The story of Coventry. Mary Dormer Harris

The story of Coventry - Mary Dormer Harris

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Th' eleven thousand maids chaste Ursula's command,"

      who at departing,

      "Each by her just bequest,

       Some special virtue gave, ordaining it to rest

       With one of her own sex";

      which special virtues, the poet adds, were in aftertimes bestowed on Godiva, "that most princely dame," who freed Coventry from toll on the occasion of her famous ride.

      Thus the monastery was endowed by Leofric and Godiva with twenty-four lordships of land; and by the king with full rights of jurisdiction over the tenants dwelling in these various estates, privileges greatly valued by the monks. They laid the two generous founders, the husband in one porch, the wife in the other, of the minster in Coventry, when they came to die. As for this building, it was one of the glories of the age, and seemed too narrow, a chronicler tells us, to contain the abundance of treasure within its walls. Godiva paid the most famous goldsmiths of her day to visit the place, and make reliquaries and images of saints to beautify the church she loved; she also gave a rosary of gems to hang about the neck of an image of the Virgin, her chief patroness. The monks, too, gathered in a great store of relics, whereof the most famous was an arm of S. Augustine of Hippo, brought from Pavia by Archbishop Ethelnoth, having been purchased for the sum of one hundred talents of silver and a talent of gold.


      "I Lueriche for the love of thee

       Doe make Coventre Tol-free,"

      "This cite shulde be free, and now is bonde,

       Dame goode Eve made hit free,"

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