Adventures of the Teenie Weenies. William Donahey

Adventures of the Teenie Weenies - William Donahey

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Teenie Weenie garden was hidden away where grown-up people would not be likely to tramp on the plants and as the little folks trudged along Gogo struck up the following song, while all the rest joined in the chorus:

      “Beans they take the place of meat,

      And so if we all wish to eat,

      We must take our rake and hoe

      And scratch the earth to make ’em grow.


      “Hoe, hoe, rake and hoe!

      Digging up and down the row.

      Hoe, hoe, rake and hoe!

      If you want to see them grow.”

      The Teenie Weenies soon arrived at the garden and they set to work at once, still singing the little song and keeping time with the music as their tiny hoes struck the ground.

      The Lady of Fashion helped with the work, but she was very careful not to soil her new garden suit, especially her tiny boots, which were made out of the finest frog leather.

      “Listen!” said the Old Soldier, “I thought I he—” But he did not finish the sentence, for loud screams came from the tall grass back of the garden.

      “Helpee! Helpee! Policemans, policemans!” came a voice, and suddenly the frightened Chinaman burst into sight with the most alarming speed.

      Hanging onto his shirt tail was a big fat pinching-bug and the scared Chinaman was only touching the ground about every six inches.

      Paddy Pinn struck the bug on the head with his huge hoe, as the Chinaman went by, and it rolled over on the ground half stunned by the mighty blow.

      “Where did you pick up your friend,” asked the General, as he watched the bug scurry away through the tall grass.

      “Me no pickee him up,” gasped the Chinaman. “Allee same he pick me up. Me sit down under bush to rest and me go sleepee. Me wakee up much klick and, whillikers, me see blig plinch bug and me run, but he catchee to shirtee tail and me runnee like glasshopper!”

      “I should say you did run like a grasshopper,” laughed the Cowboy.

      “Allee same you run like glasshopper, too,” glared the Chinaman, “if blig plinchin’-bug was hangin’ on your shirtee tail.”

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