Haensel, Johann A.; his "Ueber den Bau der Violin"—Hamberger, Joseph—Hamm—Hammig, Johann Gottfried—Hassert—Hassert—Helmer, Carl—Hildebrandt—Hiltz, Paul—Hoffmann, Martin—Hoffmann, Johann Christian—Hornstainer, Joseph—Hornstainer, Matthias—Horil, Jacob—Huller, August—Humel, Christian—Hunger, Christoph Friedrich
Jais, Johann—Jauch, Johann
Karb—Kambl, Johann A.—Kembter—Kiaposse, Sawes—Kirchschlag—Kloz, Matthias; pupil of Stainer—KLOZ, SEBASTIAN; superior model, form flat—Kloz, George—Kloz, Egidius—Kloz, Joseph—Kloz, J. Karl—Knittle, Joseph—Knitting—Kohl, Johann—Kolditz, J.—Kolditz, Mathias Johann—Kramer, H.—Kriner, Joseph
Ohberg, Johann—Ott, Johann—Otto, Jacob August; maker to the Court of Weimar; author of "Ueber den Bau und die Ehrhaltung der Geige und aller Bogeninstrumente"—Otto, Georg August—Otto, Christian—Otto, Heinrich—Otto, Carl—Otto, C. U. F.—Otto, Ludwig—Otto, Louis—Otto, Hermann
Parth, Andreas Nicholas—Pfretzschner, Gottlob—Pfretzschner, Carl Friedrich—Plack, F.—Possen, L.
Rauch—Rauch, Jacob; Court Violin-maker—Rauch, Sebastian—Rauch—Reichel, Johann Gottfried—Reichel, Johann Conrad—Reichers, August—Riess—Roth, Christian—Ruppert
Sainprae, Jacques; Baryton Viol-maker—Sawicki—Scheinlein, Mathias—Scheinlein, Johann Michael—Schell, Sebastian—Schlick—Schmidt—Schonfelder, Johann A.—Schonger, Franz—Schonger, Georg—Schorn, Johann; excellent work; high model—Schorn, Johann Paul; Court instrument-maker—Schott, Martin—Schweitzer—Stadelmann, Daniel; good work; Stainer model—Stadelmann, Johann Joseph—STAINER, JACOB; the greatest of German makers, and a thorough artist; his model original; sketch of his history and work; great popularity of his style; his "Elector Stainers;" Herr S. Ruf's personal history of Stainer's life, and the romance founded thereon; Counsellor Von Sardagna's contributions to his history; Rabenalt's drama, "Jacob Stainer," and other poems thereon: "Der Geigenmacher Jacob Stainer von Absam;" said to have been a pupil of Niccolò Amati; his marriage; his appointment as Court Violin-maker; accused of heresy, and imprisoned; pecuniary difficulties, and sad end; his good name frequently clouded by inferior work falsely attributed to him—Stainer, Markus—Stainer, Andreas—Staugtinger, Mathias W.—Steininger, Jacob; related to Döpfer and Nicholas Diel—Steininger, Franz—Stoss—Stoss, Martin—Straube—Strauss, Joseph
TIEFFENBRÜCKER—TIELKE, JOACHIM (i.); Lute and Guitar-maker; rich and chaste ornamentation of his work; description of examples extant in England—TIELKE, JOACHIM (ii.); fine examples of a later maker of this name at South Kensington and elsewhere
VOEL, E.; excellent work; Stradivari model—Vogel, Wolfgang—Vogler, Johann Georg—Voigt, Martin
Wagner, Joseph—Weickert—Weigert—Weiss, Jacob—Wenger, G. F.—Widhalm, Leopold; follower of Stainer; careful finish and good varnish—Wyemann, Cornelius
Zwerger, Antoni
Non-recognition of English makers by Continental writers on the Violin—Causes of the partial decadence of the art in this country as on the Continent—Earliest English makers, and their several models—School of English copyists
Absam, Thomas—Adams—Addison, William—Aireton, Edmund; an excellent copyist of Amati—Aldred—Askey, Samuel
Baines—Baker—Ballantine—BANKS, BENJAMIN; the foremost English maker, and termed "The English Amati;" high character of his work and varnish—Banks, Benjamin (2)—Banks, James and Henry—Barnes, Robert—Barrett, John; follower of Stainer; good quality of work—Barton, George—Betts, John; pupil of Richard Duke—BETTS, EDWARD; pupil of Duke, and an excellent copyist; high finish; Amati model—Bolles—Booth, William—Booth—Boucher—Brown, James—Brown, James (2)—Browne, John