The Grammar of English Grammars. Goold Brown
T. O.; "A New Grammar of the English Language;" 12mo, pp. 454: 1st Ed., London, 1823.
CLAPHAM, Rev. SAMUEL; E. Grammar: London, 1810.
CLARK, HENRY; E. Grammar; 4to: London, 1656.
CLARK, SCHUYLER; "The American Linguist, or Natural Grammar;" 12mo, pp. 240: Providence, 1830.
CLARK, S. W., A. M.; "A Practical Grammar," with "a System of Diagrams;" 12mo, pp. 218; 2d Ed., New York, 1848.
CLARK, WILLIAM; E. Gram.; 18mo: London, 1810.
CLARKE, R.; "Poetical Grammar of the English Language, and an Epitome of
Rhetoric;" 12mo, pp. 172; price, 2s. 6d.: London, 1855.
COAR, THOMAS; "A Grammar of the English Tongue;" 12mo, pp. 276: 1st Ed.,
London, 1796.
COBB, ENOS; "Elements of the English Language;" 12mo, pp. 108: 1st Ed.,
Boston, 1820.
COBB, LYMAN, A. M.; (1.) A Spelling-Book according to J. Walker; "Revised Ed.:" Ithaca, N. Y., 1825. (2.) "Abridgment of Walker's Crit. Pron. Dict.:" Hartford, Ct., 1829. (3.) "Juvenile Reader, Nos. 1, 2, 3, and Sequel:" New York, 1831. (4.) "The North American Reader;" 12mo, pp. 498: New York, 1835. (5.) "New Spelling-Book, in Six Parts;" 12mo, pp. 168: N. Y., 1843. (6.) An "Expositor," a "Miniature Lexicon," books of "Arithmetic, &c., &c."
COBBETT, WILLIAM; "A Grammar of the E. Language;" 12mo, New York and Lond., 1818; 18mo, N. Y., 1832.
COBBIN, Rev. INGRAM, M. A.; English Grammar; 18mo, pp. 72: 20th Edition,
London, 1844.
COCHRAN, PETER, A. B.: English Grammar; 18mo, pp. 71: 1st Ed., Boston, 1802.
COLET, Dr. John, Dean of St. Paul's; the "English Introduction" to Lily's
Grammar; dedicated to Lily in 1510. See Gram. of E. Gram., Introd., Chap. XI, ¶¶ 3, 4, and 5.
COMLY, JOHN; "English Grammar Made Easy;" 18mo, pp. 192: 6th Ed., Philad., 1815; 15th Ed., 1826.
COMSTOCK, ANDREW, M. D.; "A System of Elocution;" 12mo, pp. 364:
Philadelphia, 1844. "A Treatise on Phonology;" 12mo, 1846: &c.
CONNEL, ROBERT; English Grammar; 18mo, pp. 162: Glasgow, 1831; 2d Ed., 1834.
CONNON, C. W., M. A.; English Grammar; 12mo, pp. 168: Edinburgh, 1845.
COOPER, Rev. JOAB GOLDSMITH, A. M.; (1.) "An Abridgment of Murray's English Grammar;" (largely stolen from G. Brown;) 12mo, pp. 200: Philadelphia, 1828. (2.) "A Plain and Practical English Grammar;" 12mo, pp. 210: Philad., 1831.
COOTE, C., LL. D.; on the English Language; 8vo, pp. 281: 1st Edition,
London, 1788.
CORBET, JAMES; English Grammar; 24to, pp. 153: 1st Edition, Glasgow, 1743.
CORBET, JOHN; English Grammar; 12mo: Shrewsbury, England, 1784.
CORNELL, WILLIAM M.; English Grammar; 4to, pp. 12: 1st Edition, Boston, 1840.
COVELL, L. T.; "A Digest of English Grammar;" 12mo, pp. 219: 3d Ed., New
York, 1853. Much indebted to S. S. Greene, H. Mandeville, and G. Brown.
CRANE, GEORGE; "The Principles of Language;" 12mo, pp. 264: 1st Ed.,
London, 1843.
CROCKER, ABRAHAM; English Grammar, 12mo: Lond., 1772.
CROMBIE, ALEXANDER, LL. D., F. R. S.; "A Treatise on the Etymology and
Syntax of the English Language;" 8vo, pp. 425: London, 2d Ed., 1809; 4th
Ed., 1836.
CUTLER, ANDREW, A. M.; "English Grammar and Parser;" 12mo, pp. 168: 1st
Ed., Plainfield, Ct., 1841.
DALE, W. A. T.; a small "English Grammar;" 18mo, pp. 72: 1st Ed., Albany,
N. Y., 1820.
DALTON, JOHN; "Elements of English Grammar;" 12mo, pp. 122: London, 1st
Ed., 1801.
DAVENPORT, BISHOP; "English Grammar Simplified;" 18mo, pp. 139: 1st Ed.,
Wilmington, Del., 1830.
DAVIDSON, DAVID; a Syntactical Treatise, or Grammar; 12mo: London, 1823.
DAVIS, Rev. JOHN, A. M.; English Grammar; 18mo, pp. 188: 1st Ed., Belfast,
Ireland, 1832.
DAVIS, PARDON; (1.) An Epitome of E. Gram.; 12mo, pp. 56: 1st Ed., Philad., 1818. (2.) "Modern Practical E. Gram.;" 12mo, pp. 175: 1st Ed., Philad., 1845.
DAY, PARSONS E.; "District School Grammar;" 18mo, pp. 120: 2d Ed., Ithaca,
N. Y., 1844.
DAY, WILLIAM; "Punctuation Reduced to a System;" 18mo, pp. 147: 3d Ed.,
London, 1847.
DEARBORN, BENJAMIN; "Columbian Grammar;" 12mo, pp. 140: 1st Ed., Boston, 1795.
DEL MAR, E.; Treatise on English Grammar; 12mo, pp. 115: 1st Ed., London, 1842.
D'ORSEY, ALEXANDER J. D.; (1.) A Duodecimo Grammar, in Two Parts; Part I, pp. 153; Part II, pp. 142: 1st Ed., Edinburgh, 1842. (2.) An Introduction to E. Gram.; 18mo, pp. 104: Edin., 1845.
DE SACY, A. J. SYLVESTRE, Baron; "Principles of General Grammar;" translated from the French, by D. Fosdick, Jun.; 12mo, pp. 156: 1st American, from the 5th French Edition; Andover and New York, 1834.
"DESPAUTER, JOHN, a Flemish grammarian, whose books were, at one time, in great repute; he died in 1520."—Univ. Biog. Dict. Despauter's Latin Grammar, in Three Parts—Etymology, Syntax, and Versification—comprises 858 octavo pages. Dr. Adam says, in the "Preface to the Fourth Edition" of his Grammar, "The first complete edition of Despauter's Grammar was printed at Cologne, anno 1522; his Syntax had been published anno 1509." G. Brown's copy is a "complete edition," printed partly in 1517, and partly in 1518.
DEVIS, ELLEN; E. Gram.; 18mo, pp. 130: London and Dublin; 1st Ed., 1777; 17th Ed., 1825. [Fist] Devis's Grammar, spoken of in D. Blair's Preface, as being too "comprehensive and minute," is doubtless an other and much larger work.
DILWORTH, THOMAS; "A New Guide to the English Tongue;" 12mo, pp. 148:
London; 1st Ed., 1740: 26th Ed., 1764; 40th Ed., (used by G. B.,) undated.
DOHERTY, HUGH; a Treatise on English Grammar; 8vo, pp. 240; 1st Ed.,
London, 1841.
DRUMMOND, JOHN; English Grammar; 8vo: London, 1767. DYCHE, THOMAS; English
Grammar; 8vo, pp. 10: London, 1st Ed., 1710; 12th Ed., 1765.
EARL, MARY; English Grammar; 18mo, pp. 36: 1st Ed., Boston, 1816.
EDWARDS, Mrs. M. C.; English Grammar; 8vo: Brentford. England, 1796.
EGELSHEM, WELLS; English Grammar; 12mo: London, 1781.
ELMORE, D. W., A. M.; "English Grammar, or Natural Analysis;" 18mo, pp. 18: 1st Ed., Troy, N. Y., 1830. A mere trifle.
ELPHINSTON, JAMES; on the English Language; 12mo, pp. 298: 1st Ed., London, 1796.
EMERSON, BENJAMIN D.; "National Spelling-Book;" 12mo, pp. 168: Boston, 1828.
EMERY, J., A. B.; English Grammar; 18mo, pp. 39: 1st Ed., Wellsborough,
Pa., 1829.
EMMONS, S. B.; "The Grammatical Instructer;" 12mo, pp. 160: 1st Ed.,
Boston, 1832. Worthless.
ENSELL, G.; "A Grammar of the English Language;" in English and Dutch; 8vo, pp. 612: Rotterdam, 1797.
EVEREST, Rev. CORNELIUS B.; "An English Grammar;" 12mo, pp. 270: 1st Ed.,