LUTHER (Vol. 1-6). Grisar Hartmann
has been so much misrepresented, see below, ix. 4.
[870] May 30, 1518 (?), “Briefwechsel,” 1, p. 200 f. Weim. ed., 1, p. 527 ff.
[871] “Opp. Lat. var.,” 2, p. 220. Weim. ed., p. 582, Concl. 26.
[872] “Opp. Lat. var.,” 4, p. 328 seq., in a Preface to his Disputations.
[873] May 1, 1518, “Briefwechsel,” 1, p. 223.
[874] “Werke,” Weim. ed., 1, p. 647 ff.
[875] Cp. V. Prop., n. 3: “Non sum hæreticus si negativam teneo, donec determinetur a concilio.” N. 6: “Ego ecclesiam ... repræsentative non [scio] nisi in concilio”; but it was incorrect “si quidquid facit ecclesia virtualis, id est papa (as Prierias stated), factum ecclesiæ dicitur”: The Pope and the Councils might err in their regulations on practical matters (“factum ecclesiæ”).
[876] See above, p. 291.
[877] Köstlin-Kawerau, 1, p. 196.
[878] See Pastor, “History of the Popes,” English translation, volume vii., p. 372.
[879] N. Paulus, “Die deutschen Dominikaner im Kampfe gegen Luther,” 1903, pp. 1-9, “Johann Tetzel”; also in the “Katholik,” 1899, 1, pp. 484-510; 1901, 1, pp. 453-68, 554-70.
[880] “Werke,” Erl. ed., 26, p. 50.
[881] “Hist. Vierteljahrsschr. für Gesch.,” 5, 1902, p. 256.
[882] “Theol. Literaturztg.,” 1900, p. 84.
[883] In a lecture on Tetzel’s Life and Teaching, “Dresdener Journal,” 1903, March 20.
[884] “Münchener Allgemeine Zeitung,” 1901, April 18, Beil., No. 88.
[885] Ibid., 1900, May 14, Beil., No. 110. Cp. a like statement by a non-Catholic critic in the “Frankfurter Zeitung,” 1899, October 8, No. 279.
[886] “Werke,” Erl. ed., 60, p. 239; cp. p. 271 f.
[887] Ibid., p. 271.
[888] Cp. also N. Paulus’s article on the remitting of future sins in “Köln. Volkszeitung,” 1905, Liter. Beilage, No. 43.
[889] “Vorlegung wyder einen vormessen Sermon vom Ablass,” etc. Without place or year (Frankfurt, 1518, 4to, 15 Bl.).
[890] Menckenius, “Scriptores rer. germ.,” t. 2, Lips., 1728, p. 1486 Cp. N. Paulus, “Die deutschen Dominikaner,” p. 7 f.
[891] “Werke,” Erl. ed., 65, p. 78: “The Pope had sternly commanded the angels to carry forthwith the souls of the departed to heaven.” Just as Tetzel taught: “As soon as the penny rattles in the box, the soul flies straight from Purgatory to Heaven.”
[892] November 20, 1519. “Opuscula,” Lugd., 1558, p. 121. N. Paulus, “Tetzel,” p. 165.
[893] Ibid., p. 171 f.
[894] “Werke,” Erl. ed., 26, p. 53.
[895] “Werke,” Weim. ed., 1, p. 65 seq. For the contents, see above, p. 324 f.
[896] Cp. the article by Dr. N. Paulus: “Johann v. Paltz über Ablass und Reue” in the “Zeitschrift für kath. theol.,” 23, 1899, p. 48 ff. He treats in the same review of Wendelin Steinbach, 24, 1900, p. 262: of Richard of Middletown, ibid., p. 12. See Kalteisen’s writing, ibid., 27, 1903, p. 368 ff. We also possess a treatise on Indulgences by the secular priest Nic. of Dinkelsbühl, professor at the University.
[897] Emser, “Auff des Stieres tzu Wiettenberg wiettende Replica,” Bl. A. 3´. Cp. “Luthers Briefe,” ed. de Wette, volume vi., K. Seidemann, p. 18, where it is stated: “Luther’s letter was in Emser’s hands.”
[898] N. Paulus, “Tetzel,” p. 169.
[899] As he declares in “Werke,” Erl. ed., 26, p. 50 ff.; “The first, real and actual beginning of the Lutheran uproar” was Tetzel’s preaching, and “the fame of it did not please me at all, for I did not know what an Indulgence was, and the song was getting too high for my voice,” it was the Bishop of Mayence who really commenced the affair through “the cut-purse, Tetzel”; he says in his Table-Talk: “If the Pope had only dismissed the Indulgence-mongers, I would willingly have been silent,” “Colloquia,” ed. Bindseil, 3, p. 195.
[900] “Die Fugger in Rom 1495-1523,” Bd. 1, Darstellung; Bd. 2, Urkunden, Leipzig, 1904.
[901] “Werke,” Erl. ed., 26, p. 52.
[902] We shall come back later to the sources from which he drew his information.
[903] “Briefwechsel,” 1, p. 342.
[904] To Spalatin, September 2, 1518, “Briefwechsel,” 1, p. 227. Cp. Com. in Ep. ad. Gal., 3, p. 133.
[905] Schulte, ibid., 2, p. 96.
[906] H. Schrörs