river on horseback in quest of the Indians. He soon arrived at the lodge, which he found situated in a grove of sugar trees, close to the bend of the river. The six warriors were seated in consultation at a distance of a few rods from the lodge. The old chief was with them, evidently in the character of a prisoner. His arms were confined by a small cord, but he sat with them without any manifestation of uneasiness. A few of the neighboring white men were also there, and a gloomy looking Indian who had been a companion of the chief, but now kept entirely aloof—sitting sullenly in the camp. Mr. Sells approached the Indians and found them earnestly engaged in debate. A charge of 'witchcraft' had been made at a former time against the chief by some of his captors, whose friends had been destroyed, as they believed, by means of his evil powers. This crime, according to the immemorial usage of the tribe involved a forfeiture of life. The chances of a hunter's life had brought the old man to his present location, and his pursuers had sought him out in order that they might execute upon him the sentence of their law.

       The Fatal Council.

      "The council was of two or three hours duration. The accusing party spoke alternately with much ceremony, but with evident bitterness of feeling.

      The prisoner, in his replies, was eloquent, though dispassionate. Occasionally, a smile of scorn would appear, for an instant, on his countenance. At the close of the consultation it was ascertained that they had affirmed the sentence of death which had before been passed upon the chief. Inquiry having been made by some of the white men, with reference to their arrangements, the captain of the six warriors pointed to the sun and signified to them that the execution would take place at one o'clock in the afternoon. Mr. Sells went to the captain and asked him what the chief had done. 'Very bad Indian.' he replied, 'make good Indian sick—make horse sick—make die—very bad chief.' Mr. Sells then made an effort to persuade his white friends to rescue the victim of superstition from his impending fate, but to no purpose. They were then in a frontier situation, entirely open to the incursions of the northern tribes and were, consequently unwilling to subject themselves to the displeasure of their savage visitors by any interference with their operations. He then proposed to release the chief by purchase—offering to the captain for that purpose a fine horse of the value of three hundred dollars. 'Let me see him.' said the Indian; the horse was accordingly brought forth, and closely examined; and so much were they staggered by this proposition that they again repaired to their place of consultation and remained in council a considerable length of time before it was finally rejected.

      "The conference was again terminated, and five of the Indians began to amuse themselves with running, jumping and other athletic exercise. The captain took no part with them. When again inquired of, as to the time of execution, he pointed to the sun, as before, and indicated the hour of four.

      The prisoner then walked

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