Proceedings of the New York Historical Association [1906]. New York State Historical Association. Meeting

Proceedings of the New York Historical Association [1906] - New York State Historical Association. Meeting

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      Sparks Library of American Biography. Vol. 15. p. 246 et seq.

      Mackin, Thomas (Captain Second Regiment New York Artillery):

      Journal of March from Fort Schuyler—Expedition against the Onondagas, 1779.

      New York Centennial Volume, pp. 192–194.

      Distance of places from Eastown to Chenesee Castle, taken in 1779.

      New York Centennial Volume, p. 194.

      Maclay, William:

      Letter to Reed. July 26th, 1779. (Prospects of Northern Expedition.)

      Pennsylvania Archives. First Series. Vol. 7. p. 586.

      Letter to Council. July 30th, 1779. (As to fall of Ft. Freeland.)

      Pennsylvania Archives. First Series. Vol. 7. p. 597.

      Marshall, John:

      Life of Washington. Vol. 4. p. 105 et seq. 8 vo. Philadelphia. 1805.

      Marshall, Orasamus H.:

      The Niagara Frontier.

      Publications, Buffalo Historical Society. Vol. 2. pp. 395–425. 8 vo. Buffalo, New York.

      Historical Writings relating to the Early History of the West. 500 p. pp. 455–457. 8 vo. Joel Munsell's Sons, Albany, 1887.

      Maxwell, Thompson:

      The Narrative of Major Thompson Maxwell.

      Historical Collections of Essex Institute. Vol. 7. No. 3.

      Miner, Charles:

      History of Wyoming. Illustrated, pp. 450. Appendix p. 104. Appendix p. 82 et seq. p. 97 et seq. J. Crissy, Philadelphia.

      Moore, Frank:

      Correspondence of Henry Laurens. 2 Vols. 4 to. Vol. 1. pp. 132–141. Vol. 2. p. 216. New York. 1861.

      Diary of the American Revolution. 2 Vols. 8 vo. Vol. 2. p. 216 et seq. Charles Scribners, New York. 1860.

      Moore, Jacob B.:

      A List of Manuscript Surveys by Robert Erskine, Geographer to the American Army, and Simeon DeWitt, in the Library of the New York Historical Society.

      New York Centennial Volume, pp. 291–292.

      Morgan, Lewis H.:

      League of the Ho-de-no-sau-nee or Iroquois. 8 vo. Rochester. 1851.

      McIntosh, W. H.:

      History of Ontario County. 276 pp. p. 9 et seq. Folio. Philadelphia.

      McKendry, William (Lieutenant and Quartermaster Sixth Massachusetts Regiment):


      New York Centennial Volume, pp. 198–212.


      Edited by Andrew McFarland Davis. 45 pp. 8 vo. J. Wilson & Son, Cambridge. 1886.


      Proceedings, Massachusetts Historical Society. Series 2. Vol. 2. pp. 442–478. Boston. 1886.


      Historical Record. Vol. 1. pp. 37–56.

      McMaster, Guy H.:

      Poem. The Commanders: Sullivan Thay-en-da-ne-gea.

      New York Centennial Volume, pp. 402–409.

      McNeill, Samuel:

      Journal of Samuel McNeill, B. Q. M. "His Orderly Book," 1779.

      Pennsylvania Archives. Second Series. Vol. 15. pp. 753–759. Harrisburg. 1893.

      Nead, Benjamin M.:

      A Sketch of General Thomas Proctor.

      Pennsylvania Magazine. Vol. 4. p. 454.

      Nesmith, George W.:

      Services of General Sullivan.

      Granite Monthly. Vol. 1. pp. 325–330.

      New Hampshire, State of:

      Rolls of the Soldiers of the Revolutionary War from New Hampshire. Compiled by Isaac W. Hammond.

      New Hampshire State Papers. Vol. 15. (War Rolls Vol. 2.) Concord, N. H. 1886.

      New Jersey, State of:

      Official Register of the Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Revolutionary War. pp. 49–57. 8 vo. Trenton. 1872.

      New York, State of:

      New York Centennial Volume.

      New York in the Revolution as Colony and State. Records discovered, arranged and classified in 1895, 1896, 1897 and 1898, by James A. Roberts, Comptroller, Second Edition. 4 to. pp. 534. pp. 29–59. pp. 63–65. Portraits, Albany. 1898.

      Norris, James (Captain Third New Hampshire Regiment):

      A Journal of the West Expedition commanded by the Hon'ble Major General Sullivan, begun at Easton, June 18, 1879.

      New York Centennial Volume, pp. 223–239.


      Publications, Buffalo Historical Society. Vol. 1. pp. 217–252. 8 vo. Buffalo, New York. 1879.


      Jones' History of New York. Vol. 2. p. 613.


      Hill's New Hampshire Patriot. September 16th, 1843. Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

      Norton, A. Tiffany:

      History of Sullivan's Campaign against the Iroquois, Being a full account of that epoch of the Revolution. 200 pp. Portraits. Map, 8 vo. A. T. Norton. Lima, New York. 1879.

      Nourse, Joseph:

      Letter to General Lee.

      Collections, New York Historical Society, Vol, 6, pp. 383–385.

      Nukerck, Charles (Captain Second New York Regiment):


      New York Centennial Volume, pp. 214–222.

      O'Reilly, Henry:

      Notices of Sullivan's Campaign, or the Revolutionary Warfare in Western New York; embodied in the Addresses and Documents connected with the funeral honors rendered to those who fell with the gallant Boyd in the Genesee Valley, including the remarks of Gov. Seward at Mt. Hope. Rochester. 1842.

      Sullivan's Expedition against the Six Nations as far as the Genesee in 1779.

      Sketches of Rochester. p. 393 et seq, 8 vo, Rochester, New York.

      Parker, General Ely S. (Do-ne-ho-geh-weh):


      Publications, Buffalo Historical Society, Vol, 8. p, 527. 8 vo. Buffalo, New York.

      Parker, Jennie Marsh:

      A Story Historical. pp. 412. p. 20, p. 235, 8 vo. Rochester, 1884.

      Parker, Robert (Lieutenant):


      Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. 27. pp. 404–420. Vol. 28. pp. 12–25.

      Peabody, Oliver W. B.:

      John Sullivan.

      Sparks Library of American Biography. Series 2. Vol. 3.

      Peck, George, LL. D.:

      Wyoming, its History, Stirring Incidents

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