History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Vol. 1-7). Joseph F. Smith
Coltrin, and confirmed the blessings of wisdom to preach the Gospel, even till it spreads to the islands of the seas, and to be spared to see three score years and ten, and see Zion built up, and Kirtland established forever, and even at last to receive a crown of life. Our hearts rejoiced, and we were comforted with the Holy Spirit.
Sunday, April 20.—Elder Rigdon entertained a large congregation of Saints with an interesting discourse upon the Fullness of Times.
April 21.—I attended conference, and had a glorious time. Some few volunteered to go to Zion, and others donated sixty-six dollars and thirty-seven cents for the benefit of the scattered brethren in Zion. The following is an extract from the minutes of the conference:
Minutes of Conference.
Norton, Medina County, Ohio, April 21, 1834.
This day a conference of Elders assembled at the dwelling house of Brother Carpenter. President Joseph Smith, Jun., read the second chapter of Joel's prophecy, prayed, and addressed the conference as follows:
"It is very difficult for us to communicate to the churches all that God has revealed to us, in consequence of tradition; for we are differently situated from any other people that ever existed upon this earth; consequently those former revelations cannot be suited to our conditions; they were given to other people, who were before us; but in the last days, God was to call a remnant, in which was to be deliverance, as well as in Jerusalem and Zion. Now if God should give no more revelations, where will we find Zion and this remnant? The time is near when desolation is to cover the earth, and then God will have a place of deliverance in His remnant, and in Zion."
The President then gave a relation of obtaining and translating the Book of Mormon, the revelation of the Priesthood of Aaron, the organization of the Church in 1830, the revelation of the High Priesthood, and the gift of the Holy Ghost poured out upon the Church; and said:
"Take away the Book of Mormon and the revelations, and where is our religion? We have none; for without Zion, and a place of deliverance, we must fall; because the time is near when the sun will be darkened, and the moon turn to blood, and the stars fall from heaven, and the earth reel to and fro. Then, if this is the case, and if we are not sanctified and gathered to the places God has appointed, with all our former professions and our great love for the Bible, we must fall; we cannot stand; we cannot be saved; for God will gather out His Saints from the Gentiles, and then comes desolation and destruction, and none can escape except the pure in heart who are gathered."
Elder Rigdon addressed the conference, and said:
"On two points hang all the revelations that have ever been given, and these are the two advents of the Messiah. The first is past, and the second is now just before us; and consequently those who desire a part in this era which the angels desired to look into, have to be assembled with the Saints; for if they are not gathered, they must wail because of His coming. There is no part of His creation which will not feel a shock at this grand display of His power, for the ancient Saints will reign with Christ a thousand years. The gathered Saints will dwell under that reign, and these who are not gathered may expect to endure His wrath that length of time; for the rest of the dead are not to live till the thousand years are ended.
"It is vain for men of this generation to think of laying up and providing inheritances for their children, except they lay it up in the place where deliverance is appointed by the voice of God; for these are the days of vengeance, as were the days of Jeremiah; because, before his eyes were closed in death, the Jews were led captive, and the land possessed by another people. And so in this day; while the father is laying up gold for his son, the destroyer may lay him lifeless at his feet, and where then is all his treasure? Therefore if we, the islands of the sea, and all the ends of the earth, desire an inheritance for ourselves and our children, and themselves and their children, it must be obtained where God has appointed the places of deliverance."
Elder Rigdon adverted to the former covenants to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and others of the ancients, which were to be realized in the last days; and spoke at some length upon the deliverance of Zion, the endowment of the Elders with power from on high according to former promises, and the spreading of the word of the Lord to the four winds. He first referred to the situation of the brethren in Missouri, and urged the importance of those who could, giving heed to the revelations by going up to their assistance; and those who could not go, to help those who are going with means for their expenses.
Elder Cowdery gave a brief relation of the mobbing in Missouri, and called for a contribution.
Elders Ambrose Palmer and Salmon Warner followed on the same subject.
Brother Joseph Bosworth spoke on the deliverance of Zion, and said he had no property, but if necessary for her deliverance he would sell his clothes at auction, if he might have left him as good a garment as the Savior had in the manger.
Others also spoke on the deliverance of Zion.
President Joseph Smith, Jun., prophesied.
"If Zion is not delivered, the time is near when all of this Church, wherever they may be found, will be persecuted and destroyed in like manner."
Elder Rigdon gave an account of the endowment of the ancient apostles, and laid before the conference the dimensions of the House to be built in Kirtland, and rehearsed the promise to the Elders in the last days, which they were to realize after the House of the Lord was built.
Brother Bosworth then related a few items of a vision, as a testimony of those things contained in the revelation read by Elder Rigdon, and his remarks thereon.
President Smith explained the revelation concerning the building of the Lord's House.
Elder Rigdon then spoke on the spreading of the word of the Lord; followed by several of the brethren.
The conference voted that Thomas Tripp be excluded from the Church in consequence of his imprudent conduct, with the privilege of an appeal to the Bishop's Council in Kirtland.
President Smith then laid hands on certain children, and blessed them in the name of the Lord.
Elder Rigdon administered the Sacrament.
There were present seven High Priests, and thirteen Elders.
Adjourned to the Monday preceding the second Sunday in September
Closed by singing "Now my remnant of days," etc.
(Signed) Oliver Cowdery,
Clerk of the Conference.
April 22.—I returned to Kirtland.
Return of the Prophet and Party to Kirtland.
April 23.—Assembled in Council with Elders Sidney Rigdon, Frederick G. Williams, Newel K. Whitney, John Johnson, and Oliver Cowdery; and united in asking the Lord to give Elder Zebedee Coltrin influence over Brother Jacob Myres, to obtain the money which he has gone to borrow for us, or cause him to come to this place and bring it himself. I also received the following:
Revelation given April 23, 1834, to Enoch (Joseph Smith, Jun.,) concerning the Order of the Church for the benefit of the poor.3
1. Verily I say unto you, my friends, I give unto you counsel, and a commandment, concerning all the properties which belong to the order which I commanded to be organized and established, to be an united order, and an everlasting order for the benefit of my Church, and for the salvation of men until I come,
2. With promise immutable and unchangeable, that inasmuch as those whom I commanded were faithful, they should be blessed with a multiplicity of blessings;
3. But inasmuch as they were not faithful, they were nigh unto cursing.
4. Therefore, inasmuch as some of my servants have not kept the commandment but have broken the covenant through covetousness, and with feigned words, I have cursed them with a very sore and grievous curse;
5. For I, the Lord, have decreed in my heart, that inasmuch as any man belonging to the order