A History of Sea Power. Allan F. Westcott
The Saracen Empire at its Height, About 715 AD
Theater of Operations, Venice and the Turk
Battle of Lepanto, October 7, 1571
The Known and Unknown World in 1450
Portuguese Voyages and Possessions
Flagship of Columbus
Chart of AD 1589
The Netherlands in the 16th Century
Cruise of the Spanish Armada
Original "Eagle" Formation of the Armada
The Course of the Armada up the Channel
Scene of the Principal Naval Actions of the 17th Century Between England and Holland and England and France
The Battle of Portland, February 18, 1653
The Thames Estuary
Three-Decked Ship of the Line, 18th Century
The West Indies
Scene of the Yorktown Campaign
Battle of the Virginia Capes, September 5, 1781
Battle of the Saints' Passage, April 12, 1782
Battle of the First of June, 1794
Battle of Camperdown, October 11, 1797
Battle of Cape St. Vincent, February 14, 1797
The Nile Campaign, May-August, 1798
Coast Map—From Alexandria to Rosetta Mouth of the Nile
Battle of the Nile
Battle of Copenhagen
Position of British and Enemy Ships, March, 1805
Nelson's Pursuit of Villeneuve
Nelson's Victory
Battle of Trafalgar, October 21, 1805
Trafalgar, About 12:30
Early Ironclads
Fulton's Nautilus
Battle of Lissa, July 20, 1866
Battle of the Yalu, September 17, 1894
Approaches to Manila
Battle of Manila, May 1, 1898
West Indies—Movements in Santiago Campaign
Battle of Santiago, July 3, 1898
Theater of Operations, Russo-Japanese War
Harbor of Port Arthur
Rojdestvensky's Cruise, October 18, 1904-May 27, 1905
Battle of Tsushima, May 27, 1905
Heligoland Bight Action
Heligoland Bight Action, Final Phase, 12:30–1:40
Battle of Coronel, November 1, 1914
Admiral Von Spee's Movements
Battle of Falkland Islands, December 8, 1914
The Cruise of the Emden, September 1-November 9, 1914
Theater of Operations, in the North Sea
Dogger Bank Action, January 24, 1915
The Approaches to Constantinople
Dardanelles Defenses
Cruising Formation of the British Battle Fleet
Beatty's Cruising Formation
Type of German Battle Cruiser: The Derflinger
Type of British Battle Cruiser: The Lion
Battle of Jutland: First Phase
Type of British Battleship: The Iron Duke
Battle of Jutland: Second and Third Phases
Type of German Battleship: the Koenig
Effects of the Blockade of Germany
German Barred Zones
Ocean-Going Types of German Submarines
Ostend-Zeebrugge Area
Zeebrugge Harbor with German Defenses and British Blockships
British, Allied and Neutral Merchant Ships Destroyed by German Raiders, Submarines and Mines
Civilization and sea power arose from the Mediterranean, and the progress of recent archeological research has shown that civilizations and empires had been reared in the Mediterranean on sea power long before the dawn of history. Since the records of Egypt are far better preserved than those of any other nation of antiquity, and the discovery of the Rosetta stone has made it possible to read them, we know most about the beginnings of civilization in Egypt. We know, for instance, that an Egyptian king some 2000 years before Christ possessed a fleet of 400 fighting ships. But it appears now that long before this time the island of Crete was a great naval and commercial power, that in the earliest dynasties of Egypt Cretan fleets were carrying on a commerce with the Nile valley. Indeed, the Cretans may have taught the Egyptians something of the art of building sea-going ships for trade and war.[1] At all events, Crete may be regarded as the first great sea power of history, an island empire like Great Britain to-day, extending its influence from Sicily to Palestine and dominating the eastern Mediterranean for many centuries. From recent excavations of the ancient capital we get an interesting light on the old Greek legends of the Minotaur and the Labyrinth, going back to the time when the island kingdom levied tribute, human as well as monetary, on its subject cities throughout the Ægean.
[Footnote 1: It is interesting to note that