Three Years in Tibet. Ekai Kawaguchi
XLVII. Tibet and North China.
CHAPTER XLVIII. Admission into Sera College.
CHAPTER XLIX. Meeting with the Incarnate Bodhisattva.
CHAPTER L. Life in the Sera Monastery.
CHAPTER LI. My Tibetan Friends and Benefactors.
CHAPTER LIII. Scholastic Aspirants.
CHAPTER LIV. Tibetan Weddings and Wedded Life.
CHAPTER LV. Wedding Ceremonies.
CHAPTER LVI. Tibetan Punishments.
CHAPTER LVII. A grim Funeral and grimmer Medicine.
CHAPTER LVIII. Foreign Explorers and the Policy of Seclusion.
CHAPTER LIX. A Metropolis of Filth.
CHAPTER LXI. The Tibetan Hierarchy.
CHAPTER LXIII. Education and Castes.
CHAPTER LXIV. Tibetan Trade and Industry.
CHAPTER LXV. Currency and Printing blocks.
CHAPTER LXVI. The Festival of Lights.
CHAPTER LXVIII. Tibetan Boys and Girls.
CHAPTER LXIX. The Care of the Sick.
CHAPTER LXX. Outdoor Amusements.
CHAPTER LXXI. Russia’s Tibetan Policy.
CHAPTER LXXII. Tibet and British India.
CHAPTER LXXIII. China, Nepal and Tibet.
CHAPTER LXXIV. The Future of Tibetan Diplomacy.
CHAPTER LXXV. The “Monlam” Festival.
CHAPTER LXXVI. The Tibetan Soldiery.
CHAPTER LXXVII. Tibetan Finance.
CHAPTER LXXVIII. Future of the Tibetan Religions.
CHAPTER LXXIX. The Beginning of the Disclosure of the Secret.
CHAPTER LXXX. The Secret Leaks Out.
CHAPTER LXXXI. My Benefactor’s Noble Offer.
CHAPTER LXXXII. Preparations for Departure.
CHAPTER LXXXIII. A Tearful Departure from Lhasa.
CHAPTER LXXXIV. Five Gates to Pass.
CHAPTER LXXXV. The First Challenge Gate.
CHAPTER LXXXVI. The Second and Third Challenge Gates.
CHAPTER LXXXVII. The Fourth and Fifth Challenge Gates.
CHAPTER LXXXVIII. The Final Gate Passed.
CHAPTER LXXXIX. Good-bye, Tibet!
CHAPTER XCI. Visit to my Old Teacher.
CHAPTER XCII. My Tibetan Friends in Trouble.
CHAPTER XCIV. The Two Kings of Nepal.
CHAPTER XCV. Audience of the Two Kings.
CHAPTER XCVI. Second Audience.
CHAPTER XCVII. Once more in Katmandu.
CHAPTER XCVIII. Interview with the Acting Prime Minister.