A Cyclopædia of Canadian Biography. Various

A Cyclopædia of Canadian Biography - Various

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The Hon. Louis Alexander (Quebec City), Minister of Public Works for the Province of Quebec, is the son of the Hon. Justice Taschereau, who married Miss Josephine Caron, the daughter of the Hon. Justice Caron, formerly Lieut.-Governor. He was born on the 5th of March, 1867. He was educated at the Quebec Seminary and Laval University, graduating as a Licentiate of Law in 1889, preliminary to his entering upon his professional career as partner of Sir Charles Fitzpatrick, now Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada. Later he became associated with what is now the legal firm of Taschereau, Roy, Cannon, Parent & Casgrain. As a lawyer, Mr. Taschereau came at once to be recognized as one of the leading legal practitioners of the district, among his successes being the part he took in the Gaynor and Greene extradition case in 1902. In addition to his duties as an advocate he took part in civic affairs, and for a time held a seat as an alderman of his native city. In 1900, he was elected for the constituency of Montmorency in the Legislative Assembly, and has continued ever since to be its representative. Seven years after, with his skill in debate, duly recognized by his parliamentary associates, he was selected to take his place in the Gouin Administration as Minister of Public Works and Labor. His administrative ability has been in keeping with his statesmanlike insight and foresight, and his skill in debate. His advice is ever in demand when any legal technicality has to be examined and explained to both sides of the Assembly. In fact, he has taken a high place as the Premier’s ally in all matters pertaining to the progress of the province, while he has won the highest credit within parliamentary circles and beyond them, for the efficiency of the Department in his charge. He has been a member of the Battlefields Park Commission since the day it was organized, and is likewise a Governor of the Catholic Church Society. He is a nephew of the late Cardinal Taschereau, Archbishop of Quebec. In 1891 he married Miss Adine Dionne, daughter of the Hon. E. Dionne, of the Legislative Council of Quebec, by whom he has had three sons and two daughters. Altogether he has made a record for himself in his native city and province as an able advocate, an astute governmental administrator, and a loyal citizen. Sprung from a distinguished and talented family, his career as a public man has added to its fame.

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