Are You Prepared For Successful College Year. Sadiq A
Are You Prepared For a Successful College Year
Sadiq A
© Copyright 2020 Sadiq A - All rights reserved.
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 – As A Freshman You Can…
1. Plan Your High School Curriculum
2. Discuss the next four years with your counselor
3. Join clubs and extracurricular activities
4. Discuss college financing with your parents
5. Take virtual college campus tours
Chapter 2 – As A Sophomore You Can…
8. Come up with a list of potential colleges
9. Take on a leadership role in a club
10. Talk with your teachers and counselors regularly.
11. Research the standardized tests required for college admissions
12. Attend preparatory classes for the SAT or the ACT
13. Sign up for
Chapter 3 – As A Junior You Can…
17. Begin your search for scholarship and financial aid money
19. Visit colleges on your list
20. Get brochures and applications from your choice colleges
Chapter 4 – As A Senior You Can…
22. Request recommendation letters from teachers and counselors
23. Set up a tentative college cost budget.
24. Write your applications essays
25. Send off your applications
26. Schedule interviews with prospective colleges
29. Keep housing and financial aid deadlines in order
Chapter 5 – The Summer Before College…
33. Make sure you have all the information you need from the college
36. Call your roommate and get to know them