History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Vol. 1-7). Joseph F. Smith
Summary Review of Volume One.
The events which make up the first volume of the History of the Church moved forward from the back ground of successive dispensations of the Gospel which preceded the Dispensation of the Fullness of Times. That volume covered the period from the birth of the Prophet Joseph Smith, 1805, to the close of the year 1833, and included as its chief events: the birth of the Prophet; his first vision of the father and the Son; the coming forth of the Book of Mormon; the organization of the Church, April 6th, 1830; the mission to the Lamanites; the gathering of the people from the state of New York, first to Kirtland, Ohio, and subsequently the gathering of many of them to Jackson county, Missouri; the location of the site of the future city of Zion and its temple; the introduction of the doctrine of consecration and stewardship; the experience of the Elders of Israel in their movements back and forth between Kirtland and Zion; the spread of the work throughout the states of the American Union and Canada; the Prophet's own mission to the latter place; the founding of the first Church periodical, The Evening and Morning Star; the selection of a number of the revelations of God for publication under the title, "The Book of Commandments;" the establishment of the Mercantile and Literary firms of Zion and Kirtland; the laying of the corner stones of the Kirtland Temple; the planting of a number of settlements in Jackson county, Missouri; the awakening jealousy of the old settlers against the more progressive Saints; the fanning of these flames of jealousy by sectarian priests; the rise of that religio-political persecution which culminated in the terrible suffering of the Saints—the destruction of their printing establishment, the burning of their homes, their final expulsion from Jackson county; also the negotiations between the Saints and the civil authorities of the state of Missouri for reinstatement of the exiles upon their lands. The first volume closed with the narration of these circumstances of discouragement which befell the Saints in their efforts to establish Zion in Missouri.
Summary of Volume Two.
In this second volume is recorded the arrival of a delegation from the exiled Saints in Missouri, seeking advice and the word of the Lord from the Prophet; the organizations of Zion's Camp for the deliverance of Zion; its march from Kirtland to Missouri; its rich educational experiences; its disbandment and the return of many of the brethren to Ohio; the establishment of a school for the Elders at Kirtland, the first educational movement in the Church; the discovery of the Book of Abraham; the organization of the first, or Kirtland High Council; the organization of the quorums of the foreign ministry; the Twelve and the Seventy; the publication of the Doctrine and Covenants; the completion and dedication of the Kirtland Temple; the purification and spiritual endowment of the Elders of the Church; the appearance of Messiah in the Temple declaring His acceptance of it; the appearance of Moses, Elias and Elijah, on the same occasion, delivering the keys of their respective dispensations to the Prophet of the Dispensation of the Fullness of Times; the commencement of the ministry of the Twelve among the branches of the Church in the eastern States of the American Union; the misunderstandings that arose between them and the Presidency of the Church; the revelations of God which came in consequence of their misunderstandings, more clearly defining the rights, powers, and relations of the respective quorums of the Priesthood; the peaceful exodus of the Saints from Clay county, Missouri, and the founding of Far West; the opening of the first foreign mission by sending two of the Twelve and several Elders to England; the attempt to mass the several industrial pursuits and temporal interests of the Saints under one general concern, the "Kirtland Safety Society Company;" the failure of that concern in the general financial maelstrom that swept over the country in 1837, hastened also—sad to relate—by the unwise management and dishonesty of some of the incorporators and directors; the manifestation of excessive pride and worldliness on the part