History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Vol. 1-7). Joseph F. Smith

History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Vol. 1-7) - Joseph F. Smith

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day, October 10th, Elder Frederick G. Williams wrote as follows from Kirtland to the Saints in Missouri:

      Dear Brethren:—It is a long time since we have received any intelligence from you, save a letter received by Brother Elliott from Elder John Whitmer, which informed us that he had written four letters since Elder Oliver Cowdery left, but we have not received any of them, nor any others from Zion, except one from Bishop Partridge, of August 13th, and have had no information, to be depended upon, concerning the riot, and the situation of the brethren in Zion; and considering that the enemy have commenced intercepting our letters, I direct this to Mrs. Billings, thinking, by so doing that you may get it. The brethren here are all engaged in the work of the Lord, and are using every exertion in their power for the welfare of Zion and for the promotion of the great cause of our Redeemer. Immediately after the arrival of Oliver Cowdery, we sat in council to know what should be done. The decision of the council was, that measures should be immediately taken to seek redress by the laws of our country, for your grievances; accordingly two messengers were dispatched for that purpose. (Let this suffice, for this may fall into the hands of the enemy). We have not received any revelation for a long time (which has been written), and none concerning the present situation of Zion; but it has been manifested to Joseph, and communicated to me by him, that the brethren in Zion should not sell any of their inheritances, nor move out of the county, save those who signed the agreement to go, and if it becomes necessary for those to move for their personal safety, let them be directed by wisdom, and seek for homes where the Lord shall open the way.

      If Elder Phelps is obliged to move from that place, let him take his family and Elder Cowdery's wife, and come to Kirtland, but not to bring anything with him, except his bedding and clothing; and let Elder Gilbert furnish him with the means to bear his expenses; but it would not be expedient for Elder Phelps to come, provided the prospect is favorable for a reconciliation to the extent that the Saints are not obliged to leave the county. We can do no more for you than we are doing; but we have this great consolation, that God will deliver Zion, and establish you upon the land of your everlasting inheritance. Remember that this is only for the trial of your faith, and he that overcomes and endures to the end, will be rewarded a hundred fold in this world, and in the world to come will receive eternal life; so, brethren, you have great reason to rejoice, for your redemption draweth nigh.

      Presidents Smith and Rigdon are absent on a mission, and we do not expect their return until some time in November. They have gone down the lake to Niagara, from thence they expect to go into Upper Canada, as far as Long Point, and preach in all the most noted places on their way.

      We held a council meeting this morning, on the subject of building, etc. It was decided by the council that we should discontinue the building of the Temple during the winter, for want of materials; and to prepare and get all things in readiness to recommence it early in the spring. It was also agreed that we should set the hands immediately to erect a house for the printing office, which is to be thirty by thirty-eight feet on the ground; the first story to be occupied for the School of the Prophets this winter, and the upper story for the printing press.

      Oliver Cowdery started for New York on the first of October for the printing establishment, with eight hundred dollars. There will be as many hands employed upon the house as can work, and every exertion made to get the printing into operation, republish the Star, commencing from the last number printed, to be conducted by Oliver Cowdery (until an opportunity offers to transfer it again to Zion, to be conducted by W. W. Phelps & Co., as usual), and also publish a paper under the firm-name of F. G. Williams & Co., entitled the Latter-day Saints' Messenger and Advocate, which will be forwarded to subscribers for the Star by the first of December. Oliver has written to you for the names and residences of the subscribers for the Star, and if you have not sent them, we wish you to send them immediately, that there may be no delay in the papers going to subscribers as soon as they can be printed.

      Bishop Whitney, also, started for New York at the same time, to replenish his store in Kirtland, with money enough to pay all the debts of both establishments, and expects to bring a larger supply of goods than at any former time. Thus you see the goodness and mercy of God in providing for His Saints. Not one week before Bishop Whitney started, the way seemed hedged up, and ten or twelve hundred dollars was the most that he had, and knew not where to obtain the amount he wanted; but by a remarkable interposition of Divine Providence, he was furnished with all he wanted, for which let us raise our hearts in gratitude to God, and praise His holy name, that He is a present help in every time of need.

      We have seen a letter, written to Sister Whitney, in Nelson, that has a great deal to say about the gift of tongues, and the interpretation which was given by way of prophecy, namely, "that Zion would be delivered by judgments;" and that certain ones named, would go to such and such places among the Lamanites, and "great things would be done by them;" and also, that two Lamanites were at a meeting, and the following prophecy was delivered to them:—"That they were our friends and that the Lord had sent them there; and the time would soon come, when they would embrace the Gospel;" and, also, "that if we will not fight for ourselves, the Indians will fight for us." Though all this may be true, yet, it is not needful that it should be spoken, for it is of no service to the Saints and has a tendency to stir up the people to anger.

      No prophecy spoken in tongues should be made public, for this reason:—Many who pretend to have the gift of interpretation are liable to be mistaken, and do not give the true interpretation of what is spoken; therefore, great care should be taken as respects this thing, but, if any speak in tongues a word of exhortation, or doctrine, or the principles of the Gospel, etc., let it be interpreted for the edification of the Church.

      When you receive this letter, I wish you to write immediately and direct your letters to David Elliott, Chagrin, Cuyahoga county, Ohio, and put this mark "X" on the back of it, if you do not wish it broken open, and he will forward it to us; and you will please to name in your letter, where and to whom we shall direct our reply, and thus we may evade interception.

      Yours in the bonds of love,

      F. G. Williams.

      Distraction About Zion.

      At this time the evil and designing circulated a report, that Zion was to be extended as far east as Ohio, which in some degree tended to distract the minds of the Saints, and produced a momentary indecision about removing thither, according to the commandments; but the report was soon corrected, and the brethren continued to remove to Zion and Kirtland.

      Narrative of Canada Journey Renewed.

      On the 11th of October, we left Westfield, and continuing our journey, staid that night with a man named Nash, an infidel, with whom we reasoned, but to no purpose.6 On the 12th, arrived at Father Nickerson's, at Perrysburg, New York,7 where I received the following revelation:


      1. Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you, my friends Sidney, and Joseph, your families are well; they are in mine hands, and I will do with them as seemeth me good; for in me there is all power;

      2. Therefore, follow me, and listen to the counsel which I shall give unto you.

      3. Behold, and lo, I have much people in this place, in the regions round about, and an effectual door shall be opened in the regions round about in this eastern land.

      4. Therefore, I, the Lord, have suffered you to come unto this place; for thus it was expedient in me for the salvation of souls;

      5. Therefore, verily, I say unto you, lift up your voices unto this people, speak the thoughts that I shall put into your hearts, and you shall not be confounded before men;

      6. For it shall be given you in the very hour, yea, in the very moment, what ye shall say.

      7. But a commandment I give unto you, that ye shall declare whatsoever thing ye declare in my name, in solemnity of heart, in the spirit of meekness in all things.

      8. And I give unto you this promise, that inasmuch as ye do this, the Holy Ghost shall be shed forth in bearing record unto all things whatsoever ye shall say.


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