Airplane Photography. Herbert Eugene Ives

Airplane Photography - Herbert Eugene Ives

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driven by the motor, causes them to rise from the earth, carrying the fuselage or body of the airplane. In the fuselage are carried the pilot, observer, and any other load. Wheels below the fuselage forming the under-carriage or landing gear serve to support the body when running along the ground in taking off or landing. The pilot, sitting in one of the cockpits, has in front of him the controls, by means of which the motion of the plane is guided (Figs. 2 and 3). These consist of the engine controls—the contacts for the ignition, the throttle, the oil and gasoline supply, air pressure, etc., and the steering controls—the rudder bar, the stick and the stabilizer control. The rudder bar, operated by the feet, controls both the rudder of the plane, which turns the plane to right or left in the air, and the tail skid, for steering on the ground. The stick is a vertical column in front of the pilot which, when pushed forward or back, depresses or raises the elevator and makes the machine dive or climb. Thrown to either side it operates the ailerons or wing tips, which cause the plane to roll about its fore and aft axis. The stabilizer control is usually a wheel at the side of the cockpit, whose turning varies the angle of incidence of the small stabilizing plane in front of the elevator, to correct the balance of the plane under different conditions of loading.

      Fig. 2.—Forward cockpit of DeHaviland 4, showing instrument board.

      Fig. 3.—Rear cockpit of DeHaviland 4, showing rear “stick” and rudder bar.

      The fuselage consists usually of a light hollow framework of spruce or ash, divided into a series of bays or compartments by upright members, connecting the longerons, which are the four corner members, running fore and aft, of the plane. Diagonally across the sides and faces of these bays are stretched taut piano wires, and the whole structure is covered with canvas or linen fabric. Cross-wires and fabric are omitted from the top of one or more bays to permit their being used as cockpits for pilot and observer. In later designs of planes the wire and fabric construction has been superseded by ply-wood veneer, thereby strengthening the fuselage so that many of the diagonal bracing wires on the inside are dispensed with. This greatly increases the accessibility of the spaces in which cameras and other apparatus must be carried.

      Fig. 4.—Biplane in flight.

      The fuselage differs greatly in cross-section shape and in roominess according to the type of engine. In the majority of English and American planes, with their vertical cylinder or V type engines, the fuselage is narrow and rectangular in cross-section. In many French planes, radial or rotary engines are used and the fuselage is correspondingly almost circular, and so is much more spacious than the English and American planes of similar power. The shape and size of the plane body has an important bearing on the question of camera installation.

      Fig. 5.—A single-seater.

      Types of Planes.—The most common type of plane is the biplane (Fig. 4), with its two planes, connected by struts and wires, set not directly over each other, but staggered, usually with the upper plane leading. Monoplanes were in favor in the early days of aviation, and triplanes have been used to some extent. According to the position of the propeller planes are classified as tractors or pushers, tractors being at present the more common form. Planes are further classified as single-seaters (Fig. 5), two-seaters, and three-seaters. These motor and passenger methods of classification are now proving inadequate with the rapid development of planes carrying two, three, and even more motors, divided between pusher and tractor operation, and carrying increasingly large numbers of passengers. Aside from structure, planes may be further classified according to their uses, as scout, combat, reconnaissance, bombing, etc. Planes equipped with floats or pontoons for alighting on the water are called seaplanes (Fig. 182), and those in which the fuselage is boat-shaped, to permit of floating directly on the water, are flying boats (Fig. 183).

      The Plane in the Air.—The first flight of the photographic observer or of the instrument expert who is to work upon airplane instruments is very profitably made as a “joy ride,” to familiarize him with conditions in the air. His experience will be somewhat as follows:

      The plane is brought out of the hangar, carefully gone over by the mechanics, and the engine “warmed up.” The pilot minutely inspects all parts of the “ship,” then climbs up into the front cockpit. He wears helmet and goggles, and if the weather is cold or if he expects to fly high, a heavy wool-lined coat or suit, with thick gloves and moccasins, or an electrically heated suit. The passenger, likewise attired, climbs into the rear cockpit and straps himself into the seat. He finds himself sitting rather low down, with the sides of the cockpit nearly on a level with his eyes. To either side of his knees and feet are taut wires leading from the controls to the elevator, stabilizer, tail skid and rudder. If the machine is dual control, the stick is between his knees, the rudder bar before his feet. None of these must he let his body touch, so in the ordinary two-seater his quarters are badly cramped.

      At the word “contact” the mechanics swing the propeller, and, sometimes only after several trials, the motor starts, with a roar and a rush of wind in the passenger's face. After a moment's slow running it is speeded up, the intermittent roar becomes a continuous note, the plane shakes and strains, while the mechanics hold down the tail to prevent a premature take-off. When the engine is properly warmed up it is throttled to a low speed, the chocks under the wheels are removed, the mechanics hold one end of the lower wing so that the plane swings around toward the field. It then “taxis” out to a favorable position facing into the wind with a clear stretch of field before it. After a careful look around to see that no other planes are landing, taking off, or in the air near by, the pilot opens out the engine, the roar increases its pitch, the plane moves slowly along the ground, gathers speed and rises smoothly into the air. Near the ground the air is apt to be “bumpy,” the plane may drop or rise abruptly, or tilt to either side. The pilot instantly corrects these deviations, and the plane continues to climb until steadier air is reached.

      At first the passenger's chief impressions are apt to be the deafening noise of the motor, the heavy vibration, the terrific wind in his face. If he raises his hand above the edge of the cockpit he realizes the magnitude of wind resistance at the speed of the plane, and hence the importance of the stream-line section of all struts and projecting parts.

      When he reaches the desired altitude the pilot levels off the plane and ceases to climb. Now his task is to maintain the plane on an even keel by means of the controls, correcting as soon as he notes it, any tendency to “pitch,” to “roll” or to “yaw” off the course. The resultant path is one which approximates to level straight flying to a degree conditioned by the steadiness of the air and the skill of the pilot. If he is not skilful or quick in his reactions he may keep the plane on its level course only by alternately climbing and gliding, by flying with first one wing down and then the other, by pointing to the right and then to the left. The skilled photographic pilot will hold a plane level in both directions to within a few degrees, but he will do this easily only if the plane is properly balanced. If the load on the plane is such as to move the center of gravity too far forward with respect to the center of lift the plane will be nose-heavy, if the load is too far back it will be tail-heavy. Either of these conditions can be corrected, at some cost in efficiency, by changing the inclination of the stabilizer. When the plane reaches high altitudes in rare air, where it can go no further, it is said to have reached its ceiling. It here travels level only by pointing its wings upward in the climbing position, so that the fuselage is no longer parallel to the direction of flight. An understanding of these peculiarities of the plane in flight is of prime importance in photographic map making, where the camera should be accurately vertical at all times.


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