Proceedings of the New York Historical Association [1906]. New York State Historical Association. Meeting
of his subscription his offer was gladly accepted. The other expenses to date have been as follows:
For cutting a smooth face on the boulder and fitting tablet to it | $25.25 |
For photographing the monument | 1.00 |
Paid Mr. Scales on account | 45.00 |
Total | $71.25 |
In the Spring it will be necessary to meet a small expense to grade the ground and seed it. We hope to have the marker at Bloody Pond in place before our next annual meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Chairman of Committee for Marking Historic Spots.
The following new members were duly elected:
Applegate, Rev. Dr. Octavius, Newburgh, N. >Y.
Atkins, Hon. T. Astley, 73 Nassau Street, N. Y.
Benjamin, Rev. Dr. William H., Irvington-on-Hudson, N. Y.
Bunten, Roland, Garden City, N. Y.
Brooks, James B., 1013 East Adams Street, Syracuse, N. Y.
Bockus, Dr. Truman J., Packer Institute, Brooklyn, N, Y.
Banker, Dr. Silas J., Fort Edward, N. Y.
Cooke, Rev. Jere K., Hempstead, N. Y,
Coon, Hon. Stephen Mortimer, Oswego, N. Y.
Clark, Rev. Joseph B., Fourth Ave. and 22d St., N. Y. City.
Clark, Walter A., 755 Main Street, Geneva, N. Y.
Donnell, Rev. Dr. William Nichold, 292 Henry St.. N. Y.
Davis, William Gilbert, 32 Nassau Street, N. Y.
Davis, Dr. Booth C., Alfred, N. Y.
de Peyster, Mrs. Beekman, 2345 Broadway, N. Y. (winter), Johnstown, N. Y. (summer).
Draper, Hon. A. S., Albany, N. Y.
Gunnison, Hon. Royal A., Juneau, Alaska.
Hopson, Rev. Dr. George B., Annandale, N. Y.
Horton, Mrs. John Miller, 736 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y.
Ingalsbe, Franc Groesbeck, Sandy Hill, N. Y.
Jessup, Rev. Chas. A., Greenport, N. Y.
Jessup, Morris K., 195 Madison Avenue, N. Y,
Joline, Dr. Adrien H., 54 Wall Street, N. Y.
Jackson, Rev. Dr. T. G., 6851 Paul's Place, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Kirby, Dr. R. M., Potsdam, N. Y.
Krotel, Rev. Dr., 65 Convent Avenue, N. Y.
Leavey, Russell H., 147 W. 21st Street, N. Y.
Lefferts, Marshall C., 30 Washington Place, N. Y.
Lewis, George C., Albany, N. Y.
Mace, Dr. William H., Syracuse, N. Y.
Martin, John, Pittsburgh, N. Y.
Morton, Hon. Levi Parsons, 681 Fifth Avenue, N. Y.
Mills, D. O., 634 Fifth Avenue, N. Y.
Munger, Rev. Dr. R. D., 105 Delaware Street, Syracuse, N. Y.
Morgan, Rev. Dr. D. Parker, 3 East 45th Street, N. Y.
Nottingham, William, 701 Walnut Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y.
Nelson, Ven. George F., 29 Lafayette Place, N. Y.
Olmsted, Rt. Rev. Chas. Tyler, 159 Park Avenue, Utica, N. Y.
O'Brien, M. J., 195 Broadway, N. Y.
Paige, Edward Winslow, 44 Cedar Street, New York.
Pierce, Rev. Dr. Walter Franklin, 16 S. Elliott Place, Brooklyn.
Rogers, Howard J., Albany, N. Y,
Rhoades, W. C. P., 400 Putnam Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Sill, Dr. Frederick S., 169 Mohawk Street, Cohoes, N. Y.
Schell, F. Robert, 280 Broadway, N. Y.
Smith, William Alex., 412 Madison Avenue, N. Y.
Samson, William H., 420 Oxford Street, Rochester, N. Y.
Sillo, Dr. Chas. Morton, Geneva, N. Y.
Seabury, Rev. Dr. William Jones, 8 Chelsea Square, N. Y.
Stackpole, George F., Riverhead, N. Y.
Sims, Charles N., Liberty, Indiana.
Steele, Mrs. Esther B., 532 W. Clinton Street, Elmira, N. Y.
Stilwell, Giles H., 1906 West Genesee St., Syracuse, N. Y.
Sheddon, Hon. Lucian L., Plattsburgh, N. Y.
Silver, Dr. John Archer, Geneva, N. Y.
Spencer, Dr. Charles W., Princeton, N. J.
Vanderveer, Dr. A., 28 Eagle Street, Albany, N. Y.
Waller, Rev. Henry D., Flushing, N. Y.
Watson, Col. Jas. T., Clinton, N. Y.
Welch, Miss J. M., 76 Johnston Park, Buffalo, N. Y.
Willey, Rev. John H., 466 East 18th Street, N. Y.
Willis, James D., 40 East 39th Street, N. Y.
The thanks of the Trustees were extended to Dr. Stevens for his services as chairman of the Committee on Membership. The Secretary and Mr. William Wait, of Kinderhook, were by motion duly carried appointed a committee on the publication of the Proceedings of the Association. The edition was fixed at 750 copies and the Secretary instructed not to send proceedings to persons who were more than four years in arrears, after which the meeting adjourned.
By Dr. W. C. Sebring.
How the mists do gather. With the exception of Greene and Benedict Arnold, George Washington trusted Sullivan beyond any other general of the Continental army. Sullivan acquitted himself well on diverse battlefields and, though defeated, the real worth of the man shows in this, that defeat added as much prestige to his reputation as his victories. His greatness like that of Washington throve on defeat, for it can be fairly said that Washington never won a battle. And yet if you ask even those who have given time to our history as to General Sullivan, they will convey to you but the most vague impression of some minor general who sometime in the revolution made a foray on some Indians somewhere in this State.
The last scene of a drama is best remembered. The picture as the curtain falls is stamped most clearly on the memory. Sullivan was not to be an actor in the war's closing scenes, and the valor that gleams the name of Marion, the splendor of Greene's military intelligence,