Aces Up. Covington Clarke
they passed over a town, McGee saw Larkin point down. On the outskirts of the village a great cross in a circlet of green marked the location of a military hospital. Ah! … Yes, some came back. But even then they must brand their pain-racked sanctuary with the mercy imploring emblem of the Red Cross so that enemy planes, bent on devastation, would mingle mercy with hope of victory and save their bombs for those not yet carried into the long wards where white-robed doctors and nurses battled with death and spoke words of hope to the hopeless.
It was a sorry world! McGee, who but a few short minutes ago was entranced by the beauty of the world, now felt a sudden, marked disgust. He pulled his stick back sharply. He would climb out of it! He would get up against the ceiling, where the world became a dim, faint blur or was lost altogether in a kindly obliterating ground haze.
On McGee’s part the action was nothing more than an unconscious reaction to distressing thoughts. Larkin, however, on seeing the sudden climb, grinned with delight. This climb for altitude was nothing more than the prelude to a dive that would start them into a merry game of hare and hound. So McGee had forgotten all about his doleful sermon against dog-fighting? 50And so soon. Ha! Trust the freckled “Little Shrimp” to feel blood racing through his veins when motors are singing sweetly.
Instead of following, Larkin decided to nose down and offer more tantalizing bait.
McGee, seeing the dive, found it more than he could resist. Besides, a merry little chase would serve to wash the brooding thoughts from his mind. This was a morning for sport, for jest, for youth–for hazard!
Forward went the stick and he plunged down the backwash of Larkin’s diving plane, his motor roaring its cadenced challenge. This was something like! Sky and ground were rushing toward each other. The braces were screaming like banshees; the speed indicator hand was mounting with a steady march that made one want to dive on and on and on until–
Larkin, in the plane ahead, brought his stick backward as he made ready to go over in a tight loop. McGee smiled and followed him over. When they came out of the loop they were in the same relative position–Larkin the hare, McGee the tenacious hound.
For the next few minutes the open-mouthed countrymen in the fields below were treated to a series of aerial gymnastics which must have sent their own pulses racing and which might well serve them for fireside narration for years to come.
51The two darting hawks Immelmanned, looped, barrel-rolled, side-slipped, and then plunged into a dizzy circle in which they flew round and round an imaginary axis, the radius of the circle growing ever shorter and shorter. Every action of the leading plane was immediately matched by the pursuer.
Larkin, realizing that his skill in manoeuvering was something less than McGee’s, decided to bring the contest to a close with a few thrills in hedge hopping.
Of all sports that offer high hazard to thrill satiated war pilots, that of hedge hopping, or contour chasing, occupies first place. This is particularly true when the pilot is flying a Sopwith Camel powered by the temperamental Clerget motor with its malfunctioning wind driven gasoline pump. The sport had been repeatedly forbidden by all the allied air commands, but these commands had to deal with irrepressible youth, which has slight regard for doddering old mossbacks who think that a plane should be handled as a wheel chair.
Larkin dived at the ground like a hawk that has sighted some napping rodent, and so near did he come that by the time he had leveled off, his wheels were almost touching the ground–and wheels must not touch when one is screaming through space at the rate of a hundred and forty miles per hour.
He glanced back. Sure enough, McGee was still on his tail. No hedge hopping, eh? Huh! Trust 52The Shrimp to keep young, he thought. Fat chance they had of getting old. Who ever heard of an old war pilot? Ha! That’s a good one! And here’s a double row of tall poplars fringing the road directly ahead. Hold her close to the ground and then zoom her at the last minute … landing gears just clearing the topmost branches … make it, and that’s hedge hopping. Fail to make it–and that’s bad news!
Larkin made it, a beautiful zoom that carried him over the trees by a skillful margin. Then he swooped down again, skimming along the level field on the other side of the road.
McGee’s zoom was just as spectacular and as nicely timed, but as his nose climbed above the first row of trees his motor died as suddenly as though throttled by the strangling hands of some unseen genii. Sudden though it was, McGee had sensed that he was crowding the motor too much and had tried to ease her off and still clear the trees. It was too late to relieve the choked motor but he did clear the first row of trees. He was about to close his eyes against the inevitable crash into the poplars on the other side of the road when he saw that two of the trees had been felled, and that so recently that the woodsmen had not yet worked them up. There was one clear chance left. If only he could slip her over just far enough to clear the outstretched limbs of the tree to the right.
At such a time seconds must be divided into hundredths, 53and action must be instantaneous, instinctive, and without flaw. McGee felt one of the spreading limbs brush against his right wing tip, felt the plane swerve for a moment, then respond to rudder and aileron. It was a case where one moment he was supremely thankful for flying speed, and the next, as the ground of the level field was flashing under the wheels, wishing that he had held to his resolution concerning hedge hopping.
The wheels struck hard. The plane bounded, high, and again the wheels touched. Again the plane bounded, and this time came down with a shock that left McGee amazed with the realization that the undercarriage was intact and that he still had a chance to keep her off her nose if only he could get the high-riding tail down.
Crash! Crack! The tail was down now … and broken to splinters, like as not. Never mind. … By some great mercy he was at last on three points and rolling to a stop.
He suddenly felt very weak. A narrow squeeze, that! Stupid way for an ace–and an instructor–to get washed out. Like a Warrior falling off his horse while on the way home from a victorious field.
He saw Larkin bank his ship into a tight turn, set the plane down in a perfect landing and come careening down the open field to stop within a dozen paces of McGee’s plane.
54Larkin, white-faced, tight-lipped, crawled from his plane and came forward on the double-quick. Not a word did he speak until he stood by the side of Red’s plane, his hands gripping the leather piping at the edge of the cockpit until his knuckles were white.
“What happened, Red? Gee, you’re white! All the freckles gone.”
“Lucky I’m not gone!” McGee answered. “My knees are too shaky to crawl out yet. It looked like finis la guerre pour moi for a second.” He turned and blew a kiss at the gap in the trees. “Thanks, Mr. Woodchopper, whoever you are. Buzz, never repeat that old poem about ‘Woodman, spare that tree!’ If he had spared those two–well! Take a look at my tail skid, Old Timer. Is it broken off?”
“No. It’s cracked and sort of cockeyed, but a piece of wire from that fence over there will fix it all O.K. What happened?”
McGee fixed him with a baleful glare. “You should ask–with as much experience as both of us have had with these tricky motors. I choked it down, that’s all. That same little fault has sent many a pilot home in a wooden box. Go get me a piece of that wire. We’ll fix the skid, somehow, and when I get to Le Bourget I’ll set her down on two points. And listen! From here on in we do–”
“No contour chasing,” Larkin completed, forcing a thin smile. “Seems I heard that somewhere before. 55Crawl out, Shrimp. You said you wanted to be out among the flowers and sweet things. Well, here’s a sweet thing, and this field is full of flowers. I brought you down low so you could enjoy them.”
“Yeah! I said I wanted to be among ’em–not pushing ’em up. Hurry over and get that wire before I do something violent.”
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