A Manual of the Malay language. Sir William Edward Maxwell

A Manual of the Malay language - Sir William Edward Maxwell

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in use for “horse” and “sheep” seem to indicate that those animals were first brought to Malay countries from India. Kûda, horse (Kw. and S. kuda), is derived by Crawfurd from ghora (Hindi), by others from kudra (Tamul). Bîri-bîri (sheep) is said to be borrowed from the Hindi bher, which is itself derived from the Sanskrit bheḍa, a ram, or from bhîru (Sansk.), a goat. Certain fabulous birds and reptiles which belong to the domain of Hindu mythology have their places also in Malay folk-lore; such as garuḍa,26 the eagle of Vishnu, and Jaṭâyu (Malay jintâyu), a fabulous vulture; chandrawâsi, a name given by Malays to a fabulous bird which is heard but never seen, is also evidently of Sanskrit origin. To these nâga, a dragon, may be added (J., S., Bat., Mak., Bu., and D. naga).

      The vegetable kingdom supplies a long list of trees, plants, and flowers which are known to the Malays by Sanskrit names. Some of these are closely connected with another group of words to be noticed presently, namely, those which belong to the department of religion. The use of sweet-smelling flowers is a noticeable feature in the religious worship of the Hindus, and the fact that many flowers held by them to be sacred to the worship of particular gods are called by Malays by the same names which they bear in the temples of India, is a remarkable example of an historical lesson latent in words. It points to the fact, abundantly proved by other evidence, that Brahmanism once held sway where it has long been superseded by the faith of Islam, and that words which have no special significance for the modern Muhammadan Malay were fraught with mystic solemnity for his distant ancestors.

      In many cases, indeed, the Sanskrit names have been applied by the Malays to different plants from those designated by the same expressions in India. In other cases, names unknown in classical Sanskrit, but obviously compounded of Sanskrit words, have been given by the Malays or Javanese. The common native Malay term for “flower” is bûnga; sâri (Javanese sari, Sansk. kesara) and puspa (Sansk. pushpa) have been borrowed from India.

English or Latin.Malay.Sanskrit.Other Languages.
Michelia champakachampakachampaka (dedicated by the Hindus to Krishna; one of Kamadeva’s arrows is tipped with it)J. and S. champaka; Mak. champaga.
Jonesia asokaângsôkaaçoka (sacred to Mahadeva, and held in the highest veneration by the Hindus)J. angsoka and soka.
Mesua ferreanâgasârî (Rigg supposes the Malay plant to be Acacia pedunculata; Marsden, Acacia aurea).nâgakesara (“The delicious odour of its blossoms justly gives them a place in the quiver of Kamadeva.”—Sir William Jones)
Jasminum sambac (jasmine)malâtîmâlatî (Jasminum grandiflorum27)J. malati; S. melati.
Arabian jasmine (Nyctanthes?)melormâdhura (cf. malura, Cratæva religiosa)J. menur; Kw. menur, silver.
Ocymum basilicum (holy basil)sulasitulasî (sacred to Krishna)J. selasih and telasih; S. selasi; Mak. tolasi; Tag. solasi.
Uvaria odorata (or cananga)kenângakânana28 (a forest)J. kenonga; Mak. and Bu. kananga.
Santalum album, sandal-woodchandânachandana (“Perpetually mentioned in the most ancient books of the Hindus as flourishing on the mountains of Malaya”—Sir Wm. Jones) J. and S. chendana; Tag. and Bis. sandana.
Plumieria acutifoliakambôjakâmboja (a kind of mimosa)S. kamboja.
Nelumbium speciosum, lotus.sarojasarojaJ. saroja.
Vitex trifoliatalagundi 29nirgandhi (“Which Bontius calls lagondi.”—Sir Wm. Jones). -Gandhi is used in the latter part of a compound word with same meaning that gandha has: “smell,” “odour”J. legundi; Bat. gundi.
Alpinia galanga, or Curcuma reclinatagâdamâlagandha, smell; mâlâ, a garland
Justicia gandarusagandarusagandha, smell; rusa (Malay), a deer(?)S. gandarusa
Hibiscus abelmoschusgandapûragandha, smell; pura, calix of a flowerMak. gandapura
Hedichium coronariumgandasûlîgandha, smellS. gandasoli.
Liquidambar altingianarasamalasurasa, sweet, elegant; mâlâ, a garland
Carthamus tinctorius, safflowerkasumbakusumbhaJ., S., Mak., and D. kasumba; Tag. kasubha; Bis. kasobha.
Crocus sativus, saffronkumkumâkuṃkumaJ. kamkuma; Mak. kuma.
Alyxia stellata; an odoriferous root used in medicinepûlasâriphul (Hind.), flower; sari (Javanese), from kesara (Sansk.), a flower
Tectonia grandis, teakjâtîjâti (synonymous with malati), Jasminum grandiflorumJ., S., Bat., Mak., Bu., and D. jati.
Pterocarpus indicusângsânaasana (Terminalia alata tomentosa)J. and S. angsana.
Borassus flabelliformislontartâlaJ. and S. lontar; Bat. otal; Mak. tala; Bu. ta; Tag. tual.
Eugenia jambu, roseapplejambûjambuJ., S., Mak., and D. jambu; Bu. jampu; Tag. dambo; Bat. jambu-jambu, fringe; Bu. jambo-jambo, fringe, plume.
Mangifera indica, mangomampelamfrom Telugu, mampalam; Sansk. mahâphala, “great fruit”J. pelem; S. ampelem.
Spondias myrobolan (or mangifera)âmraâmra (the mango, Mangifera indica); âmrâta (Spondias mangifera)
Punica granatum, pomegranatedalîmadâḍima and dâlima
Zizyphus jujubabidâravidaraJ. widara; S. bidara.
Cucurbita lagenaria, gourd, pumpkinlâbûalâbuS. labu; Bat. tabu-tabu; Malg. tawu.
Tricosanthes laciniosapatôlapaṭola
Cassia fistulabiraksavṛiksha (a tree)
Emblica officinalismalâkaâmalaka (Emblic myrobalan)S. malaka; Bat. malakah.

      Pâlas, palâsa, and palâsang are Malay names for trees of different kinds, not one of which corresponds botanically with the Sanskrit palâça (Butea frondosa, a tree which is held by Hindus to be peculiarly venerable and holy). The preceding list affords several illustrations of a similar misuse of terms. To it might be added several words borrowed from other Indian languages, such as nânas, pine-apple (Hind. ananas), bilimbing (Tamul bilimbi), &c., &c.30

      Marsden has remarked on the number of Sanskrit words expressive of the feelings and emotions of the human mind which occur in Malay, and Arabic also furnishes several. Either their synonymous native terms have been lost, or the Malays, at the period of Indian influence, had not reached that stage of civilisation when man commences to analyse and name the emotions he experiences and sees experienced by others. Good and bad qualities, in the same way and for the same reason, seem often to bear Sanskrit appellations. The following list does not profess to be complete:—

English.Malay.Sanskrit.Other Languages.
Pleasure, to be pleasedsûkasukhaJ., S., and D. suka
Joy, rejoicedsuka-chitasukha-chit (chit = thought, the heart)
Sorrow, griefdûkaduhkha (pain)J. and S. duka.
Care, anxiety, concernchintachintâ (thought)J. chipta; S. chinta; Mak. chita; D. and Tag. sinta.
Passionately in loveberâhîvirahin (suffering separation)J. birahi.
Angrymurkamûrkha (stupidity)J. murka, greedy, dissatisfied.
HopeâsaâçâTag. asa.
LoveâsmârasmaraJ. and S. asmara.
Avarice, covetousnesslôbalobhaKw.
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