Hacking of Computer Networks. Dr. Hidaia Mahmood Alassouli
Hacking of Computer Networks
Full Course on Hacking of Computer Networks
Dr. Hidaia Mahmood Alassouli
While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.
First edition. June 19, 2020.
Copyright © 2020 Dr. Hidaia Mahmood Alassouli.
Written by Dr. Hidaia Mahmood Alassouli.
Author Biography
I am Dr. Hidaia Mahmoud Mohamed Alassouli. I completed my PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from Czech Technical University by February 2003, and my M. Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from Bahrain University by June 1995. I completed also one study year of most important courses in telecommunication and computer engineering courses in Islamic university in Gaza. So, I covered most important subjects in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Telecommunications Engineering during my study. My nationality is Palestinian from gaza strip.
I obtained a lot of certified courses in MCSE, SPSS, Cisco (CCNA), A+, Linux.
I worked as Electrical, Telecommunicating and Computer Engineer in a lot of institutions. I worked also as a computer networking administrator.
I had considerable undergraduate teaching experience in several types of courses in many universities. I handled teaching the most important subjects in Electrical and Telecommunication and Computer Engineering.
I could publish a lot of papers a top-tier journals and conference proceedings, besides I published a lot of books in Publishing and Distribution houses.
I wrote a lot of important Arabic articles on online news websites. I also have my own magazine website that I publish on it all my articles: http://
My personal website:
The objective of the book is to summarize to the user with main topics in computer networking hacking.
The book consists of the following parts:
Part 1: Lab Setup
Part2: Foot printing and Reconnaissance
Part 3: Scanning Methodology
Part 4: Enumeration
Part 5:System Hacking
Part 6: Trojans and Backdoors and Viruses
Part 7: Sniffer and Phishing Hacking
Part 8: Hacking Web Servers
Part 9:Hacking Windows and Linux Systems
Part 10: Wireless Hacking
Part 11: Hacking Mobile Applications
You can download all hacking tools and materials from the following websites
Part 1: Hacking Lab Setup
Part 1 of Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Course
Dr Hidaia Mahmood Alassouli
Part 1: Setup Lab
1) Setup lab
From the virtualization technology with software VMware or virtual box we can do more than one virtual machines, one linux and other windows 2007 or windows Xp
Download vmware and install it
Create folder edurs-vm in non-windows partition. Create a folder for each operating system
Install any windows operating system.
Download backtrack
To install backtrack on usb, download unebootin. We need also to use the tool to support booting from flash memory in vmware.
Download and install kali linux
Download and install metasploit.
Metasploit is big project that contains a lot of modules or programs. These modules or programs can utilize the holes in windows machines or linux machines operating systems. For any hole that occur in the operating systems, we can develop the program that can utilize this hole. We can work on it through command line or graphical interface. The programs that use graphical interface are armitage and Koblet Strike . In linux we can update the metasploite using command msfupdate.
Part 2: Foot printing and Reconnaissance
Part 2 of Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Course
Dr. Hidaia Mahmood Alassouli
Part 2: Foot printing and Reconnaissance
1)Footprinting and Reconnaissance
Use nslookup to get information about server.
see dnsstuf to get information about server domain .
Use to get information about server.
Use to get information about server domain.
Use backtack or any linux machine to know the dns servers of certain domain. For example,
Dig –t NS
Use backtack or any linux machine to know the A and MX records of certain domain. For example,
Dig –t A
Dig –t MX
To see the zone transfer
Dig –t AXFR @
We can see all the records in that dns server.
We can use the nslookup command to see the host of certain ip address
Nslookup –type= ptr
We can use to know information about server, when created , and when expired and all information about that the dns servers of domain and about the administrator. You can get the same information from backtrack terminal. Write
We can use tool called smartwhois to